Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Mags of Holding Schematic

The Mags of Holding are special items that bypasses the need to reload in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Learn how to get the Mags of Holding and Mags of Holding schematic, as well as how to use the Mags of Holding.

How to Get Mags of Holding Schematic

Possible Reward from Contracts in Elder Dark Aether

Modern Warfare 3 - Mag of Holding Plans

The Mags of Holding Schematic can be obtained as a possible reward from completing contracts inside the Elder Dark Aether, which is accessed via placing an Elder Sigil in the Dark Aether Rift found in Tile G4 of Urzikstan.

Upon completion of a contract, you might get a chance to get an item from the reward rift called Mag of Holding Plans, which is the schematic itself. You will have to successfully exfil with it in order to unlock it as a craftable item.

Dark Aether Interactive Map

How to Get Mags of Holding

Complete Contracts from 2nd Dark Aether Rift

Modern Warfare 3 - Dark Aether Rift
You get the Mags of Holding item from Contract Reward Rifts in the 2nd Dark Aether map (the one accessed in tile G4 in Urzikstan). There are 3 Contracts in the Dark Aethers that you can complete within Dark Aether time limit. Mags of Holding can be obtained in either the normal Dark Aether or the one accessed via Elder Sigils.

Dark Aether Contract Locations

After Completing Countermeasures Act 4 Story Mission

Modern Warfare 3 - Mags of Holding Loot
You can obtain Mags of Holding as a possible reward from the Reward Rift that spawns at the end of the Countermeasures Act 4 Story Mission. This mission is repeatable for no cost so you could theoretically get as many Mags of Holding as you want, but note that it's only a possible reward, meaning it's not guaranteed to show up in the Reward Rift.

Countermeasures Mission Walkthrough

How to Use Mags of Holding

Bypass Reloading

Modern Warfare 3 - Bypass Reloading
Having Mags of Holding bypasses the need to reload, allowing you to shoot without having to pause. This may prove useful in skirmishes when you won't have the time to reload.

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