Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Dark Aether Rift Locations, Rewards, and How to Enter

★ S6 New Guns: DTIR 30-06 | Kastov LSW
☆ S5 Reloaded Dark Aether Keys and Locations
Mr. Peeks | Drum | Locked Diary | Giraffe Toy
☆ Final MWZ Story Mission: Ascension Walkthrough
Zombies Map | Dark Aether Interactive Map
Rarity vs Pack-a-Punch Damage Chart

Modern Warfare 3 How to Enter Dark Aether Rift

There are four Dark Aether Rifts located in Urzikstan in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies as of Season 5 Reloaded. Read on to learn about all Dark Aether Rift locations, rewards, and how to enter each of the four Dark Aether Rifts!

Dark Aether Rift Related Guides
Dark Aether Rift Locations Dark Aether Rift Keys

Dark Aether Rift Locations and Rewards

4 Dark Aether Rifts as of Season 5 Reloaded

Location Possible Rewards

Tile F5
Disciple Bottle
Grenade Bandolier
Stash Increase

Tile E4
Elder Sigils
Golden Mask Filter
Sergeant's Beret
Dead Wire Detonators

Tile G4
Elder Sigils
Mags of Holding
Blood Burner Key
V-R11 Schematic (Elder Rift)
Golden Armor Plate
Dog Bone

Tile F6
Elder Sigils
Dog Bone
Golden Armor Plate
Aether Blade

There are Dark Aether Rifts located on Tile F6, Tile G4, Tile E4, and Tile F5 of the Urzikstan Zombies Map. All 4 are in the Red Zone and each will have different reward pools.

Listed above are the rewards that you can only get from that specific Dark Aether. The lists don't include generic rewards such as Aether Tools and Aetherium, Perks, Ammo Mods, and Killstreak Gear.

Dark Aether Easter Eggs: How to Get All Keys

How to Enter Dark Aether Rift

Jump to a Dark Aether Rift Walkthrough
4th Dark Aether Rift
(Tile G4)
3rd Dark Aether Rift
(Tile F6)
2nd Dark Aether Rift
(Tile G4)
1st Dark Aether Rift
(Tile F6)

4th Dark Aether Rift (Season 5 Reloaded)

  1. Complete Ascension Story Mission
  2. Collect All 4 New Relic Keys
  3. Upgrade 3 Keys to Gold Before Placing on Pedestals
  4. Obtain a Sigil and Open the Portal

Complete the Ascension Story Mission

Mr Peeks Reward Rift After Final Mission

To access the final Dark Aether Rift of MWZ, you will first need to complete the final Act 4 Mission, Ascension. This story mission can be tracked from the zombies lobby without having to finish any of the earlier story missions. Head over to Tile F5 to start the mission.

Ascension Story Mission Walkthrough

Collect All 4 New Relic Keys

The first key is obtained after defeating the Entity boss at the end of Ascension. Interact with the reward rift to get your first Dark Aether Key - Mr. Peeks. After this key, you'll need to collect the other three keys: Echo of Drum, Echo of Giraffe Toy, and Echo of Locked Diary.

Pedestal Keys How to Get
Mr. Peeks In Reward Rift after defeating The Entity at the end of the Ascension story mission.
Echo of Drum Go to the canal in Tile G5 of the Red Zone. Spawn a Blood Burner and then follow the white arrows while riding the Blood Burner.
Echo of Locked Diary Kill 5 Mimics using an Aether Blade. Loot the Echo of Locked Diary from the reward rift that spawns after the 5th kill.
Echo of Giraffe Toy Kill a Mercenary while wearing a Sergeant's Beret.

Upgrade 3 Keys to Gold Before Placing on Pedestals

Upgrade the Echoes of Drum, Locked Diary, and Giraffe Toy until they're all gold, before taking the 4 keys (including Mr. Peeks) to Tile F5. Go to the fountain in front of the palace and place the upgraded keys on the Pedestals to activate the new Dark Aether Rift.

Pedestal Key How to Upgrade
Echo of Drum Go to the Shorok Opera House near Tile F7. Climb the tower of the opera house and offer your Unattuned Relic (drum) to the burnt corpse to start the challenge. Zombies with elemental auras will start spawning, requiring you to use all 4 ammo mods to kill them (depending on their aura). Once a certain number has been killed, claim the upgraded key from the Reward Rift that spawns.
Echo of Locked Diary Go to the Eagle Statue in Tile D2 of the Yellow Zone. Climb its hollow center and offer your Unattuned Relic (Locked Diary) to the corpse to start the challnege. Use the PHD Flopper the corpse drops, then go into the Gold Rift to teleport to a cooling tower in Popov Power. Dolphin Dive off of the south east side of the tower and land on or near the blue crate with an eagle symbol to get the Gold Echo of Locked Diary.
Echo of Giraffe Toy Go to parking lot in Tile F4 of the Red Zone and look for a broken white car with a corpse inside of it. Offer your Unattuned Relic (Giraffe Toy) to the corpse to start the challenge. Defeat the Boss Zombies and mobs that spawn to get the reward rift with the Gold Echo of Giraffe Toy.

