Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Complete Aether Extractors Contract

Aether Extractors is a contract available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies Mode. Read on to learn about how to complete Aether Extractors, the enemies you will encounter in Aether Extractors, and Aether Extractors rewards.

How to Complete Aether Extractors

Aether Extractors Contract Guide

Focus on One Extractor at a Time

MW3 Zombies - One Extractor at a Time
The best way to approach this contract is to focus on dealing with one Extractor at a time. If your squad decides to take on one Extractor each, you and your squad can be easily overwhelmed by the sheer number of mercenaries.

Duck or Prone for Cover

MW3 Zombies - Ducking Behind Cover
The mercenaries have good aim and can easily take you down if you keep running out in the open. Avoid their attacks by ducking or proning behind the surrounding covers.

Use Grenades or Explosive Weapons

MW3 Zombies - Using Explosives
Each Extractor would have at least a group of mercenaries guarding them. They would usually be close to the Extractor, so use this opportunity to throw an explosive for a chance to kill them all in one go.

Aether Extractors Enemies Encountered

All Aether Extractors Enemies

Enemies Threat Zone
Mercenaries Low and Medium Threat

Zombies Challenges and Enemy Types

Aether Extractors Rewards

Common Aether Extractors Rewards

Rewards Threat Zone
Raw Aetherium Crystal Low Threat
Uncommon Aether Tool Low Threat
Rare Aether Tool Medium Threat

Note that the rewards you can obtain from Aether Extractors are not limited to the ones listed above. These rewards are simply the most common ones that can be acquired, as per our testing.

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All Zombies Contracts

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