Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

All Poison Frogs Camo Challenges

Modern Warfare 3 - Poison Frogs Camo

Poison Frogs is a type of Base Camo in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to see a list of all Poison Frogs Camo challenges for the weapons available for this camo!

List of All Poison Frogs Camo Challenges

All Poison Frogs Camo Challenges

Once you unlock any of the Poison Frogs camos listed below, they can be applied to any MW3 weapon (including MW2 carry forward weapons).

Camo Weapon Challenge Level
Modern Warfare 3 - Ameerga Camo Ameerga Striker Get 50 kills with the Striker 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Dart Camo Dart AMR9 Get 50 kills with the AMR9 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Dire Camo Dire Striker 9 In Zombies, get 250 kills with the Striker 9 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Disoriented Camo Disoriented AMR9 In Zombies, get 250 kills with the AMR9 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Fading Breath Camo Fading Breath Rival-9 In Zombies, get 250 kills with the Rival-9 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Familiar Camo Familiar WSP Swarm In Zombies, get 250 kills with the WSP Swarm 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Golden Poison Camo Golden Poison WSP-9 Get 50 kills with the WSP-9 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Marbled Camo Marbled Striker 9 Get 50 Operator kills with the Striker 9 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Nocuous Camo Nocuous Striker In Zombies, get 250 kills with the Striker 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Perilous Camo Perilous WSP-9 In Zombies, get 250 kills with the WSP-9 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Phantasmal Camo Phantasmal WSP Swarm Get 50 kills with the WSP Swarm 2
Modern Warfare 3 - Rock Stone Camo Rock Stone Rival-9 Get 50 kills with the Rival-9 2

List of All Camo Challenges for Every Weapon

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - List of All Camo Challenges

List of All Camo Challenges

All Camo Guides

Camo Lists
Mastery Camos Zombies Camo Challenges
Camo Tracker -
MW3 Multiplayer Mastery Camos
Gilded Camo Forged Camo
Priceless Camo Interstellar Camo
MW3 Zombies Camos MW2 Zombies Camos
Golden Enigma Camo Golden Ivory Camo
Zircon Scale Camo Spinel Husk Camo
Serpentinite Camo Arachnida Camo
Borealis Camo Bioluminescent Camo
Base Camos
Glitch Milspec Camo Poison Frogs Camo
Graphical Camo Topographic Camo
Glittery Flats Camo Retro Camo
Neapolitan Camo Under the Microscope Camo
High Contrast Camo Wavelength Camo
Two Tone Brushstrokes Camo Perfect Symmetry Camo
Psychedelics Camo Blur Camo
Bold Camo Butterfly Camo
Puzzle Camo Skeletal Camo
Royalty Tiger Camo -
Weapon Prestige Camos
One Trick Camo -


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