Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Multiplayer Guide - How to Play All Game Modes

Modern Warfare 3 - Multiplayer Guide

There are currently 20 playable Multiplayer modes, with more coming in Season 2 of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023). Read on for a list of all multiplayer game modes, total number of players, and how to play each of them.

All Multiplayer Game Modes

List of Multiplayer Modes in MW3

Multiplayer Mode Objectives
Starfield -  All or Nothing
All or Nothing
Deploy with Throwing Knives and no ammo. Get one elimination to activate the Scavenger Perk, allowing you to retrieve ammo pickups for your weapon. The first to land 20 eliminations wins.
Starfield -  Control
With a set number of lives per match, each team must take turns capturing and defending two Control points.
Starfield -  Cutthroat

Engage in vicious 3v3v3 combat, where the last team standing or that captures the overtime flag wins the round.
Starfield -  Domination

Capture and hold up to three flags to gain points for your team.
Starfield -  Free-for-All
8 players
All players fight each other to rack up the highest kills in a match. The top 3 players win.
Starfield -  Ground War
Ground War

Large-scale conflict featuring vehicles. Capture and hold objectives to score. Capturing objectives opens forward spawning locations for your team.
Starfield -  Gun Game
Gun Game
10 players
Be the first player to score a kill with each one of the provided weapons.
Starfield -  Gunfight
Two versus two in 40-second matches with no respawns and randomized loadouts. The first team to win six rounds wins.
Starfield -  Hardpoint

Capture and hold the rotating Hardpoint zones to earn points for your team.
Starfield -  Headquarters
Fight to secure the Headquarters location and then hold that position for as long as you can; respawns are disabled for the defending team. The Headquarters slowly rotates around the map as the match continues, so be ready to move.
Starfield -  Hordepoint
(Limited Time Mode)
Capture the Hordepoint and hold it against the living and the undead.
Starfield -  Infected
One player is chosen at random to spawn in as the infected. Their goal is to eliminate the other survivors, while those not infected must use all the skill and firepower they’ve amassed to keep their humanity intact.
Starfield -  Invasion
Two large teams battle it out to score the most points and win the match.
Starfield -  Kill Confirmed
Kill Confirmed
Team Deathmatch with a twist. Eliminate enemies and grab the Dog Tags they drop to score for your team. Pick up your teammate’s tags to deny the enemy from scoring.
Starfield -  Search and Destroy
Search and Destroy
Take turns defending and destroying bomb sites. No respawns.
Starfield -  Team Deathmatch
Team Deathmatch

Use teamwork to eliminate enemy players and reach the score limit.
Starfield -  Team Gun Game
Team Gun Game
Progress through a series of weapons with your team. First team to reach the score limit wins
Starfield -  Team Gunfight
Team Gunfight
All players receive the same randomized Loadout at the start of each round. This Loadout changes throughout the match. Adapt to the changes to achieve victory.
Starfield -  War
Complete the objectives by disabling AA Sites, break into the launch site with armored vehicles, and upload overrides to stop the missiles from launching.

As of writing, Modern Warfare 3 has 20 multiplayer modes that are currently playable in public and private matches.

All Upcoming Multiplayer Game Modes

List of Upcoming Game Modes in MW3

Multiplayer Mode Objectives Launch Date
(Limited Time Mode)
In this free-for-all mode, one player spawns with the Ray Gun. Whoever eliminates the one wielding the Ray Gun becomes its new owner. Mid-Season
(Limited Time Mode)
Third-Person perspective all juggernaut combat. Ground Pound AoE stun, One Hit Kill melee weapon, increased headshot damage, and lootable armor from enemy remains! Mid-Season
Team Deathmatch with a twist. The highest kill scorer from both teams become HVTs, killing HVTs rewards more points. Mid-Season
Snipers Only
All weapons with the exception of snipers are banned. Lethal and Tactical equipment are also banned. TBD

All of the above game modes were confirmed in Call of Duty's official blog post for Season 2 content.

Note: Snipers Only mode is currently not showing up as an available game mode in-game despite the blog post saying that it will release once Season 2 launches.

Season 2 Release Time and Content

All Unconfirmed Modes

List of Unconfirmed Modes

  • Prisoner Rescue
  • Knock Out
  • Raids
  • Cranked
  • Face Off
  • Bounty
  • Capture the Flag
  • Sabotage

These modes have not been fully confirmed but are modes that have appeared in previous Modern Warfare games and may make a return to Modern Warfare 3, possibly in future seasons.

Squad Finder for Multiplayer Modes

Game8's Squad Finder Board

You can use Game8's Squad Finder message board to post your Activision ID and find potential squad members to team up with in the various Multiplayer modes and Zombies mode.

Squad Finder Message Board

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