Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

List of All Lethal Equipment and Best Lethals

Modern Warfare 3 - All Lethal Equipment

The best Lethal Equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) are those that help players secure kills easily. Read on to see the best Lethal Equipment, a list of all Lethal Equipment, and how to unlock them.

Best Lethal Equipment

Recommended Lethal Equipment

Equipment Merits
Modern Warfare 3 - Frag Grenade
Frag Grenade
・Deal damage in a big radius.
・Can be used to deal chip damage or finish off stragglers hiding behind cover.
Modern Warfare 3 - Breacher Drone
Breacher Drone
・Direct hits can instantly kill enemies.
・Can be used as a pseudo-info gathering tool as it explodes on enemy proximity.
Modern Warfare 3 - Semtex
・Similar to Frag Grenades but can stick to surfaces.
Modern Warfare 3 - Drill Charge
Drill Charge
・Can kill enemies directly behind a wall.
・Can be used on Riot Shields.
・Useful for dealing with campers.
Modern Warfare 3 - Proximity Mine
Proximity Mine
・Useful for securing an area.
・Can be used to guard your flank, especially when using Sniper Rifles.
Modern Warfare 3 - Throwing Knife
Throwing Knife
・Can one-shot enemies.
・Can be picked up and reused.

How to Unlock All Lethal Equipment

NOTE: Some Lethal Equipment will require you to complete Armory Unlock Challenges in order to unlock them. This feature is unlocked once your account reaches Level 25.

Equipment How to Unlock Description
Frag GrenadeFrag Grenade Default Cookable fragmentation grenade.
ClaymoreClaymore Reach Level 8 Proximity-activated explosive mine.
Throwing KnifeThrowing Knife Reach Level 30 Retrievable throwing knife that is lethal on impact in Core MP.
ThermiteThermite Reach Level 33 Explosive incendiary device that sticks to all surfaces.
Thermobaric GrenadeThermobaric Grenade Reach Level 53 Cookable grenade. Creates a large explosion that stuns, leaves a fiery residue, and increases the lethality of explosives for a period of time.
SemtexSemtex Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges Timed sticky grenade.
Drill ChargeDrill Charge Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges Charge with a thermal lance that can burrow into surfaces before exploding.
Breacher DroneBreacher Drone Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges Explosive drone that explodes on proximity to an enemy or on impact.
C4C4 Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges Large explosive that sticks to surfaces and can be detonated remotely when the equipment is deployed.
Proximity MineProximity Mine Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges Proximity-triggered explosive that launches in the air, and deals heavy damage to the surrounding area.
Throwing StarThrowing Star Reach Level 55 and kill 50 enemies with the Throwing Knife A swift and deadly throwing star that inflicts a wounding effect on the target.

What are Lethal Equipment?

Equipment That Can Kill Enemies

Lethal Equipment are able to deal damage to enemy players or even kill them. Use them against enemies that are hiding behind cover or flush them out.

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