Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

List of All Store Bundles

Modern Warfare 3 - List of All Store Bundles

Store Bundles offer a wide variety of items like Blueprints, Emblems, Stickers, Vehicle Skins, and Operators for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to see the list of all MW3 Store Bundles and their prices, as well as learn how to purchase Bundles currently not in the store!

List of All Store Bundles

Operators and Identity Bundles

All Related Store Bundles
MW3 MagmaflowMagmaflow
(3000 CP)
MW3 Full Kit: Dragon Soul: Lunar New YearFull Kit: Dragon Soul: Lunar New Year
(3000 CP)
MW3 ThunderfrontThunderfront
(3000 CP)
MW3 Blunt FingersBlunt Fingers
(3000 CP)
MW3 Grim TidingsGrim Tidings
(2800 CP)
MW3 Zombies: Aetherium Ultra SkinZombies: Aetherium Ultra Skin
(2800 CP)
MW3 Skeletor Operator BundleSkeletor Operator Bundle
(2800 CP)
MW3 Echo Endo: Ecstatic Entropy MastercraftEcho Endo: Ecstatic Entropy Mastercraft
(2800 CP)
MW3 Santa Gnaws Ultra SkinSanta Gnaws Ultra Skin
(2800 CP)
MW3 Dark Rituals IIIDark Rituals III
(2800 CP)
MW3 Underworld: Hades Ultra SkinUnderworld: Hades Ultra Skin
(2400 CP)
MW3 Dark RitualsDark Rituals
(2400 CP)
MW3 CorvusCorvus
(2400 CP)
MW3 Insert Coin MastercraftInsert Coin Mastercraft
(2400 CP)
MW3 Midnight RunMidnight Run
(2400 CP)
MW3 Horsemen: War Ultra SkinHorsemen: War Ultra Skin
(2400 CP)
MW3 Dark Rituals IVDark Rituals IV
(2400 CP)
MW3 Null and VoidNull and Void
(2400 CP)
MW3 Starlight Operator BundleStarlight Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Klaus Operator BundleKlaus Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Dune Part Two - Feyd-Rautha Operator BundleDune Part Two - Feyd-Rautha Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 PaindeerPaindeer
(2400 CP)
MW3 Dune Part Two: Paul AtreidesDune Part Two: Paul Atreides
(2400 CP)
MW3 Mace Operator BundleMace Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Cryptids: Heart of Ice Ultra SkinCryptids: Heart of Ice Ultra Skin
(2400 CP)
MW3 Green GhoulGreen Ghoul
MW3 Dune Part Two - Harkonnen Tracer PackDune Part Two - Harkonnen Tracer Pack
(2400 CP)
MW3 Dr. KushlovDr. Kushlov
(2400 CP)
MW3 Zombies: Aether WormZombies: Aether Worm
(2400 CP)
MW3 Demon GloDemon Glo
(2400 CP)
MW3 The Walking Dead Michonne Operator BundleThe Walking Dead Michonne Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Resonance Ultra SkinResonance Ultra Skin
(2400 CP)
MW3 Echo Endo: Evergreen RhinoEcho Endo: Evergreen Rhino
(2400 CP)
MW3 ScarabScarab
(2400 CP)
MW3 Cyber RiotCyber Riot
(2400 CP)
MW3 Augmented HumanAugmented Human
(2400 CP)
MW3 Sketched OutSketched Out
(2400 CP)
MW3 Black Noir Operator BundleBlack Noir Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Homelander Operator BundleHomelander Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Firecracker Operator BundleFirecracker Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 A-Train Operator BundleA-Train Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Dune Part Two: Sardaukar PackDune Part Two: Sardaukar Pack
(2400 CP)
MW3 Izzy Operator BundleIzzy Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Painted AlebrijePainted Alebrije
