Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Cutthroat Rules, How to Win, and Best Strategies

Modern Warfare 3 - Cutthroat Mode Explained

Cutthroat is a new game mode coming to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) that features 3v3v3 multiplayer battles. Read on for more information on cutthroat mode, what the rules and objectives are, how to win, and the best strategies!

Cutthroat Rules and How to Win

Cutthroat Rules

Battle Against Two Other Teams

Cutthroat is a multiplayer mode where your three-member squad battles against two other three-member squads in a 3v3v3 match. Defeat the other teams to be the last squad remaining.

Each Round Lasts One Minute

Your squad is given 60 seconds to defeat the other squads. If you are the last remaining squad before time ends, your squad wins the match.

Capture the Overtime Flag

If the 60 second mark has passed, the match goes into Overtime. During this period, the Overtime Flag becomes available for capture. Capturing this flag instantly wins you the match no matter how many enemy squad members remain.

You Have One Life With Possible Revives

In Cutthroat mode, you have only 1 life per round. This means that you won't be able to respawn until the next round starts. However, if you are simply incapacitated, your teammates will be able to revive you.

Cutthroat Best Strategies

Don't Rush the Flag During Overtime

People will surely be camping from higher ground. Heading straight for the overtime flag will surely get you killed.

Secure the Area Around a Flag

Look for usual camping spots in windows and high ground and see if anyone is chilling around. If you can sense a firefight at the other end of the map, and if you've confirmed via UAV that no one is around, take a chance to grab the flag.

Grab the Flag Only If You're Being Covered

If you have another squad member with you, one of you should grab the flag while the other provides cover. If you're the last one remaining in your squad, you have little choice than to risk grabbing the flag but only when you're very close to it.

Stick with your Teammates

Stick close to each other so you can overwhelm enemies. You will also be able to revive your squadmates easier if you're within proximity.

Communicate with Teammates

Good teamwork makes the dream work. If you're able to give each other info on where enemies are, you will be able to cover for each other much easier and flank enemies successfully.

Choose the Best Loadouts

Choose a solid gun and build your loadout from there. The MCW is a solid choice, and the AMR9 is a great choice for SMGs. Using equipment that increases your TTK (time to kill), and using all the items you have at your disposal can greatly help in matches.

Don't Stay Out in the Open

Always try to stick behind cover. Staying out in the open will make you an easy target, so move around carefully and know all the spots that can get you sniped easily.

Cutthroat Best Loadout

Primary Secondary
MCW Renetti
Tactical Lethal Field Vest
Flash Grenade Frag Grenade Comm Scrambler Infantry Vest
Quick-Grip Gloves Lightweight Boots EOD Padding

Equip the MCW and Renetti

The MCW is one of the most powerful weapons available, making it ideal for 1on1 gunfights. It is also easy to handle even for beginners.

The Renetti on the other hand, is the best pistol as it shoots quickly and provides a good amount of damage. It functions like an SMG when fully upgraded.

Hit Hard and Move Fast

Cutthroat maps are small and rounds are short, so you need to be able to come out on top in short-to-medium range gunfights.

This loadout focuses on dealing fast and high amounts of damage, while being able to swap quickly between weapons, get around the map faster than others, while avoiding UAV detection.

What is Cutthroat Mode?

All-New 3v3v3 Multiplayer Game Mode

Modern Warfare 3 - Cutthroat Mode

Cutthroat mode is a new mode where three teams with three members each will fight in a round-based elimination game mode based on Gunfight mode.

List of All Maps

Announced in COD Next Livestream

This mode was announced in the COD Next Livestream, which aired on October 5, 2023.

COD Next Livestream: Everything We Learned

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