Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Complete Raid Weapon Stash Contract

Raid Weapon Stash is a contract available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies Mode. Read on to learn about how to complete Raid Weapon Stash, the enemies you will encounter in Raid Weapon Stash, and Raid Weapon Stash rewards.

How to Complete Raid Weapon Stash

Raid Weapon Stash

Place the Drill on the Safe

Modern Warfare 3 - Place Drill on Safe

Approach the Safe containing the weapon stash and place the drill on it. The Location of the Safe should be marked on your Tac-Map with an icon resembling a Pistol engraved on a Safe.

Stay Within Vicinity of the Safe

Modern Warfare 3 - Stay Near the Safe

The drill will begin to crack the Safe open as long as you are within proximity of it. If you go too far, the progress bar will slowly reduce back to zero percent.

Stay near the Safe until progress has reached 100-Percent to finish the Contract.

Defend Yourself Against Waves of Zombies

Modern Warfare 3 - Defend Against Waves of Zombies

Keep in mind that endless waves of Zombies and Hellhounds will come charging down towards your position while waiting for the Safe to open.

A good strategy to do is to loop them around in circles until you've managed to pile them all up, then use your strongest weapon to mow them down.

Raid Weapon Stash Enemies Encountered

All Raid Weapon Stash Enemies

Enemies Threat Zone
Zombies Low and Medium Threat
Hellhounds Low and Medium Threat

Zombies Challenges and Enemy Types

Raid Weapon Stash Rewards

Common Raid Weapon Stash Rewards

Rewards Threat Zones
Quick Revive Can Low Threat
Uncommon Aether Tool Low and Medium Threat
Brain Rot Ammo Mod Medium Threat

Note that the rewards you can obtain from Raid Weapon Stash are not limited to the ones listed above. These rewards are simply the most common ones that can be acquired, as per our testing.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

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All Zombies Contracts

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Raid Weapon Stash Escort
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