(2400 CP)
MW3 Cyber Riot 3Cyber Riot 3
(2400 CP)
MW3 Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Combat Pack 2Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Combat Pack 2
(2400 CP)
MW3 Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Combat Pack 3Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Combat Pack 3
(2400 CP)
MW3 Bone ChillerBone Chiller
(2400 CP)
MW3 Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Combat PackCall of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Combat Pack
(2400 CP)
MW3 Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 Combat Pack 4Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 Combat Pack 4
(2400 CP)
MW3 Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 Combat Pack 5Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 Combat Pack 5
(2400 CP)
MW3 BloodlessBloodless
(2400 CP)
MW3 Carbon BladeCarbon Blade
(2400 CP)
MW3 Whisker TangoWhisker Tango
(2400 CP)
MW3 Hellsing Operator BundleHellsing Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 21 Savage Operator Bundle21 Savage Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Inarius Operator BundleInarius Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Tomb Raider Operator BundleTomb Raider Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Ash Operator BundleAsh Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Nicki Minaj Operator BundleNicki Minaj Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Lilith Operator BundleLilith Operator Bundle
(2400 CP)
MW3 Operation PrimateOperation Primate
(2200 CP)
MW3 Paint SlingerPaint Slinger
(2000 CP)
MW3 ScarewareScareware
(2000 CP)
MW3 Beach BoominBeach Boomin'
(2000 CP)
MW3 CDL Launch Pack 2024CDL Launch Pack 2024
(2000 CP)
MW3 NyctoNycto
(2000 CP)
MW3 Merry MayhemMerry Mayhem
(2000 CP)
MW3 Paranormal Investigator PackParanormal Investigator Pack
(2000 CP)
MW3 Wildlife Wanted: Rubber DuckWildlife Wanted: Rubber Duck
(1800 CP)
MW3 WitchcraftWitchcraft
(1800 CP)
MW3 Super NovaSuper Nova
(1800 CP)
MW3 CDL Let CDL Let 'Em Cook Pack
(1800 CP)
MW3 Royal FlushRoyal Flush
(1800 CP)
MW3 AresAres
(1800 CP)
MW3 Hip Hop HutchHip Hop Hutch
(1800 CP / Prime Gaming)
MW3 BlitzedBlitzed
(1800 CP)
MW3 MetamereMetamere
(1800 CP)
MW3 DemonessDemoness
(1800 CP)
MW3 Striation SuitStriation Suit
(1600 CP)
MW3 Saddle UpSaddle Up
(1600 CP)
MW3 MythmakerMythmaker
(1600 CP)
MW3 Midnight MercMidnight Merc
(1600 CP)
MW3 Proton PoweredProton Powered
(1500 CP)
MW3 Electron EnergyElectron Energy
(1500 CP)
MW3 Unholy TemplarUnholy Templar
(1500 CP)
MW3 YokaiYokai's Wrath
(1500 CP)
MW3 Hunting SeasonHunting Season
(1400 CP)
MW3 Kawaii BonbonKawaii Bonbon
(1400 CP)
Crimson Thunder
(1200 CP)
Meteor Strike
(1200 CP)
MW3 Oni Operator PackOni Operator Pack
(1100 CP)
MW3 Nova 6 Pro PackNova 6 Pro Pack
MW3 Trash Talk MastercraftTrash Talk Mastercraft
MW3 Vivarium Ultra SkinVivarium Ultra Skin
MW3 Aberration Ultra SkinAberration Ultra Skin
MW3 Moto Freak Pro PackMoto Freak Pro Pack
MW3 Tech Luxe Pro PackTech Luxe Pro Pack
MW3 Call of Duty Endowment Warrior PackCall of Duty Endowment Warrior Pack

