Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

List of Perks: Vests, Gloves, Boots, and Gear

Modern Warfare 3 - All Perks

Perks for your loadouts are separated into Vests, Gloves, Boots, and Gear in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to see a complete list of all perks you can use, and learn more about what they do and how to unlock them.

Modern Warfare 3 All Perks

Perks by Type
Vests Gloves
Boots Gear

Click a perk type above to jump to its section!

All Vest Perks

Modern Warfare 3 - All Vest Perks

Vests provide flexible and adaptable perks that augment a preferred play style. Some vests focus on direct combat and some are designed for a more supportive role.

Equipment How to Unlock Description
Infantry VestInfantry Vest Reach Level 4 ・Increases Tac Sprint duration and reduces refresh time.
Engineer VestEngineer Vest Reach Level 10 ・Spot enemy equipment, Field Upgrades, and Killstreaks through walls. Aiming down sights highlights them for the team.
・Faster Field Upgrade recharge.
・Has two Tactical Equipment charges
・Has no Lethal Equipment slot.
・Can equip two Gear perks.
Gunner VestGunner Vest Reach Level 20 ・Deploy with max ammo.
・Improved reload speed.
・Can equip two primary weapons.
・Has no Boots slot.
Demolition VestDemolition Vest Reach Level 30 ・Resupply Lethal and Tactical equipment every 25 seconds.
・Has two Lethal Equipment charges.
CCT Comms VestCCT Comms Vest Reach Level 40 ・Increases duration enemies stay on radar and zooms out radar for you and nearby allies.
・Enemies you kill drop intel packs, which generate a radar ping for you and nearby allies when collected.
・Has no Tactical and Lethal Equipment slots.
・Can equip two Gear perks.
Overkill VestOverkill Vest Reach Level 50 ・Increases weapon swap speed.
・Reload while sprinting.
・Can equip two primary or two secondary weapons.
・Has no Field Upgrade slot.
Assassin VestAssassin Vest Unlockable from launch of Season 1 ・Kills don’t display skulls. Immune to UAV and enemy radar effects (including while stationary).
Ninja VestNinja Vest Complete 5 Daily Challenges ・Eliminate footstep sounds.
・Immune to movement reduction effects.
・Bonus Shuriken and Throwing Knife ammo.
・Resupply Shuriken and Throwing Knives every 25 seconds.

All Vest Perks and Best Vest Perks

All Glove Perks

Modern Warfare 3 - All Gloves Perks

Gloves offer perks to improve weapon handling. There are gloves that are more suited for certain guns, so pick the gloves that match your preferred weapons and play style.

Equipment How to Unlock Description
Quick-Grip GlovesQuick-Grip Gloves Default ・Increased weapon swap speed.
Ordnance GlovesOrdnance Gloves Reach Level 15 ・Throw equipment further. Reset fuse timer on thrown back grenades.
Commando GlovesCommando Gloves Reach Level 29 ・Reload while sprinting.
Scavenger GlovesScavenger Gloves Reach Level 52 ・Resupply ammo and throwing knives from dead players.
Marksman GlovesMarksman Gloves Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges ・Reduced sway and flinch while ADS.
Assault GlovesAssault Gloves Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges ・While jumping, accuracy and time to ADS is improved.

All Gloves Perks and Best Gloves Perks

All Boot Perks

Modern Warfare 3 - All Boots Perks

Boots enhance your general mobility and map traversal. Like with vests, pick one that complements your play style.

Equipment How to Unlock Description
Lightweight BootsLightweight Boots Default ・Increases movement and swim speed. Reduces noise while swimming.
Climbing BootsClimbing Boots Reach Level 19 ・Increased climbing and mantling speed. Reduces fall damage.
Running SneakersRunning Sneakers Reach Level 45 ・Increases Tac Sprint duration and reduces refresh time.
Tactical PadsTactical Pads Reach Level 47 ・Increases slide distance and allows for aiming down sights while sliding. Increases stance transition speeds and crouched movement speed.
Stalker BootsStalker Boots Reach Level 54 ・Increased strafe and ADS movement speed.
Covert SneakersCovert Sneakers Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges ・Eliminates footstep sounds.

All Boots Perks and Best Boots Perks

All Gear Perks

Modern Warfare 3 - All Gear Perks

Gear perks give your loadout unique and often game-changing changing abilities. They further solidify your loadout if you're leaning towards a certain play style.

Equipment How to Unlock Description
EOD PaddingEOD Padding Default ・Reduces damage from non-killstreak explosives and fire.
TAC MaskTAC Mask Reach Level 10 ・Reduces strength of enemy flash, stun, and gas grenades. Immunity to shock, EMP, and Snapshot Grenades.
Mission Control ComlinkMission Control Comlink Reach Level 11 ・Reduce Killstreak cost by one (1) kill. Reduce Scorestreak cost by 125.
Bone Conduction HeadsetBone Conduction Headset Reach Level 24 ・Reduces combat noise, allowing improved identification of enemy footsteps and gunshots.
Mag HolsterMag Holster Reach Level 34 ・Improved reload speed.
Blacklight FlashlightBlacklight Flashlight Reach Level 36 ・Shows recent enemy footsteps.
L/R DetectorL/R Detector Reach Level 43 ・Warns of hostile laser and radiation sources.
Signal JammerSignal Jammer Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges ・Emits signal disrupting placed enemy claymores and mines. Warns of nearby enemy equipment.
Ghost T/V CamoGhost T/V Camo Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges ・While moving, blocks detection by UAVs, enemy radar sources, and Heartbeat Sensors.
Hijacked IFF StrobeHijacked IFF Strobe Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges ・Undetectable by AI targeting systems, and thermal optics. Does not highlight in enemy Tactical Cameras or Recon Drones.
Threat Identification SystemThreat Identification System Complete 8 Armory Unlock Challenges ・While ADS, automatically pings enemy locations in crosshairs.
Data JackerData Jacker Complete 8 Armory Unlock Challenges ・Enemies you kill drop a smartphone. Collecting the smartphone generates a radar ping from that location.

All Gear Perks and Best Gear Perks

Do Perk Effects Stack?

Duplicate Effects Don't Stack

Modern Warfare 3 - Duplicate Effects Don

Duplicate effects from different sources do not stack, but give a different effect instead. Below is a list of perks with such interaction.

List of Perk Combos

Perk Combo Effect
Infantry Vest
Running Sneakers
Gain Lightweight Boots
Gunner Vest
Mag Holster
Gain Mission Control Comlink
CCT Comms Vest
Data Jacker
Gain Mission Control Comlink
Overkill Vest
Quick-Grip Gloves
Commando Gloves
Gain Marksman Gloves

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