Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Refund Weapon Upgrades

Modern Warfare 3 - How to Refund Weapon Upgrades

You can refund weapon upgrades by paying respects at the Tombstone in the High Threat Zone in Zombies mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn how to refund weapon upgrades amd how to pay respects!

How to Refund Weapon Upgrades

How to Refund Weapon Upgrades

Go to the Tombstone West of Old Town

Head over to the tombstone west of Old Town in the High Threat Zone. It will be in a circular ruined building near a red flag with blue and white stripes on it, as well as a purple stuffed toy on a nearby ledge.

The tombstone doesn't look like your typical headstone, rather it will be in the form of two rifles and three swords pitched on the ground.

Red Zone Loot and Tips to Survive

Pay Your Respects at the Tombstone

Approach the tombstone and Pay Respects when prompted to refund all upgrades of the weapon you're currently holding. This will remove all Pack-a-Punch levels, Ammo Mods, and Rarity of the weapon.

There will also be a Reward Rift that will appear afterwards that will contain rare rewards such as Rawless Aetherium Crystals, Rare Aether Tools, and an Ammo Mod.

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