Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get All Crafting Schematics

MW3 Zombies - How to Get All Crafting Schematics
Crafting Schematics are obtainable recipes to craft items and Wonder Weapons you can use in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies Mode. Learn how to get and where to find Schematics, a Schematics locations loot table, and Schematic crafting guide in Zombies mode.

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Crafting Schematics Classified Schematics Schematic Exchange Board

New Season 5 Schematics

New Schematics

Schematic Loot Location
Disciple BottleDisciple Bottle Schematic Complete Contracts in the Fourth Elder Dark Aether
Grenade BandolierGrenade Bandolier Schematic Complete Contracts in the Fourth Elder Dark Aether
Stash Increase Schematic Complete Contracts in the Fourth Elder Dark Aether

Schematic Locations

Dark Aether Schematics

Schematic How to Get
Modern Warfare 3 - Dog Bone IconDog Bone Completing Contracts in First Elder Dark Aether
Golden Armor Plate IconGolden Armor Plate Completing Contracts in First Elder Dark Aether
Aether Blade Case IconAether Blade Case Completing Contracts in First Elder Dark Aether
Blood Burner Keys IconBlood Burner Keys Completing Contracts in Second Elder Dark Aether
Mag of Holding IconMag of Holding Completing Contracts in Second Elder Dark Aether
V-R11 Case Schematic Icon.pngV-R11 Completing Contracts in Second Elder Dark Aether

How to Get All Classified Schematics

Schematics Loot Table

Schematic Loot Location
Modern Warfare 3 Refined Aetherium SchematicRefined Aetherium Diagram High Threat Zone (Red) only
Modern Warfare 3 Epic Aether Tool SchematicEpic Aether Tool Plans High Threat Zone (Red) only
Modern Warfare 3 Ray Gun SchematicRay Gun Plans High Threat Zone (Red) only
Modern Warfare 3 Elemental Pop SchematicElemental Pop Recipe High Threat Zone (Red) only
Modern Warfare 3 Tombstone Soda SchematicTombstone Soda Recipe High Threat Zone (Red) only
Modern Warfare 3 Raw Aetherium SchematicRaw Aetherium Diagram Medium Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 Jugger-Nog SchematicJugger-Nog Recipe Medium Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 Shatter Blast SchematicShatter Blast Formula Medium Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 Dead Wire SchematicDead Wire Formula Medium Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 PHD Flopper SchematicPHD Flopper Recipe Medium Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 Stamin-Up SchematicStamin-Up Recipe Low Threat Zone (Grey) only
Modern Warfare 3 Speed Cola SchematicSpeed Cola Recipe Low Threat Zone (Grey) only
Modern Warfare 3 Brain Rot SchematicBrain Rot Formula Low Threat Zone (Grey) only
Modern Warfare 3 Napalm Burst SchematicNapalm Burst Formula Low Threat Zone (Yellow) only
Modern Warfare 3 Deadshot Daiquiri SchematicDeadshot Daiquiri Recipe Low Threat Zone (Grey) only

The above Schematics can be obtained in Reward Rifts from Contracts. Schematic drops are tied to the zone in which you complete the Contract in, so above is the Schematics loot table of which zone contracts you'll need to complete in order to obtain the Schematic.

How to Get and Exfil Wonder Weapons

Schematic Unlock Missions

Crafting Schematic Mission
Modern Warfare 3 Uncommon Aether Tool SchematicUncommon Aether Tool Schematic Saboteur
(Act 1 Tier 5 Mission)
Modern Warfare 3 Quick Revive SchematicQuick Revive Recipe Chaperone
(Act 1 Tier 5 Mission)
Modern Warfare 3 Cryo Freeze SchematicCryo Freeze Formula Safe Cracker
(Act 2 Tier 2 Mission)
Modern Warfare 3 Rare Aether Tool SchematicRare Aether Tool Schematic Exterminator
(Act 2 Tier 5 Mission)
Modern Warfare 3 Death Perception SchematicDeath Perception Recipe Two Factor Authentication
(Act 3 Tier 1 Mission)
Modern Warfare 3 Wunderwaffe DG-2 SchematicWunderwaffe DG-2 Schematic Holdout
(Act 3 Tier 4 Mission)

You obtain crafting schematics for the above items during the following story missions. Each Act has 2 Missions where you receive a Schematic of some type.

Zombies Acts and Mission Rewards

How to Get All Schematics

Schematics Type Unlock Method
Ammo Mod
Contract Reward Rifts
Wonder Weapons Case Contract Reward Rifts in High Threat Zones

Aetherium, Perks, and Ammo Mod Schematics

The best way to get Schematics is by completing Contracts and opening their Reward Rifts. Rewards you can obtain will vary and Crafting Schematics have a notably low drop rate so you might have to farm multiple contracts to get one.

How to Complete Contracts

Wonder Weapon Case Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 - Schematics Cooldown

You can get Wonder Weapon Case Schematics via Contracts' Reward Rifts in the High Threat Zones only. You can use Wonder Weapon Case schematics to craft Weapon Cases containing Wonder Weapons.

