Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Ground War Tips and Best Loadouts

Modern Warfare 3 - Ground War

Ground War is a multiplayer game mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023) where two large teams battle for control over key areas across the map. Read on for the best strategies and loadouts for Ground War mode.

Ground War Best Strategies

Use Flags as Respawn Advantage

Modern Warfare 3 - Select Spawn Point
Capturing flags is not just about scoring points, it's about securing advantageous spawning points for your team. When you capture a flag, you are able to respawn there when you die.

Therefore, capturing a flag that is farther into the enemy's territory is a risky venture but it essentially opens a backdoor for your team to get to enemy flags faster and to initiate pincer strikes on enemy flags that are in the middle of the map.

Communicate with Team

If you're able to communicate and give each other info on which flags to push and which areas to secure, you will be able to cover for each other much easier and flank enemies successfully. Always know where your squad is, the fastest ways to get to them, and the locations of enemies if your squad is under fire.

Anticipate Enemy Spawns in Hot Areas

Enemies will generally tend to spawn where the action is, or where they can get to your flags much faster. It would be good to set up traps around the area or camp from a safe distance and snipe enemies who come out of the area.

Get in Vehicles

Modern Warfare 3 - Use Vehicles
Tanks and other ground vehicles will make it easier to push objectives with your team. While in a vehicle, move toward the routes that lead to flags and take out enemies that are defending it or trying to push toward your flag. Vehicles also provide some cover for your squad on foot.

Don't Push Alone

Modern Warfare 3 - Don
Capturing flags is a team effort so don't rush off on your own; that will only get you killed. Wait for your team to respawn on the frontlines, then make the push with them. This will significantly increase your odds of surviving a gunfight.

Snipe From High Ground

Modern Warfare 3 - Snipe From High Ground
Find some nice high ground, where you will be able to have a good view of a large portion of the map. Play defensively and snipe enemies out in the open or who are trying to flank your teammates.

However, due to a sniper's scope glint, sticking around the same spot may be dangerous, so switch up your position every now and then, and don't stay visible for too long.

Keep On Playing to Get Used to the Map

This goes without saying, but learning the ins and outs of each map, knowing which areas are safe and which are not, learning where you can flank and where you can camp will all eventually turn into muscle memory.

So long as you take the time to play and practice with Ground War using all the tips we mentioned above, you will certainly get better over time.

Ground War Best Loadouts

MCW & Longbow Loadout

1st Primary Weapon MCW
2nd Primary Weapon Longbow
Tactical Equipment Flash Grenade
Lethal Equipment Frag Grenade
Field Equipment A.C.S.
Vest Gunner Vest
Gloves Quick-grip Gloves
Gear EOD Padding

Hit Fast and Hard with MCW and Longbow

The MCW is an all-around Assault Rifle capable of attacking and defending flags in Ground War due to its great range, incredible damage and excellent recoil control.

The Longbow on the other hand, you will need when you're up on high ground and defending a flag. Take care not to aim through the scope for too long, as the glint will quickly give away your position.

Use A.C.S. on Flags

Place the A.C.S down at flags to capture them quickly while you look for cover or a safe sniping spot. Doing this helps to increase your survivability when you're the one on the frontlines capturing flags.

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