Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Harvester Orb Locations and How to Destroy

MW3  Harvester Orb Locations
Harvester Orbs are found in Low and Medium Threat Zones in Zombies mode of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn Harvester Orb locations, how to destroy Harvester Orbs, and Harvester Orb rewards!

Harvester Orb Locations

Harvester Orb Possible Locations Map

Harvester Orbs spawn randomly on the map and their icon does not appear on the map unless you are close enough to see it in the overworld.

Urzikstan: Zombies Interactive Map

Along Roads in Low and Medium Threat Areas

Harvester Orb locations are not always constant in every game. However, Harvester Orbs are usually found along roads in the Low and Medium Threat Zones.

Look upwards for flying purple orbs

Harvester Orbs are flying purple orbs that move away and drop essence when you shoot them. Keep in mind that the orb will disappear if you do not keep up with it and destroy it.

How to Destroy Harvester Orbs

Shoot and Follow the Orb

MW3 Shoot the Orb
Shooting the Orb will make it move away, follow the orb, and keep on shooting it to successfully destroy it.

Do It In a Squad

MW3 Do it in Squads
Destroying the Orb is easier to do in a squad because each player can take turns shooting the orb while the others run after it. As long as you damage it once, it will count towards the objective for the Act 2 Mission Reaper when it's destroyed.

Zombies Squad Size and Squads Explained

Shoot the Escape Rifts

MW3 Harvester Orb Rift
Shoot the rift on top of the orb to prevent it from escaping. At certain times the orb will deploy a rift for it to escape.

Do not Get too Close

MW3 Orb Electrocute
The orb can electrocute you if you are too close to it. It can also cause you to forcefully fire your gun, wasting your ammo.

Harvester Orb Rewards

Guaranteed Aether Tool

MW3 Orb Aether Tool Drop

Destroying a Harvester Orb will reward a guaranteed Aether Tool to upgrade your weapon’s rarity. It also has a chance to reward players with weapons and other valuables.

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