Obtain a Sigil and Open the Portal

When you activate the 4th Dark Aether Rift for the first time, a Megabomb will spawn. Killing it will net you a free Sigil that you can use to visit the new Dark Aether Rift. Succeeding attempts will require you to farm Sigils in the Red Zone.

▶︎ How to Get Sigils ▶︎ Dark Aether Map ▶︎ Elder Sigils

3rd Dark Aether Rift (Season 3 Reloaded)

  1. Complete Union Story Mission
  2. Collect All 4 New Relic Keys
  3. Upgrade 3 Keys to Gold Before Placing on Pedestals
  4. Obtain a Sigil and Open the Portal

Complete Union Story Mission

Escape the Rift

You must first complete the new story mission Union, wherein you must locate Dr. Jansen, defeat a boss, and obtain the golden Giraffe Toy Relic Key.

Union Mission Walkthrough

Collect All 4 New Relic Keys

The first key, the golden Giraffe Toy, will already be in your possession. You will then need to collect the other three keys: the Science Journal, Laptop With Stickers, and Imaginary Friend Drawing.

Pedestal Keys How to Get
Giraffe Toy In Reward Rift after completing the Union story mission.
Science Journal Head to the Aether Storm and kill around 50 Zombies until Reward Rift appears.
Laptop With Stickers Head to a Mercenary Camp and kill a Sergeant with a pet dog (Hellhound) until Reward Rift appears.
Imaginary Friend Drawing Head to the main building of Zohoor Ranch with Death Perception active and interact with an object under the bed on the top floor.

Upgrade 3 Keys to Gold Before Placing on Pedestals

You will need to upgrade the Science Journal, Laptop With Stickers, and Imaginary Friend Drawing from Purple to Gold.

In order to do this, you must head to each upgrade location, stand on the small rune triangle, shoot 3 runes that appear, then find a nearby spot that will enable you to line up the runes so they form a giant triangle.

Pedestal Key Upgrade Location
Science Journal
Head to the purple triangle at Tile E4, just south of the Dark Aether Rift
Laptop With Stickers
Head to the purple triangle at Tile F5 on the map.
Imaginary Friend Drawing
head to the purple triangle at Tile F5 on the map.

Full guides with images are found on the individual Key pages above.

Obtain a Sigil and Open the Portal

MW3 Laptop With Stickers Pedestal

After upgrading all keys to gold, bring them to the Dark Aether Rift in Tile E4 (in the Red Zone) and place them on the pedestals with the corresponding symbols. This will summon the Dark Aether Rift and reward you with a Sigil as well.

▶︎ How to Get Sigils ▶︎ Dark Aether Map ▶︎ Elder Sigils

2nd Dark Aether Rift (Season 2 Reloaded)

  1. Complete Countermeasures Story Mission
  2. Collect All 4 New Keys from Obelisks in Countermeasures Mission Map
  3. Upgrade 3 Keys to Gold Before Placing on Pedestals
  4. Obtain a Sigil and Open the Portal

Complete Countermeasures Story Mission

MW3 Zombies Drum Key

In order to enter the new Dark Aether Rift, you'll need to complete the Act 4 Story Mission Countermeasures, which takes place in the Dark Aether. In the Reward Rift for beating the boss at the end of this mission, there will be the Drum item. This is one of the 4 keys needed to enter the 2nd Dark Aether Rift.

What to Do With the Drum

Collect All 4 New Keys from Obelisks in Countermeasures Mission Map

The 3 other keys needed to enter the 2nd Dark Aether Rift are all also found within the Countermeasures Mission map. You'll need to locate 3 different obelisks and start their challenge in order to obtain the key afterward.

Obelisk Location Obelisk Challenge

Tattered MMA Gloves
Melee Kills

Perforated Target
Headshot Kills

Pristine Mirror
Kill zombies with Ammo Mod corresponding to color of the ring

Note that you'll have to repeat the Countermeasures Mission every time you enter its map—and every time you do, you get the Drum. The Countermeasures Mission is repeatable, so you don't need to get all 4 keys within the time limit, but it's possible to get them all in one go.

Upgrade 3 Keys to Gold Before Placing on Pedestals

After obtaining all 4 keys, you'll have to turn them into gold rarity before using them to enter the Dark Aether Rift. The Drum is already gold rarity, so you'll only need to upgrade the 3 other keys.

