Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best Shotguns and Shotguns List

This is a list of all Shotguns in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn more about the stats of each Shotgun and how to unlock them!

Best Shotguns

  1. Lockwood 680: One-Shot, One-kill Shotgun at Close-Ranged
  2. Riveter: Semi-Automatic Shotgun capable of taking on multiple enemies on the spot.

Lockwood 680

Modern Warfare 3 - Lockwood 680

The Lockwood 680 is a great one-shot, one-kill Shotgun to use at close-range. This gun may not be the best when it comes to shooting at targets further away from you, but it still tops as the best shotgun for us due to how you can instantly kill an opponent who is unfortunate enough to run into you.

We also highly recommend using this weapon in smaller maps like Meat or Rust, where you'll constantly engage in close-quarters combat.

Lockwood 680 Best Loadout and Build


Modern Warfare 3 - Riveter

The Riveter is a top pick for players who prefer to frequently move around the map and play aggressively in matches as this Shotgun fires in semi-automatic mode rather than sporting the usual pump-action mode that most shotguns have.

Due to this, players will find themselves having an easier time taking on multiple enemies at once with this weapon equipped.

Riveter Best Loadout and Build

List of All Shotguns

MW3 Shotguns

Weapon Gun Info
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Lockwood 680Lockwood 680 Base Round Capacity: 6
Reserve Ammo: 18
How to Unlock: Unlocked at by default.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - RiveterRiveter Base Round Capacity: 15
Reserve Ammo: 45
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 26.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - HaymakerHaymaker Base Round Capacity: 8
Reserve Ammo: 24
How to Unlock: TBA
Reclaimer 18 Base Round Capacity: TBA
Reserve Ammo: TBA
How to Unlock: TBA

There are 3 confirmed MW3 Shotguns.

MW2 Shotguns

Weapon Gun Info
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Lockwood 300Lockwood 300 Base Round Capacity: 2
Reserve Ammo: 16
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 36.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Expedite 12Expedite 12 Base Round Capacity: 7
Reserve Ammo: 21
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 9.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Bryson 890Bryson 890 Base Round Capacity: 8
Reserve Ammo: 16
How to Unlock: Unlocked by leveling the Bryson 800 to Level 16.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Bryson 800Bryson 800 Base Round Capacity: 8
Reserve Ammo: 16
How to Unlock: Unlocked by default.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - KV BroadsideKV Broadside Base Round Capacity: 8
Reserve Ammo: 16
How to Unlock: Get 50 one-shot-kills using Shotguns.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - MX GuardianMX Guardian Base Round Capacity: 15
Reserve Ammo: 30
How to Unlock: Get 30 point blank operator kills with Shotguns.

There are 6 confirmed MW2 Shotguns that can be carried forward to Modern Warfare 3.

Carry Forward Explained

How to Use Shotguns

Use in Close-Quarters Combat

Shotguns are extremely lethal at close-quarters combat as they can one-shot kill your opponent due to its high damage output from that range. It might be worth picking this up only in 6v6 maps, where the size of the battle arena is small, tight, and compact, allowing you to often bump into enemy Operators at close range.

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All Guns and Weapons by Type

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