Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

List of Aetherium and Aether Tools

Modern Warfare 3 - List of Aetherium and Aether Tools

Aetherium and Aether Tools are consumable upgrades that increase Pack-a-Punch levels and Rarity for your weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies mode. Read on to see a full list of all Aetherium and Aether Tools and how to get them!

List of All Aetherium and Aether Tools

All Aetherium Crystals and Effects

Aetherium Effect
Flawless Aetherium Crystal Consume to Pack-a-Punch currently held weapon to Level 3
Modern Warfare 3 - Refined Aetherium CrystalRefined Aetherium Crystal Consume to Pack-a-Punch currently held weapon to Level 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Raw Aetherium CrystalRaw Aetherium Crystal Consume to Pack-a-Punch currently held weapon to Level 1

All Aether Tools and Effects

Aether Tools Effect
Modern Warfare 3 - Legendary Aether Tool IconLegendary Aether Tool Consume to upgrade currently held weapon to Legendary rarity
Modern Warfare 3 - Epic Aether Tool IconEpic Aether Tool Consume to upgrade currently held weapon to Epic rarity
Modern Warfare 3 - Rare Aether Tool IconRare Aether Tool Consume to upgrade currently held weapon to Rare rarity
Modern Warfare 3 - Uncommon Aether Tool IconUncommon Aether Tool Consume to upgrade currently held weapon to Uncommon rarity

How to Get Aetherium and Aether Tools

How to Get Aetherium and Aether Tools

Loot Reward Rifts

Reward Rifts spawn after completing Contracts and have a chance to contain Aetherium Crystals and Aether Tools as potential rewards.

Low tier Aetherium such as Uncommon and Rare Aether Tools and Raw Aetherium Crystals will often drop in Low Threat Zone contracts. Higher tier Aetherium like Refined Aetherium Crystals can usually be found in Medium Threat Zone contracts.

How to Complete Contracts

Opening Loot Caches

There is a random chance that you can obtain Aetherium while looting caches all over Urzikstan. Based on our testing, we managed to get a Legendary Aether Tool while looting caches in the Medium Threat Zone.

Where to Find Loot Caches

Destroying Harvester Orbs

Modern Warfare 3 -  Shooting Harvester Orbs

Harvester Orbs will always drop Aether Tools upon destroying them. The rarity of the dropped Aether Tool will be random, meaning you'll have a chance to get the Uncommon, Rare, or Epic versions of it.

Harvester Orb Locations and How to Destroy

Craft via Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 - Epic Aether Tools Schematics

You can also craft Aetherium Crystals and Aether Tools for free if you have their Schematics unlocked. Note that crafting these comes at the cost of initiating a cooldown timer.

Here are the confirmed locations and methods of where to find Schematics for Aetherium Crystals and Aether Tools:

Schematic How to Get
Raw Aetherium Crystal Diagram Contracts in Medium Threat Zone
Uncommon Aether Tool Schematic Saboteur
(Act 1 Tier 5 Mission)
Rare Aether Tool Schematic Exterminator
(Act 2 Tier 5 Mission)

How to Get All Crafting Schematics

Obtained as a Reward from Missions

Completing certain missions in different Tiers and Acts of the Zombies story will reward you with Aetherium Crystals and Aether Tools. Do note that you can only claim these rewards once.

Here are the missions that you can get Aetherium and Aether Tools as free rewards:

Mission Reward
(Tier 4, Act 1)
Raw Aetherium Crystal
Same Day Deliver
(Tier 1, Act 2)
Refined Aetherium Crystal
(Tier 4, Act 1)
Uncommon Aether Tool
(Tier 3, Act 1)
(Tier 6, Act 1)
Rare Aether Tool
Guardian Angel
(Tier 2, Act 2)
(Tier 2, Act 3)
Epic Aether Tool

Zombies Acts and Mission Rewards

What are Aetherium and Aether Tools?

Upgrades a Weapon's Pack-a-Punch Level

Modern Warfare 3 - Pack-a-Punch Weapon

Consuming any of the Aetherium Crystals will Pack-a-Punch your weapon to a level depending on the type of Aetherium Crystal used. The more rare an Aetherium Crystal is, the higher the level your Pack-a-Punched weapon will be.

How to Pack-a-Punch Weapons

Upgrades the Rarity of a Weapon

Modern Warfare 3 - Weapon Rarity Highlight

Once an Aether Tool is consumed, it will increase the Rarity of your weapon, providing additional bonus damage to it. The type of Rarity that a weapon receives will depend on the type of Aether Tool used.

You'll know the Rarity type by looking at the highlighted color of your weapon in the UI on the bottom right corner.

Weapon Rarity Effects Explained

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode

Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

All Zombies Guides

Zombies Guides and Lists
Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
Zombies Weapons Crafting Schematics
Aetherium Challenges and Enemies
Zombies Perks Zombies Ammo Mods
Zombies Field Upgrades Zombies Gear
Contracts Zombies Power-Ups


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