Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Zombies Season 1 Guide and All Content

MW3 Zombies Season 1

Zombies Season 1 focuses on the Dark Aether Rift mechanic and new Schematics in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Catch up on the latest Zombies Season 1 patch notes, new schematics and easter eggs, and Zombies S1 walkthrough guides.

All Zombies Season 1 Content

Mid-Season Content

Zombies Season 1 Mid-Season Content
MW3 Zombies Dokkaebi WarlordDokkaebi Warlord

Dokkaebi is a new Warlord in Season 1 Reloaded and can be found at the top of the skycraper in Zaravan City.

Dokkaebi Fortress Location

Season 1 Schematics and Acquisitions

New Schematics
MW3 Golden Armor Plate SchematicGolden Armor Plate MW3 Dog Bone SchematicDog Bone
MW3 Aether Blade CaseAether Blade Schematic MW3 The Scorcher SchematicThe Scorcher Weapon Case Schematic
MW3 Flawless Aetherium Crystal SchematicFlawless Aetherium Crystal Schematic MW3 Legendary Aether Tool SchematicLegendary Aether Tool Schematic

All new Season 1 Schematics can be found in the Dark Aether Rift zone after entering via an Elder Sigil.

How to Get All Classified Schematics

Season 1 Easter Eggs and Guides

How to Enter Dark Aether Rift
How to Get All Keys How to Beat Gorm'gant
Locked Diary Pill Bottle
Surveillance Camera Dog Collar
How to Get Sigils How to Get Elder Sigils
Greylorm Worm Boss Guides
All Calibration Data USB Locations All Refractor Locations
How to Beat Greylorm -
Dark Aether Map and Locations
Dark Aether Interactive Map Dark Aether Contract Locations
Dark Aether Exfil Locations Dark Aether Key Locations
Al Bagra Officers Quarters ABF Antiquities Office
Al Bagra Munitions Storeroom Al Bagra Barrack
Zombies Prestige Challenges
How to Get 10 Throwing Knives Kills in 30 Seconds -

The Dark Aether Rift mechanic is the center of Zombies Season 1. The Dark Aether Rift is a new zone unlocked by the 4 keys (Locked Diary, Pill Bottle, Surveillance Camera, and Dog Collar). To enter this zone, you need to spend Sigils to activate the portal.

New Wonder Weapon

MW3 VR-11

The V-R11 is the new support Wonder Weapon introduced in Season 1. It turns opponents into your allies for a temporary period before they die. You can also shoot the V-R11 at your teammates to make them temporarily invisible to zombies.

How to Get V-R11 Wonder Weapon

Prestige Challenges

Calling Card How to Get
Bursting Complete all Prestige 1 Zombies Challenges.
Harvesting Season Get 10 kills in 30 seconds with Throwing Knives.
Lightning Fast Get 200 kills shortly after reloading with Speed Cola active.
Sunset Asssault Extract 3 Schematics in a Single Deployment.
Urban Toll Kill 25 Manglers while using Napalm Burst.
Reaching Complete all Prestige 2 Zombies Challenges.
Don't Breathe Get 250 Kills while in Tac Stance.
Don't Look Back Get 50 Kills with the Sentry Gun Killstreak.
Knock Knock Complete 10 Big Bountry Contracts while Jugger-Nog is active.
Cave Dweller Kill 75 Hellhounds with Cryo Freeze.
Scream Out Complete all Prestige 3 Zombies Challenges.
Torrential Horde Get 30 Kills while Underwater.
Unknown Voyage Get 15 Kills with an LMG without releasing the trigger.
No Mercy Get 150 Kills while in the Low Threat Zone with a Legendary Rarity Weapon.
Crystal Horde Get 1000 Kills with Akimbo Pistols.
Enhanced Complete all Prestige 4 Zombies Challenges.
Wonder Shocked Get 1000 Kills using a weapon with an After Market Part.
Mind the Kindling Revive 15 Teammates with Quick Revive active.
Fire and Corpses Use 5 Acquisitions in under 30 Seconds.
So It Begins Damage an Aether Worm with your Fists.
Screeching Creatures Complete all Prestige 5 Zombies Challenges.
Kill-O-Watt Trigger 300 Ammo Mods with Elemental Pop active.
Pale Surfer Get 250 Kills in a row without taking damage.
Heavy Stuff Get 100 Kills while Sliding.
Minion Get 300 Kills with your Fists.
Armed and Ready Complete all Prestige 6 Zombies Challenges
Dark Aether Containment Collect 100 Aether Containers
Glorious Sub Purchase 10 Legendary Weapons at Wall Buys
Inevitable Get a Quad Kill with Monkey Bomb 20 Times
Tapped Get 750 Critical Kills with SMGs
Don't Look Back, It's Cooler Complete all Prestige 7 Zombies Challenges
Turret Trauma Get 150 Kills with Deadbolt
Raining Vials Spend 25,000 Essence in a Single Game and Successfully Exfil 5 Times
Surrounded Get 500 Kills while Frenzied Guard is active
Impending Doom Activate 25 Nukes Power-Up
Handy Maneuver Complete all Prestige 8 Zombies Challenges
Brain Drain Get 10 Critical Kills without Reloading with Pistols 20 Times
Imbued Use the Pack-A-Punch Machine 25 Times
Glint Destroy 15 Counter UAVs in Mercenary Camps
Shocked Dead Get 5 Conductive Medals, Killing 10 Enemies rapidly with Electric Damage
Drink Up Complete all Prestige 9 Zombie Challenges
Electric Thirst Get 100 PHD Flopper Explosion Kills
Clearer Vision Destroy 50 Aether Nest Cyst while Death Perception is Active
In My Hands Extract 1 Refined Aetherium Crystal
Let 'Em Have It Earn 75 Jackrabbit Medals, Killing 30 enemies without taking damage

