Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

All Zombies Perks and Best Perks Tier List

MW3 Zombies - List of All Zombies Perks
Zombies Perks are consumable items that will give you buffs that last in a single playthrough or until you die in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies Mode. Read on to learn more about all the available Zombies Perks, the best Zombie Perks tier list, and Perk-a-Cola Machine locations.

List of All Zombies Perks

All Zombie Perk Symbols and Effects

Perk-a-Cola Effect
Deadshot DaiquiriDeadshot Daiquiri Aiming down sight moves to enemy critical location. Increase enemy critical damage.
Death PerceptionDeath Perception Obscured enemies, chests, resources, and item drops are more easily spotted.
Elemental PopElemental Pop Every bullet you fire has a small chance to apply a random Ammo Mod effect.
Jugger-NogJugger-Nog Increases maximum health.
PHD FlopperPHD Flopper Diving to prone triggers an explosion. The explosion increases the higher you fall. Immunity from fall damage while diving. Immunity from area-of-effect damage from weapons you are using.
Quick ReviveQuick Revive Reduce the health regeneration delay time by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.
Speed ColaSpeed Cola Drink to reload and replate armor faster.
Stamin-UpStamin-Up Increases run and sprint speed.
Tombstone SodaTombstone Soda On death, you create a tombstone stash at that location, containing your backpack inventory in the next game.

Best Zombies Perks Tier List

Rank Perk
S Rank Icon Stamin-Up
Quick Revive
Speed Cola
A Rank Icon Jugger-Nog
Deadshot Daiquiri
B Rank Icon PHD Flopper
Death Perception
Elemental Pop
C Rank Icon Tombstone Soda

S Rank Icon S Tier These perks are the most necessary buffs you need to survive Operation Deadbolt. They offer game-changing perks that are a must in all your runs.
A Rank Icon A Tier These perks are great to have, and you should always consider acquiring them. They can remarkably increase your combat prowess in most situations.
B Rank Icon B Tier These perks are considerably good to have. They can be notably valuable in certain scenarios, but they fall short outside of those situations.
C Rank Icon C Tier These perks have minimal effects to offer. They definitely still have their uses, but they are usually unreliable and can be set aside for the most part.


Perk-a-Cola Effect
Stamin-UpStamin-Up Increases run and sprint speed.

Proper positioning is crucial in Operation Deadbolt, and with Stamin-Up, you'll be able to swiftly reposition yourself to avoid being cornered by zombies and mercenaries alike. This effect will increase both your defensive and offensive capabilties in combat.

Quick Revive

Perk-a-Cola Effect
Quick ReviveQuick Revive Reduce the health regeneration delay time by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.

Quick Revive is the best for the overall survival of your team. Having faster recovery and revive times will allow you to get out of sticky situations more easily.

Speed Cola

Perk-a-Cola Effect
Speed ColaSpeed Cola Drink to reload and replate armor faster.

Having an empty clip or vest at the wrong time can be the difference between life and death, which is why reloading and replating speed is remarkably important. Speed Cola is an excellent perk that can boost your overall damage output by lessening reload downtime.


Perk-a-Cola Effect
Jugger-NogJugger-Nog Increases maximum health.

A classic favorite, Jugger-Nog will notably increase the amount of damage you can take before going down. This is definitely recommended if you're finding yourself often in need of a revive.

Deadshot Daiquiri

Perk-a-Cola Effect
Deadshot DaiquiriDeadshot Daiquiri Aiming down sight moves to enemy critical location. Increase enemy critical damage.

Deadshot Daiquiri will help you land more critical shots, which will significantly boost your overall damage. This perk acts like an aim guide that will point your cursor immediately to an enemy's weakspot and help it stay there by removing scope spray.

PHD Flopper

Perk-a-Cola Effect
PHD FlopperPHD Flopper Diving to prone triggers an explosion. The explosion increases the higher you fall. Immunity from fall damage while diving. Immunity from area-of-effect damage from weapons you are using.

Aside from being a fun perk to play around with, PHD Flopper is particularly helpful since it can prevent you from receiving continuous damage when you're inside Aether Nests or Infested Strongholds and when stepping on fire.

Death Perception

Perk-a-Cola Effect
Death PerceptionDeath Perception Obscured enemies, chests, resources, and item drops are more easily spotted.

Death Perception is a niche perk that only becomes significant in certain situations, such as locating cysts in an Aether Nest or loot caches in dimmed areas. This perk is definitely something good to have, but it is situational and arguably not a priority to acquire.

Elemental Pop

Perk-a-Cola Effect
Elemental PopElemental Pop Every bullet you fire has a small chance to apply a random Ammo Mod effect.

Elemental Pop is good to have if you want to proc additional effects every now and then, but its randomness makes it a bit unreliable. However, it's good to note that the activation frequency of your equipped Ammo Mod increases if you have Elemental Pop on.

Tombstone Soda

Perk-a-Cola Effect
Tombstone SodaTombstone Soda On death, you create a tombstone stash at that location, containing your backpack inventory in the next game.

Tombstone Soda acts like insurance that allows you to retrieve your loadout in case you die. This is particularly useful when you're about to enter higher-threat zones while carrying high-quality items and weapons.

The only downsides are that you have to pick your items back up in the same exact dangerous location and you can only acquire items in your rucksack.

How to Get Perks in Zombies

Perk-a-Cola Machines

You can get purchase Perks from their respective Perk-a-Cola machine. Perk-a-Cola machines are available in a set pool of locations, but the machine is not guaranteed to spawn in every match, and the perk found at the specific machine is randomized every match.

All Perk Machine Locations

Purchase All Perks from Der Wunderfizz Machines

Modern Warfare 3 - Der Wunderfizz

Der Wunderfizz machines, which allow you to purchase all perks, can be found in the center of the map, at the High-Threat level zone.

Sometimes Rewards for Completing Tasks and Missions

MW3 Zombies - Random Perk-a-Cola
You sometimes instaneously obtain a perk by completing tasks or missions. The perk is immediately added to your operator and will last until you die or exfil.

What are Zombies Perks?

Buffs from Consuming Perk-a-Cola

MW3 Zombies - Consuming Perk-a-Cola
Zombies Perks are buffs that remarkably boost your character's stats or give unique effects that will aid you in combat. You can acquire these buffs by obtaining Perk-a-Colas through loot, mission rewards, and Perk Machines.

Note that Perk Machines do have set locations, but the Perk-a-Cola you can obtain changes randomly each playthrough. You can have all 9 of the buffs active at the same time, but they only last for the duration of one whole playthrough or until you die.

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