Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Level and Rank Reset Error Explained

Modern Warfare 3 - Level and Rank Reset Error Explained

The Level and Rank Reset error is caused by the separate account level progression of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn more about why your level and rank was reset in MW3 and any potential fixes for MW2 accounts that were affected.

Level and Rank Reset Error Explained

Niamey - Logan Error

For the launch of Modern Warfare 3 Season 1, some players have reported to receive an error message that their data is corrupt and that they “must reset rank and unlocks to continue.”

The official Call of Duty Updates on (formerly Twitter) has confirmed that this is just a bugged message and that “your rank, unlocks, and purchases are not lost, although Loadouts, customization, and certain settings may be reset”. Just press Yes to proceed.

Niamey - Logan Data is Corrupt Error Explained

MW2 Account Level Reset Could Be an Early Access Bug

Players who have had their MW2 account level reset after they played the MW3 Early Access Campaign can attribute this to being a client error between the two games. Since MW3 Multiplayer has its own separate level progression, purchasing the game and playing the early access campaign could have caused progress sync issues with your MW2 account.

No Updates on COD Updates Twitter or Trello at the Moment

Unfortunately, the Call of Duty Updates acount on (formerly known as Twitter) has yet to detail any bug reports or future fixes for this issue. Players will either need to wait for the desync to resolve itself or wait for hotfix from the Sledgehammer Games developers. To keep tabs on reported bugs and fixes, make sure to check out the official COD MW3 Trello Board.

Redirect to Official MW3 Bugs Trello Board

Players Banned Due to the Bug Can Appeal via Activision Support

Since some users have reported that they are getting banned due to this bug, it is safe to assume that it is also a possiblity for anyone else who has encountered the error. If you find yourself wrongfully banned due to the account level reset bug, make sure to head over to the Activision Support website and navigate to Security & Enforcement to appeal your account ban.

Redirect to Activision Appeal a Ban Page

MW2 Account Level Does Not Carry Forward to MW3

Veteran players of MW2 who switched over to MW3 Multiplayer may notice that their account level has been reset back to Level 1. While alarming, this is not a bug as the devs have stated that your MW3 account level and progression will be separate from MW2.

This means that if you own a high-level MW2 account, its progress will not carry forward to MW3. Modern Warfare 3 will have its own level progression as well as its own prestige system in future seasons.

Developer Tweet Confirms that MW2 and MW3 Ranks are Different

In a tweet published on November 9, 2023, the official Call of Duty Updates acount on (formerly known as Twitter) sent out a PSA which confirms that anyone who launches and plays MW3 for the first time will have to start at level 1. If you want to see your original (MW2) account progression, you will need to launch MW2 instead of MW3.

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