Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Hordepoint LTM Guide

MW3 - Hordepoint Guide
The Hordepoint limited-time mode features a mix of Hardpoint and Zombies in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn more about Hordepoint's release date, duration, and how to play!

Hordepoint Release Date

Available as of February 8, 2024

Hordepoint Countdown
Horde Point is Live Now!

Hordepoint game mode was released along with the launch of MW3 Season 2. Hordepoint adds a twist to the classic Hardpoint mode by adding zombies and elite zombies into the fray.

Hordepoint Rules and Mechanics

Hordepoint Mechanics

Classic Hardpoint Rules Apply

MW3 - Hardpoint.png

Hordepoint follows the same core rules of Hardpoint where players need to capture 5 Hardpoint locations throughout the map. A hardpoint lasts for 1 minute, and after the time expires a new hardpoint location appears for the taking.

Players accumulate points for each second inside the Hardpoint, so taking and defending is the core mechanic of the game mode.

Know Your Spawns and Rotations

Each map has five Hardpoint locations for the taking. These locations activate in a specific order, which means that tracking these locations allows players to plan their approach to a Hardpoint.

Hardpoint Rotations and Guide

Zombies and Elite Zombies Spawn

MW3 - Hordepoint Zombie Rift Spawn
As soon as a player enters the Hardpoint, Zombies will start spawning in, and sometimes even Elite Zombies will start joining the fight. Zombies will attack players from both teams, providing an extra challenge when defending a Hardpoint location.

A big yellow orb appears near the Hardpoint when a player crosses its border indicating that zombies are about to spawn in. A horde of zombies will come from the orb, while some zombies will still spawn from the ground.

Kill Zombies for Horde Hunt Event Progress

MW3 - Bones and Skulls

Since the new event, Horde Hunt, is active, killing Zombies during Hordepoint will have them drop special bones for you to collect. Collect bones from base zombies, and skulls from the current week's featured zombies in order to unlock rewards from the Horde Hunt event.

Horde Hunt Event Features and Rewards

Hordepoint Best Strategies

Best Hordepoint Strategies

Remain Aggressive

MW3 - Hordepoint Aggression
Aggression is a rewarding trait for this game mode, as taking the hardpoint first will certainly give aggressive players the advantage of defending while accumulating points.

Take Pack-A-Punched Weapons

MW3 - Hordepoint PAP Weapons
Take the Pack-A-Punched weapons that drop from zombies to kill zombies faster. Killing zombies faster allows you to obtain Zombie Power-Ups that will be beneficial to your entire team.

Note: If the enemy team has the Hardpoint, it's best to not kill zombies and let them swarm the enemy team inside the Hardpoint.

Utilize Zombie Power-Ups

MW3 - Hordepoint Zombie Power-ups
Take all Zombie power-ups when defending as your teammates will have an easier time in the Hardpoint by eliminating the secondary threat that is zombies. There are three available power-ups in Hordepoint, two of which only work against Zombies.

  • Max Ammo: Instantly fills up the player's magazine and ammo reserves to max capacity.
  • Insta-Kill: Zombies die from a single shot. Only works against zombies.
  • Nuke: All surrounding zombies burst and die. Only works against zombies.

Zombies Powerups

Use Decoy Grenades

Use Decoy Grenades when trying to take a Hardpoint from the enemy team. Instead of killing the zombies near the Hardpoint, use them to your advantage and cause chaos for the enemy team inside the Hardpoint.

Decoy Grenade: How to Use and Unlock

Divide Your Team

MW3 - Hordepoint Player Role
It's best to divide the team and open each player to roles. Although this is hard to achieve in a solo lobby, your team must always spare a player or two to kill the surrounding zombies near the Hardpoint.

Hordepoint Maps

18 Available Maps

Hordepoint: Armored Apocalypse will be available accross 18 different maps, including the brand new maps Departures, Stash House, and Vista that were introduced in Season 2's Launch.

List of All Hordepoint Maps
Modern Warfare 3 - Afghan.pngAfghan New Map - Rio.pngRio
MW3 - Departures.pngDepartures Modern Warfare 3 - Derail.pngDerail
Modern Warfare 3 - Estate.pngEstate Maps Greece.pngGreece
MW3 - Stash House.pngStash House Modern Warfare 3 - Invasion.pngInvasion
Modern Warfare 3 - Karachi.pngKarachi Modern Warfare 3 - Quarry.pngQuarry
Modern Warfare 3 - Rundown.pngRundown Modern Warfare 3 - Skidrow.pngSkidrow
Meat.pngMeat Modern Warfare 3 - Sub Base.pngSub Base
Modern Warfare 3 - Terminal.pngTerminal Modern Warfare 3 - Underpass Image.pngUnderpass
MW3 - Vista.pngVista Wasteland.pngWasteland

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