Blueprint Bundles

All Related Store Bundles
MW3 GG EZ Weapon VaultGG EZ Weapon Vault
(2400 CP)
MW3 StarforgedStarforged
(2400 CP)
MW3 Blighted EarthBlighted Earth
(2000 CP)
MW3 System Error New WeaponSystem Error New Weapon
(2000 CP)
MW3 Aztec Codex New WeaponAztec Codex New Weapon
(2000 CP)
MW3 Metallic Flow + Universal WrapMetallic Flow + Universal Wrap
(2000 CP)
MW3 Penumbra + Universal WrapPenumbra + Universal Wrap
(2000 CP)
MW3 To the MoonTo the Moon
(2000 CP)
MW3 DoomDoom
(1800 CP)
MW3 Neolithic New WeaponNeolithic New Weapon
(1800 CP)
MW3 IridescenceIridescence
(1800 CP)
MW3 KaijuKaiju's Might
(1800 CP)
MW3 QuartziteQuartzite
(1600 CP)
MW3 DragonDragon's Bane
(1600 CP)
MW3 Torments ReturnTorments Return
(1500 CP)
MW3 Private LabelPrivate Label
(1500 CP)
MW3 Love and HateLove and Hate
(1400 CP)
MW3 Broken FractalBroken Fractal
(1400 CP)
MW3 Silk and SableSilk and Sable
(1300 CP)
MW3 Donuts Go NutsDonuts Go Nuts
(1200 CP)
MW3 X-ray TubeX-ray Tube
(1200 CP)
MW3 Pot OpsPot Ops
(1200 CP)
MW3 Carbon DatedCarbon Dated
(1200 CP)
MW3 The Classic PackThe Classic Pack
(1200 CP)
MW3 Power PreppedPower Prepped
MW3 Color BlockedColor Blocked
(1100 CP)
MW3 Robo-SkelRobo-Skel
(1100 CP)
MW3 Void WeaverVoid Weaver
(1100 CP)
MW3 PolyhedralPolyhedral
(1100 CP)
MW3 Quadric FlowQuadric Flow
(1050 CP)
Spectral Flames
(1000 CP)
MW3 PharaohPharaoh's Choice
(800 CP)
MW3 Squeak BubbleSqueak Bubble
(800 CP)
MW3 Hyena PackHyena Pack
(800 CP)
MW3 A Bit JadedA Bit Jaded
(800 CP)
Fighting Frogs
(800 CP)
MW3 Bunny BonbonBunny Bonbon
(500 CP)
Plum Joy
(500 CP)
MW3 Decomp BombsDecomp Bombs

How to Buy Bundles Not in the Store

How to Buy Bundles Not in the Store

Find Blueprint Bundles at the Armory

You can find all the Blueprint Bundles for a weapon at the Armory, even if they're unavailable at the Store. Choose one weapon, select Armory, and choose Store for the list of all Blueprint Bundles!

List of All Weapon Blueprints

See Weapon Cosmetics Bundles at the Gunsmith

You can see all cosmetics Bundle for your weapons by checking through your weapon in the Gunsmith. To do that, select a weapon, head to the Gunsmith, and then switch to Customize to see the Stickers, Charms, Camo, and Large Decals. Open one of the options and start looking for an item included in a Bundle!

Find Operator Bundles via the Operators Tab

Check the Operators in the Operators Tab to see the Bundles available and unavailable from the Store. Hover to the locked Operator and press the button indicated on the screen to preview and buy the bundle!

You can also select the locked Operator to see all its skins and the bundles where you can get them. It will allow you to collect old skins and Operators you might've missed from the previous Battle Passes and bundles!

Operator List and All Operator Skins

Find Account Cosmetic Bundles via the Customize Tab

You can buy Bundles not shown in the Store by going to the Customize Tab, selecting a group (Emblem, Calling Card, Loading Screen, etc.), and look for the item included in the Bundle. Hover to the item to see the option to view and purchase the Bundle!

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 Store Bundles

Today's Store Bundles

Other Store Guides
List of All Store Bundles CDL Launch Pack 2024
Painted Alebrije Yokai's Wrath
Ares Zombies: Aetherium Ultra
Echo Endo: Ecstatic Entropy Mastercraft Bundle Dune Part Two: Paul Atreides
Paindeer Hip Hop Hutch
Scareware Bundle Full Kit Dragon: Lunar New Year Bundle
Resonance Ultra Skin Bundle Aberration Ultra Skin Bundle
Black History Month Gift Pack -


4 Anonymousabout 1 year

The Doom package has been missing for months. Do you have any solution about this? Thank you

3 Anonymousover 1 year

Same here. I've been waiting to get his S3 or Tactical bundle but it's literally no where to be found.


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