Season 1 allows you to level up past Rank 55 into Prestige Ranks that persist across seasons. Each Prestige Rank comes with 5 Zombies Calling Card challenges that you can complete.

All Prestige Challenges

Zombies Season 1 Update Patch Notes

Below are the official Call of Duty Patch Notes for Season 1. For more information see Season 1 Update Patch Notes.

Zombies: Maps


  • Various visual map fixes.

Zombies: Weapons

Wonder Weapons

  • The Scorcher: The Scorcher’s launch ability will automatically fire when a player reaches their maximum charge under low ammo conditions.


  • DG-58: Addressed an issue that prevented camos from applying in the customization tab in loadout menus.

Weapon Cases

  • All Weapon Cases: Closed a duplication exploit.

Zombies: Missions

Hostile Takeover

  • Addressed an issue that prevented some safes from progressing this Mission.
  • Adjusted the description of this Mission in the Mission Select menu to state that Greene wants Players to hit “Terminus” instead of “Deadbolt.”

Hostile Takeover Walkthrough

Merc Cleanup

  • Mercenaries killed from long distances inside Merc Camps will now progress this mission.

Merc Cleanup Walkthrough


  • This Mission now requires players to shock five separate Special zombies instead of shocking the same Special zombie multiple times.

Shocked Walkthrough

Storm the Castle

  • The required mission item will always drop when the Warlord is killed.

How to Collect Strauss's Research: Storm the Castle Walkthrough

Zombies: Gameplay


Defend Ground Station
・Addressed an issue that prevented the timer for the Defend Ground Station contract from appearing if players previously completed the same contract in a single session.
・Mercenaries will now continue to fight Players after completing the Defend Ground Station contract.
Eliminate the Bounty
・HVTs lured far away from their original spawn location in an attempt to exploit their behavior will now return faster to their spawn and heal more.
・Enemies no longer spawn if players are not progressing the contract.
Raid Weapon Stash
・Enemies no longer spawn if players are not progressing the contract.
Spore Control
・Adjusted Spores to prevent them from spawning on a player, resulting in an instant death.


・Addressed an issue where players could store more Acquisitions in the stash than intended.
Aether Tools
・Addressed an issue that prevented Aether Tools from applying if a player was driving a vehicle.
Ammo Mods
・Addressed an issue that prevented Ammo Mods from applying if a player was driving a vehicle.
Perk-A-Colas: Tombstone Soda
・Addressed an issue where Tombstones could spawn under the map.
・Addressed an issue where Tombstones could spawn in the center of the map instead of where a player previously died.
・Addressed an issue where sometimes players would not obtain their essence when interacting with a Tombstone.
・Closed various duplication exploits associated with Tombstone Soda.
Ammo Mods: Brain Rot
・Players will now receive essence when a Brain Rotted Zombie kills other Zombies or dies.


  • Various fixes for locations on the map where players could not loot items.


・More formidable enemies have been added to the Exfil experience in all zones.
・Addressed a rare issue that prevented the Hilltop Exfil helicopter from landing.
・All exfils will increase the number of enemies spawned, with the Final Exfil receiving a significant boost to enemy count and enemy types.


  • Ammo Caches will now always fully refill applicable player ammo reserves.
  • Addressed an issue that allowed players to die instantly if they ran and slid into a Dog House.
  • Players will no longer be able to hide inside a Dog House.
  • Closed an out-of-bounds location that allowed players to stay alive outside the playable space.
  • Addressed an issue where Player selected Operator skins would change upon entering a vehicle.