Red Zone Loot and Tips to Survive

Schematic Crafting: How to Craft

Steps to Craft Using Schematics
1 Exfiltrate the Diagram
2 Arrange Your Gear
3 Proceed to Schematic Crafting

Exfiltrate the Diagram

To start crafting using Schematics, you must first exfiltrate a diagram you have looted. Once you have successfully exfiltrated, you will be able to unlock the looted diagram under Schematic Crafting.

Arrange Your Gear

Proceed to the Gear menu and customize your loadout. Hover towards your rucksack and begin arranging items that you want to stash or bring.

You will have the option to swap or add items to your rucksack, which will then bring you to the Acquisition Stash and Schematic Crafting menu.

Proceed to Schematic Crafting

Choose to enter the Schematic Crafting menu to view which items you can craft. Crafting items does not have any cost, but they do have a cooldown. Items you craft will automatically appear in your rucksack, which you can store in your Acquisition Stash as well.

List of All Schematics and Cooldowns


Crafting Schematic Effect
Raw Aetherium Crystal Cooldown: 8 hours
Description: Crafts a Raw Aetherium Crystal that will Pack-a-Punch currently held weapon to Level I.
Refined Aetherium Crystal Cooldown: 16 hours
Description: Crafts a Refined Aetherium Crystal that will Pack-a-Punch currently held weapon to Level II.
Uncommon Aether Tool Cooldown: 2 hours
Description: Crafts an Uncommon Aether Tool that will upgrade your currently held weapon to Uncommon Rarity
Rare Aether Tool Cooldown: 8 hours
Description: Crafts a Rare Aether Tool that will upgrade your currently held weapon to Rare Rarity
Epic Aether Tool Cooldown: 10 hours
Description: Crafts an Epic Aether Tool that will upgrade your currently held weapon to Epic Rarity


Crafting Schematic Effect
Deadshot Daiquiri Can Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a can of Deadshot Daiquiri that grants the following: Aiming down sight moves to enemy critical location. Remove scope sway.
Jugger-Nog Can Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a can of Jugger-Nog that grants the following: Increases max health.
Death Perception Can Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a can of Death Perception that grants the following: Obscured enemies, chests, resources, and item drops are keylined.
Elemental Pop Can Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a can of Elemental Pop that grants the following: Every bullet you fire has a small chance to apply a random Ammo Mod effect.
PHD Flopper Can Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a can of PHD Flopper that grants the following: Dive to prone triggers an explosion. The explosion increases the higher you fall. Immunity from fall damage while diving.
Quick Revive Can Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a can of Quick Revive that grants the following: Reduce the health regen delay time by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.
Speed Cola Can Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a can of Speed Cola that grants the following: Drink to reload and replate armor faster.
Stamin-Up Can Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a can of Stamin-Up that grants the following: Increases run and sprint speed.
Tombstone Cola Can Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a can of Tombstone Cola that grants the following: On death create a tombstone stash at that location containing your backpack inventory in the next game.

List of All Zombies Perks

Ammo Mods

Crafting Schematic Effect
Shatter Blast Ammo Mod Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a Shatter Blast Ammo Mod that will apply Shatter Blast to your currently held weapon.
Brain Rot Ammo Mod Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a Brain Rot Ammo Mod that will apply Brain Rot to your currently held weapon.
Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod that will apply Cryo Freeze to your currently held weapon.
Dead Wire Ammo Mod Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a Dead Wire Ammo Mod that will apply Dead Wire to your currently held weapon.
Napalm Burst Ammo Mod Cooldown: 3 hours
Description: Crafts a Napalm Burst Ammo Mod that will apply Napalm Burst to your currently held weapon.

List of All Zombie Ammo Mods

Wonder Weapons

Crafting Schematic Effect
Ray Gun Cooldown: 48 hours
Description: Crafts a Ray Gun Weapon Case that can be opened to equip the Ray Gun Wonder Weapon.
Wunderwaffe DG-2 Cooldown: 48 hours
Description: Crafts a Wunderwaffe DG-2 Weapon Case that can be opened to equip the Wunderwaffe DG-2 Wonder Weapon.
V-R11 Cooldown: 48 hours
Description: Crafts a V-R11 Weapon Case that can be opened to equip the V-R11Wonder Weapon.

What are Crafting Schematics?

Recipes for Consumables and Wonder Weapons

MW3 Zombies - Crafting Schematics
Crafting Schematics are unlockable recipes to craft consumables and Wonder Weapons in the loadout menu. These schematics are random drops within Urzikstan and are needed to be exfiltrated before put into use.

Crafting using these schematics has no cost, though they do have a cooldown. Always take advantage of the crafting system to get an upper hand right from the start of your playthrough.

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4 JBones5 months

Wait, I thought napalm was a T1 schematic, not a T2

3 Anonymous5 months

yes, you have a chance to get the flawless crystal by beating the red worm, "greylorm"


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