Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

List of All Field Upgrades and Best Field Upgrades

Modern Warfare 3 - All Field Upgrades

The best Field Upgrades in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) gives players different offensive and defensive utilities to take over the battlefield. Read on to see the best Field Upgrades, a list of all Field Upgrades, and how to unlock them.

Best Field Upgrades

Recommended Field Upgrades

Equipment Merits
Modern Warfare 3 - Heartbeat Sensor
Heartbeat Sensor
・Briefly reveals enemy location, allowing you to outmaneuver the enemy.
Modern Warfare 3 - Comm Scrambler
Comm Scrambler
・Prevents enemies from using their Killstreak.
・Hides you and your team from enemy UAV and intel devices.
・Forces enemies to deal with the Comm Scrambler.
Modern Warfare 3 - DDOS
・Counters enemy gadgets, protecting you and your team.
Modern Warfare 3 - Anti-Armor Rounds
Anti-Armor Rounds
・Allows you to deal more damage to enemies with or without armor.
・Useful for getting Penetration Kills

How to Unlock All Field Upgrades

NOTE: Some Field Upgrades will require you to complete Armory Unlock Challenges in order to unlock them. This feature is unlocked once your account reaches Level 25.

Equipment How to Unlock Description
Inflatable DecoyInflatable Decoy Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges Proximity activated decoy mine. Upon activation the reinforced fiber target is violently deployed to confuse and distract.
Dead SilenceDead Silence Complete 8 Armory Unlock Challenges Temporarily makes your footsteps silent and applies Ghost. Gun, melee, and throwing knife kills refresh duration.
Heartbeat SensorHeartbeat Sensor Complete 8 Armory Unlock Challenges A limited use tablet that displays rough information about nearby enemies.
Loadout DropLoadout Drop Complete 8 Armory Unlock Challenges Call in a team based loadout crate with limited uses. Each player can only use it once.
Anti-Armor RoundsAnti-Armor Rounds Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges Gives weapon ammo that applies bonus damage against armored targets; this includes vehicles, equipment, body armor, and targets behind penetrable cover.
Suppression MineSuppression Mine Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges Trip mine that when triggered, emits a constant sound wave that disrupts enemy vision and slows their movement.
Recon DroneRecon Drone Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges Remote-controlled drone that has manual and auto marking capabilities.
DDOSDDOS Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges Activates a device that deactivates electronics, and disrupts enemy sensors in the immediate area for a short time.
Tactical CameraTactical Camera Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges Remote-controlled camera that marks enemies. Press the Field Upgrade button to throw it, and press it again to connect to it. When left on its own the camera will monitor the area, and warn players of nearby enemies by sound.
Munitions BoxMunitions Box Default Deploy a box of ammo and equipment for you and your teammates.
Trophy SystemTrophy System Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges Deployable autonomous defense system that destroys up to three nearby pieces of equipment and projectiles. Some larger targets may take multiple shots.
Med BoxMed Box Reach Level 55 Deploy a box of medical supplies for you and your teammates to reduce healing delay.
Smoke AirdropSmoke Airdrop Reach Level 51 Call in a line of drones to deploy a smoke wall at a targeted location.
Tactical InsertionTactical Insertion Reach Level 45 Marks a location as your next spawn point. Tactical Insertion doesn't have an effect in one-life modes.
Portable RadarPortable Radar Reach Level 41 Emits a periodic radar ping to detect nearby enemies.
A.C.S.A.C.S. Reach Level 28 The Automated Computer Spike slowly captures points and temporarily hacks nearby enemy devices. Point capturing applies in the following modes: Domination, Hardpoint, Control, Ground War.
Deployable CoverDeployable Cover Reach Level 22 Portable, rapidly-deployable ballistic cover.
Comm ScramblerComm Scrambler Reach Level 6 Disables communication with intel within its radius. Enemies will not be able to activate killstreaks. Enemy UAV and intel systems will not detect you and your teammates. Location of the scrambler is visible in the enemy minimap.

What are Field Upgrades?

Provide Offensive and Defensive Utilities

Field Upgrades offer various offensive and defensive items for players to use in combat. These Field Upgrades range from items that can change your spawn point, conceal your footsteps, and even reveal enemies!

Field Upgrades need to be charged in order to be used. Make good use of your Tactical Equipment and Lethal Equipment to rack up kills and charge your Field Upgrade faster!

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