Zombies: Enemies


・Addressed multiple issues that allowed Disciples to behave erratically, such as becoming stuck high in the air or on objects.
The Stormcaller
・Addressed an issue that allowed The Stormcaller to die instantly from the Blood Burner’s Aether Pulse.
Hell Hounds
Hellhound flame particles will disappear if a Hell Hound does not spawn.
・Adjusted spawns to prevent Zombies from spawning on top of fences.
・Adjusted pathing to address exploits or incorrect pathing.
・Addressed an issue that allowed Light Armored Zombies to receive more headshot damage than intended.

Zombies: Equipment

Lethal Equipment

  • Experimental Gas Grenade: Damage against Aether Worms has been reduced.

Tactical Equipment

  • Decoy Grenades: Reduced the number of Decoy Grenades that can be stacked or equipped from 3 to 2. Reduced Decoy Grenade duration from 8 seconds to 6.

Zombies: Killstreaks


  • Addressed an issue where players could destroy an Exfil helicopter by calling in a Juggernaut suit crate on top of it.

How to Get Juggernaut

Sentry Turret

  • Players can no longer kill themselves or others when placing down a Sentry Turret.

How to Get Sentry Guns

Zombies: Customization


  • Borealis (MW3) and Bioluminescent (MW2): Increased the animation rate of the Borealis and Bioluminescent Completionist Camos

Zombies: UIX

  • Player health and stamina are now represented by dynamic bars on the HUD.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented pings on looted items in caches from disappearing automatically.
  • Addressed an issue where players who attempted to equip a Mission Reward in the Gear tab would sometimes equip the wrong item.
  • Addressed an issue where objective titles would occasionally not display while loading into a match.
  • Addressed an issue where objective text would occasionally display outside its panel while loading into a match.
  • Addressed an issue where players would be returned to the lobby screen when selecting “Activate Armory Unlock” on a locked Tactical or Lethal equipment item.

Zombies: Progression


  • The First Step: Players can now unlock “The First Step” for reaching level 55 in Modern Warfare Zombies. Previously, players would need to enter the Multiplayer menu to obtain the achievement.


  • Golden Enigma (MW3) & Golden Ivory (MW2): We’ve released a fix that allows Players to complete the Golden Enigma and Golden Ivory Completionist Camos with Blueprint weapons and Custom Mods.

Zombies: Audio

Battle Chatter

  • “Friendly Fire” Operator chatter will play less frequently.

Zombies: Stability

  • Adjustments have been made to better ensure players keep their loadout and rucksack inventory if they do not successfully deploy into a match.
  • Added various crash and stability fixes.

How Many Zombies Season 1 Missions?

Only 1 Mission

Modern Warfare 3 Bad Signal Mission

Zombies Season 1 only has 1 mission, the Act 4 story mission Bad Signal. There are no follow-up objectives or missions to do after that, but you do get access to a series of complicated secret objectives/easter eggs that will allow you to unlock and explore the Dark Aether Rift afterward.

You can do the Act 4 mission regardless of your Acts 1 to 3 progression.

Bad Signal Act 4 Mission Walkthrough

Zombies Season 1 Battle Pass

Paid Acquisitions

Zombies Battle Pass Items (Season 1)
MW3 Zombies - Cryo Freeze Ammo ModCryo Freeze Ammo Mod
Sector A1
Modern Warfare 3 - Refined Aetherium CrystalRefined Aetherium Crystal
Sector A4
MW3 Zombies - Shatter Blast Ammo ModShatter Blast Ammo Mod
Sector A15
Modern Warfare 3 - Epic Aether Tool IconEpic Aether Tool
Sector A16
Modern Warfare 3 - Legendary Aether Tool IconLegendary Aether Tool
Sector A19

The Season 1 Battle Pass introduces the first pay-to-win aspects for Modern Warfare Zombies. If you progress the Battle Pass, you'll be rewarded with 2 of each of the above Zombies items, which you can use once each at any point when deploying into a Zombies match.

Current Battle Pass End Dates and Rewards

Season 1 Battle Pass Weapons

The XRK Stalker (Sniper Rifle), RAM-7 (Assault Rifle), and Stormender (EMP Launcher) can be used in Zombies loadouts once unlocked via the Season 1 Battle Pass.

These are weapons that you can only obtain throughout the duration of the season.

Zombies Best Guns and Weapons Tier List

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode

Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

All Zombies Guides

Zombies Guides and Lists
Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
Zombies Weapons Crafting Schematics
Aetherium Challenges and Enemies
Zombies Perks Zombies Ammo Mods
Zombies Field Upgrades Zombies Gear
Contracts Zombies Power-Ups


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