Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Grenade Bandolier Schematic

The Grenade Bandolier Schematic is a Classified Schematic obtained from the 4th Dark Aether in Season 5 Reloaded of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn how to get the Grenade Bandolier schematic and the location of its Dark Aether Rift.

How to Get Grenade Bandolier Schematic

Possible Reward from Contracts in 4th Elder Dark Aether Rift

The Grenade Bandolier Schematic is a possible rift reward from completing contracts found inside the Elder Dark Aether version of the 4th Dark Aether Rift. Access the 4th Elder Dark Aether by using an Elder Sigil on the Dark Aether Rift found in Tile F5, near the fountain in the palace courtyard.

To access the new 4th Dark Aether Rift, complete the Act 4 Ascension story mission and activate the rift portal with the 4 Pedestal Keys obtained as part of the Season 5 Reloaded Dark Aether Easter Egg.

All Dark Aether Contract Bunny Locations

How to Get Grenade Bandolier

Complete Contracts in 4th Dark Aether

Spot locations of Dark Aether Contracts by looking for the yellow beams of light across the map.

You can get the non-schematic version of the Grenade Bandolier item from Contract Reward Rifts in the non-Elder Dark Aether version of the 4th Dark Aether. This version of the Dark Aether is accessed instead by using a regular Sigil on the rift portal.

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2 Ishaichi6 months

What does the grenade bandolier do??

1 vinni7 months

Zone 2 triangle, came across this today, runes to activate are underwater need to be punched or melee. The runes do move around but are in the same general area. once activated (screenshot) there will be a horde of Mimics and other zeeks. Floating Orb, East of this spot collects the souls. Once full reward rift 2000, Legendary wrench and PAP2 crystal.


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