Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Rainmaker Fortress Location and Rewards

Modern Warfare 3 - Rainmaker Fortress Location and Rewards

Warlord Rainmaker is located on Raaha Island in H8 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies (MW3). Learn the Rainmaker Fortress location, how to beat Warlord Rainmaker, and the rewards that you can get in this guide!

Rainmaker Fortress Rewards

Rainmaker Fortress Rewards

Clean House (Blueprint)

Modern Warfare 3 - Clean House Reward

The Clean House is a rare DG-56 weapon blueprint obtained as a reward from defeating Rainmaker. The blueprint comes with a grenade launcher on it and has attachments that are unique and different than those generally found from killing regular mercenaries.

All Zombie Weapon Locations

Random Wonder Weapon

Modern Warfare 3 - Wonder Weapon Reward from Rainmaker

Defeating Rainmaker also rewards you with a random Wonder Weapon, such as the Scorcher and Ray Gun. Defeating the Rainmaker Warlord is one of the two guaranteed ways of getting a Wonder Weapon; the other method being the Keres Fortress.

How to Get and Exfil Wonder Weapons

Aetherium Crystals

Modern Warfare 3 - Aetherium Crystal Reward from Rainmaker

There is also a chance to get Aetherium Crystals from killing the Rainmaker. These crystals can be used to Pack-a-Punch your weapons for free.

List of Aetherium and Aether Tools

Random Equipment and Gear

You may also receive random equipment or gear upon beating Rainmaker. These gear are generally used as utility to aid you in combat.

List of All Zombies Gear

Rainmaker Fortress and Location

Raaha Island - Tile H8

Warlord Rainmaker is located inside Rainmaker's Fortress on Raaha Island (Tile H8), just southeast of Shahin Manor. You will need a Fortress Keycard - Rainmaker to enter, which you can get from clearing out Mercenary Strongholds.

How to Get Stronghold Keycards Fast

Warlord Rotation Now Active

Because there are multiple Warlords on the map, there is a rotation of what Fortresses are active in a given game. When all Warlord Fortresses are active, then it'll depend on RNG on which Warlord Fortress will appear when you log into a game.

When a new Warlord is added, that Fortress is the only Warlord Location active for about a week before it then becomes a randomized pool of which Warlord spawns in your game.

How to Beat Rainmaker Warlord

How to Beat Warlord Rainmaker

Eliminate Anti-Tank Personnel

Modern Warfare 3 - Eliminate Anti-Tank Personnel on the Roof

Deal with the Anti-Tank personnel first as they will launch mortar rounds and fire rockets at you upon stepping foot on the island. Most of the mortar crew and rocket launcher soldiers are at the roof of the fortress, so make sure you take them out as soon as possible.

There is also a mortar crew on a helipad just southwest of the island. We highly suggest killing these guys first and using the cover around the helipad to snipe out enemy personnel on the fortress's roof.

Destroy Traps Inside the Fortress

Modern Warfare 3 - Rainmaker Fortress Tripwire

Once you enter the Rainmaker Fortress, there will be tripwires, mines, and sentry turrets sprawled all over the place. You can disable these traps by firing at them.

Disabling the traps is your highest priority as they can be a nuisance when fighting the Rainmaker.

Focus on the Warlord After Disabling Traps

Modern Warfare 3 - Rainmaker Running Around Fortress

After disabling all traps and destroying the sentry guns, it's time to defeat the Rainmaker. The mechanics for this warlord isn't all too difficult since he'll just run around different rooms in the fortress. You can simply chase him down and use your strongest weapon to kill him.

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