Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Domination Tips and Best Strategies

Modern Warfare 2 - Domination

Domination is a multiplayer game mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023) where two teams fight to capture Domination flags across the map. Read on for a list of Domination flag and spawn locations, as well as best strategies and loadouts for Domination.

All Domination Point Locations

Maps of Domination Points

Estate Favela
Highrise Rust
Skidrow -

Above are the Domination flag points for Estate, Favela, Highrise, Rust, and Skidrow. The flags are labeled A, B, and C, and are scattered across the map.

All Domination Team Spawn Locations

Maps of Domination Spawns

Estate Favela
Highrise Rust
Skidrow -

Above are the Domination spawn locations for teams in Estate, Favela, Highrise, Rust, and Skidrow. Know exactly where the enemy team spawns so you can predict where they will be next.

Domination Best Strategies

Go Prone When Capturing Objectives

Modern Warfare 3 - Go Prone When Capturing Objectives

While capturing a point in Domination, you can go prone so that enemies won't be able to spot you immediately. They also might think you're one of the dead bodies lying on the ground.

You'll have a better chance of killing them first as they'll be spending a few moments aiming down on the floor once they do notice you.

Move Fast Between Capture Points

Modern Warfare 3 - Moving Between Capture Points

The game mode revolves around which team controls the most objectives at present time to earn points, so you'll have to move between capture points quickly to secure or recapture them from the enemy team.

Deploy an ACS to Capture the Point

Modern Warfare 3 - ACS Field Equipment Deployed

The ACS is a field equipment that slowly captures points over time once deployed within the objective's vicinity.

Leave the device near the target point and let it secure the objective while you patrol the area and wipe out enemies that are attempting to attack the control point.

Use Tactical and Lethal Equipment

Modern Warfare 3 - Throw Grenades Before Capturing a Point

Tactical Equipment such as flashbangs can be thrown at a capture point to stun or blind enemies defending the area. Smoke grenades can be used to cover the target area and obscure the vision of enemy operators.

Lethal Equipment on the other hand can clear a heavily defended objective point by hurling out deadly frag grenades and semtex at it to possibly kill multiple opponents at once.

Set Up Scatter Mines

Modern Warfare 3 - Setting Up Scatter Mines

Scatter Mines detonate when an enemy comes within range of it, thus placing them around capture points is a great way to keep your opponents at bay.

Consider placing them beside doorways or around tight corners to make them hidden from plain sight so enemies won't be able to spot and destroy them before they meet their inevitable fate.

Domination Best Loadouts

Best Loadouts
MCW Loadout Striker Loadout

MCW Assault Rifle Loadout

Primary Weapon MCW
Secondary Weapon Renetti
Tactical Equipment Flash Grenade
Lethal Equipment Semtex
Field Equipment A.C.S.
Gloves Scavenger Gloves
Boots Stalker Boots
Gear Tac Mask

The MCW is an all-around Assault Rifle capable of attacking and defending control points in Domination due to its incredible damage and excellent recoil control.

For equipment, the Flash Grenade can blind enemies lurking behind corners, and the Semtex can flush out hostiles positioned around the control point.

With Scavenger Gloves equipped, you'll never run out of ammo for the MCR. The Stalker Boots should improve strafing speed while in ADS mode, and the Tac Mask should provide you immunity to grenade stuns when charging a heavily defended objective.

Striker SMG Loadout

Primary Weapon Striker
Secondary Weapon WSP Stinger
Tactical Equipment Battle Rage
Lethal Equipment Breacher Drone
Field Equipment A.C.S.
Gloves Commando Gloves
Boots Tactical Pads
Gear Ghost T/V Camo

The Striker is a high damage and extremely accurate rapid-firing SMG with great mobility that is excellent for attacking control points in Domination.

Flash Grenades are a must have for equipment as you can blind enemies hiding around corners, and the Breacher Drone can act as bait before making your entry into a hostile-controlled area.

Wearing Commando Gloves allows you to reload while sprinting—a perfect fit for this run and gun loadout.

The Tactical Pads should ensure that you can ADS while sliding, and the Ghost T/V Camo can conceal your radar position during enemy UAV runs as long as you're moving around.

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