Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best Battle Rifles and Battle Rifles List

This is a list of all Battle Rifles in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn more about the stats of each Battle Rifle and how to unlock them!

Best Battle Rifles

  1. Bas-B: Highest Damage Output for Battle Rifles
  2. Sidewinder: Best Battle Rifle for Close-Quarters Combat


Modern Warfare 3 - Bas-B

The Bas-B is known for having the strongest damage output among the MW3 Battle Rifles along with pin-point accuracy at medium to long-range that is capable of shooting down targets from across the battlefield in large maps with little to no difficulty.

Best Bas-B Loadout and Build


Modern Warfare 3 - Sidewinder

The Sidewinder is a hard-hitting Battle Rifle at close-range. While some may opt for an SMG instead for engagements upclose, the Sidewinder still outclasses them when it comes to damage and recoil control.

Sidewinder Best Loadout and Build

List of All Battle Rifles

MW3 Battle Rifles

Weapon Gun Info
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Bas-BBas-B Base Round Capacity: 20
Reserve Ammo: 80
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 7.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - MTZ-762MTZ-762 Base Round Capacity: 20
Reserve Ammo: 80
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 10.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - SidewinderSidewinder Base Round Capacity: 20
Reserve Ammo: 80
How to Unlock: TBA
SOA Subverter Base Round Capacity: TBA
Reserve Ammo: TBA
How to Unlock: Weekly Challenge unlock during Season 2.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - DTIR 30-06DTIR 30-06 Base Round Capacity: 20
Reserve Ammo: 100
How to Unlock: TBA

MW2 Battle Rifles

Weapon Gun Info
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - SO-14SO-14 Base Round Capacity: 20
Reserve Ammo: 60
How to Unlock: Unlocked by leveling the EBR-14 to Level 12.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - TAQ-VTAQ-V Base Round Capacity: 20
Reserve Ammo: 60
How to Unlock: Unlocked by leveling the TAQ-56 to Level 11.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - FTAC ReconFTAC Recon Base Round Capacity: 10
Reserve Ammo: 50
How to Unlock: Unlocked by leveling the M4 to Level 13.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Lachmann-762Lachmann-762 Base Round Capacity: 20
Reserve Ammo: 60
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 16.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Cronen SquallCronen Squall Base Round Capacity: 20
Reserve Ammo: 60
How to Unlock: Get 30 headshot operator kills with Battle Rifles.

There are 5 confirmed MW2 Battle Rifles that can be carried forward to Modern Warfare 3.

Carry Forward Explained

How to Use Battle Rifles

Use at Medium to Long Range Fights

Battle Rifles are particularly useful only in medium to long range engagements due to their excellent accuracy and range. It's not advisable to use them at close-quarters combat due to the time it takes to aim down the sights with this type of gun, and most likely you'll be forced to fire from the hip if you run into an enemy upclose.

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All Guns and Weapons by Type

Guns and Weapons by Type
Assault Rifles Battle Rifles
Submachine Guns Shotguns
Light Machine Guns Marksman Rifles
Sniper Rifles Handguns
Melee Weapons Launchers


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