Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Napalm Burst Ammo Mod

Modern Warfare 3 - How to Get Napalm Burst Ammo Mod

Napalm Burst Ammo Mods can be obtained by completing contracts or crafted through the Napalm Burst Schematics in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies mode. Learn how to get Napalm Burst Ammo Mod and how to ignite with Napalm Burst!

How to Get Napalm Burst Ammo Mod

Where to Find Napalm Burst Ammo Mod
1. Contract Rewards (Repeatable; Normal drop rate)
2. Craft via Schematics (Repeatable; with cooldown)
3. Blasted Mission Reward (Obtained only once)

Reward Rifts from Contracts

MW3 Zombies - Contract Reward Rifts

Napalm Burst Ammo Mods are found in Reward Rifts from completing Contracts. However, the rewards are random and there's no guarantee that you will receive a Napalm Burst Ammo Mod, so you may have to do a few contracts before you get one.

Best Contracts to Complete

Crafting via Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 - Crafting Napalm Burst Ammo Mod

If you have obtained the Napalm Burst Formula as a reward from Contracts in the Low Threat Zone, you'll be able to craft a Napalm Burst Ammo Mod for free.

Keep in mind that there is a 3-hour cooldown after crafting one up and you'll have to wait for the timer to end before you can make another Napalm Burst Ammo Mod.

How to Get All Crafting Schematics

Completing Blasted Mission

You can get a free Napalm Burst Ammo Mod upon completion of the Blasted Mission. You'll encounter this mission once you reach Tier 5 of Act 1.

Blasted Mission Walkthrough

How to Ignite with Napalm Burst Ammo Mod

Related Mission Tasks
Firestarter ・ Ignite 50 Zombies with Napalm Burst Ammo Mod
・ Ignite 5 Special Zombies with Napalm Burst Ammo Mod

Equip Napalm Burst Ammo Mod on Handguns

Modern Warfare 3 - Napalm Burst Ammo Mod with Handguns

Applying the Napalm Burst Ammo Mod on Handguns is the best way to ignite zombies as using this ammo mod on stronger weapons may kill the zombies before actually igniting them.

Remember, the ignite effect occurs randomly when shooting, so you'll want to maximize your chances by using weaker weapons such as pistols.

List of All Handguns and Pistols

What is Napalm Burst Ammo Mod?

Ammo that Deals Fire Damage

Modern Warfare 3 - Igniting Zombies with Napalm Burst Ammo Mod

The Napalm Burst Ammo Mod is an ammunition upgrade that deals fire damage to your enemies. Once an enemy gets affected by it, they will slowly burn until they die.

How to Get Fire Damage Kills

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode

Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

All Zombies Guides

Zombies Guides and Lists
Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
Zombies Weapons Crafting Schematics
Aetherium Challenges and Enemies
Zombies Perks Zombies Ammo Mods
Zombies Field Upgrades Zombies Gear
Contracts Zombies Power-Ups

All Zombies Ammo Mods

Zombies Ammo Mods
Cryo Freeze Dead Wire
Brain Rot Shatter Blast
Napalm Burst -


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