Pedestal Key How to Upgrade
Tattered MMA Gloves
Proceed to the Gym found on tile F7 in the Zaravan Suburbs and offer the gloves in the middle of the boxing ring inside. After that, three punching bags will spawn on the right side of the gym. Punch them only once from left to right to set them all on fire.
Perforated Target
Proceed to the Shooting Range found on tile H8 in Shahin Manor. Offer the key to the target in the middle to spawn another set of glowing targets. Shoot those to spawn a unique zombie that you'll have to headshot.
Pristine Mirror
Go to the Graveyard found on tile I3. Offer the mirror in one of the graves, and it will spawn 3 zombies that you need to kill with different Ammo Mods. You'll find all three Ammo Mods in a lit up tower nearby.

Full guides with images are found on the individual Key pages above.

Obtain a Sigil and Open the Portal

MW3 Zombies Rift Pedestal

After upgrading all keys to gold, bring them to the Dark Aether Rift in Tile G4 (in the Red Zone) and place them on the pedestals with the corresponding symbols. This will summon the Dark Aether Rift and reward you with a Sigil as well.

Use the Sigil on the south side of the rift in order to activate it. If you're in a squad, the squad members will have to vote to confirm teleporting to the Dark Aether.

▶︎ How to Get Sigils ▶︎ Dark Aether Map ▶︎ Elder Sigils

1st Dark Aether Rift (Season 1)

  1. Complete Bad Signal Story Mission
  2. Collect All 4 Key Items
  3. Upgrade Keys to Gold Before Placing on Pedestals
  4. Obtain a Sigil and Open the Portal

Complete Bad Signal Mission

Modern Warfare 3 Bad Signal Location

Before you can enter the Dark Aether Rift, you'll first have to complete the Act 4 Mission, Bad Signal. This mission actually lets you visit the Dark Aether for a short while, however, you won't be able to re-enter the Dark Aether after finishing it until you've done all the necessary steps to open the portal again.

Bad Signal Act 4 Mission Walkthrough

Collect All 4 Key Items

Modern Warfare 3 - Place Surveillance Camera on Pedestal

After finishing the Bad Signal mission, you will then have to collect all 4 key items and place them on their corresponding pedestals in front of the Dark Aether Rift entrance. The 4 key items are as follows: Locked Diary, Pill Bottle, Surveillance Camera, and Dog Collar.

Below is a list of where to get all 4 Key items, which are required to open the Dark Aether Rift.

Key Item How to Get
Locked Diary Reward from completing Act 4 Mission, Bad Signal
Pill Bottle Shoot a Cyst in Aether Nests with a Brain Rot Ammo Mod equipped.
Surveillance Camera Destroy a Harvester Orb with a Dead Wire Ammo Mod equipped.
Dog Collar Place a Chunk of Flesh and Molotov in a Dog House, then kill the Hellhound that comes out of it.

How to Get All Keys

Upgrade Keys to Gold Before Placing on Pedestals

Modern Warfare 3 - Gold Rift

After getting each key, you'll have to upgrade them to Gold rarity before you can place them on top of the pedestals. This can be done by going into an Aether Tear while holding a key and parachuting towards a Gold Rift in the sky.

A Purple Bounty Contract will then become available for you to accept somewhere on the map, and you'll have to complete it in order to upgrade a key to its Gold version.

All Aether Tear Locations

Obtain a Sigil and Open the Portal

You can get one Sigil after activating the Dark Aether Rift for the first time. However, succeeding Sigils must be obtained by completing contracts in the High Threat Zone (Red Zone).

To enter the Dark Aether Rift, use a Sigil on the pillar of the entrance to open the portal. Afterwards, all players in a squad must partake in a voting system and reach the required amount of “Yes” votes needed in order to be transported to the Dark Aether Rift.

▶︎ How to Get Sigils ▶︎ Dark Aether Map ▶︎ Elder Sigils

Modern Warfare 3 Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode

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All Zombies Guides

Zombies Guides and Lists
Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
Zombies Weapons Crafting Schematics
Aetherium Challenges and Enemies
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Zombies Field Upgrades Zombies Gear
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All Zombies Map Locations

Dark Aether Map Locations
Dark Aether Rift Locations Dark Aether Easter Eggs: How to Get All Keys
Dark Aether Map Dark Aether Contract Locations
Dark Aether Exfil Locations -
Zombies Map Locations
Legacy Fortress Portals and Codes
Mystery Boxes Perk Machines
Locked Vault Pawn Transmission
Strongholds Buy Station
Merc Camps Deadbolt Turrets
Aether Tear Redeploy Drones
Der Wunderfizz Red Zone
Exfil Gas Station
Bunkers Audio Logs
Bosses Hidden Caches
Doghouses -


2 Chad Snyder (HTTR4421)11 months

forgot to put my name in in my comment smh

1 Anonymous11 months

Thank you very much for this information. Easy to understand and follow. Made it all sounds quite simple lol. I will be a faithful follower from here on out. Much better than some of the you tubers. No disrespect intended, I do watch a few of y'all and subscribed.. anyways thank you again for the breakdown of all things zombies much appreciated 💯🤙👊


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