Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

DTIR 30-06 Best Loadout and Build

★ S6 New Guns: DTIR 30-06 | Kastov LSW
☆ S5 Reloaded Dark Aether Keys and Locations
Mr. Peeks | Drum | Locked Diary | Giraffe Toy
☆ Final MWZ Story Mission: Ascension Walkthrough
Zombies Map | Dark Aether Interactive Map
Rarity vs Pack-a-Punch Damage Chart

The DTIR 30-06 is a type of Battle Rifle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn the best loadout and build setup for the DTIR 30-06, including its camo challenges, attachments, stats, and how to unlock.

How to Get DTIR 30-06

Complete Sector 6 of the Season 6 Battle Pass

DTIR 30-06 Battle Pass

The DTIR 30-06 can be unlocked by completing all Sector 6 challenges of the Season 6 Battle Pass.

Current Battle Pass End Dates and Rewards

DTIR 30-06 Best Loadout and Build

DTIR 30-06 Attachment Setup

Best DTIR 30-06 Attachments
Optic Slate Reflector
Barrel Sanctum-60 Long Barrel
Muzzle Scratch 20-L Suppressor
Underbarrel XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop
Magazine 40 Round Mag

DTIR 30-06 Loadout Setup

Best DTIR 30-06 Loadout
Vest Mission Control Vest
Gloves Commando Gloves
Boots Stalker Boots
Gear Mag Holster
Gear 2 TAC Mask
Tactical Stun Grenade
Lethal Frag Grenade

DTIR 30-06 Camo Challenges

All DTIR 30-06 MW3 Camos

Camo Challenge
Cursed Photocopy Get 50 Operator Kills with the DTIR 30-06.
Atoms Abound Get 50 Operator Kills while Fully Auto with the DTIR 30-06.
Peaks and Valleys Get 10 Operator Kills while using any scope attachment with the DTIR 30-06.
Star Light, Star Bright Get 15 Operator Headshot Kills with the DTIR 30-06.
Gilded DTIR 30-06 Get 10 Operator Headshot Kills while moving with the DTIR 30-06.
Forged DTIR 30-06 Get 2 Operator Kills without dying 25 times with the DTIR 30-06.
Priceless DTIR 30-06 Get 15 Operator Kills short after ADS with the DTIR 30-06.
Interstellar DTIR 30-06 Complete 36 Priceless Camo Challenges.
Photocopied Horror In Zombies, get 250 kills with the DTIR 30-06.
Atomic Structure In Zombies, get 250 kills in the Medium or High Threat Zones with the DTIR 30-06.
Highs and Lows In Zombies, get 50 Mercenary kills with the DTIR 30-06.
Trouble-Shoot In Zombies, get 10 Disciple kills with the DTIR 30-06.
Golden Enigma DTIR 30-06 In Zombies, get 100 kills and successfully extract with the DTIR 30-06.
Zircon Scale DTIR 30-06 In Zombies, get 300 Kills with the DTIR 30-06 while it's Pack-A-Punched
Serpentinite DTIR 30-06 In Zombies, get 10 Special or Elite Zombie Kills with the DTIR 30-06.
Borealis DTIR 30-06 Complete 36 Serpentinite Camo Challenges.

All DTIR 30-06 Attachments

DTIR 30-06 Barrels

Extnd-10 Long Barrel Fixer 1.4 Long Barrel Sanctum-60 Long Barrel
Barter-XS Short Barrel Shadowcaster Suppressed Barrel

DTIR 30-06 Muzzles

Eight-Point Flash Hider TA Hul-Breach KL Kastovia DX90
Polarfire-S Cronen Dark KX30 Lockshot KT85
TY-LR8 Husher-65 Silencer ZULU-60
ZLR Talon 5 TZL-90 V3 Tempus GH50
Echoline GS-X FR Titan Silencer Cronen SP-DR
L4R Flash Hider Shadowstrike Suppressor VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor L
HMRES Mod Suppressor L Monolithic Suppressor L Sonic Suppressor L
Colossus Suppressor L Bruen Harmonic Suppressor L STER45 Skyfury Compensator L
ELR Blackfire Compensator L T4LR Saber Compensator L EX-01 Match Compensator L
T51R Billeted Brake L Casus Brake L Endless 30 Compensator
ZEHMN35 Compensated Flash Hider JAK BFB Scratch 20-L Suppressor
Quartermaster Suppressor Xten Binate Suppressor Wraithguard Compensator L

DTIR 30-06 Optics

Corio RE-X Pro Forge Tac Delta 4 Aim Op-V4
KR Minitac-40 Riser Cronen Mini Pro SZ SRO-7
Drexsom Prime-90 Kazan-Holo DF105 Reflex Sight
SZ Mini Thermo-Optic X9 HMW-20 Optic
SZ Holotherm Angel-40 4.8x TX4 Havoc
VX350 Thermal Optic ARES Clear Shot SZ Bullseye Optic
Schlager Night View XTEN Angel-40 SZ Vortex-90
SZ Sigma-IV Optic 3X RFL-Optic DS Farsight 11
SZ Oscar-9 SZ Battle Optic Corio Enforcer Optic
SZ Recharge-DX Slimline Pro KR Marauder 9 Riser
Vigilant-30 C-Iron Corio ELT-10 2.5X Intlas CAS-14
SL Truesight 2.5x Nydar Model 2023 FSS Spectre Microtherm
Slate Reflector Caucasus Reflex Sight Chrios Holo
KR Mortis Precision 2.5X Corio Eagleseye 2.5X Corvus Ghostview
SZ HM5 Precision Hybrid Optic Cronen Intlas MSP-12 JAK Bullseye
JAK Glassless Optic QTG Reflex Sight Dragon's Eye Optic
TPS Incendio Reflex KR Intlas LSJ-3 MORS Dot Sight

DTIR 30-06 Rear Grips

Recforge Grip Hotel-45 Grip Lima-393 Grip

DTIR 30-06 Underbarrels

VX Pineapple Commando Foregrip TV Wrecker Grip
Corvus Masterkey Schlager Tango Lockgrip Precision-40
FTac Ripper 56 Demo Cleanshot 40 Demo Firm Grip
FSS Sharkfin 90 Cornerstone Bipod Bruen Sync Shot Grip
XTEN Gravedigger Level Aim Bipod XTEN Drop Grip
Bruen Tilt Grip Bipod V9 Grip Merc Foregrip
Phase-3 Grip Operator Foregrip EXF Backdraft Grip
Bruen Warrior Grip XTen Stable Shot Edge-47 Grip
SPW 40mm HE SPW 40mm Drill Chewk Angled Grip
XTen TX-12 Handstop Bruen Tactical Vertical Grip Ftac SP-10 Angled Grip
Bruen Bastion Angled Grip Bruen Heavy Support Grip XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop
Holger Vertical Grip FTAC MSP-98 Handstop DR-6 Handstop
XTEN Phantom-5 Handstop FTAC RS-9 Stealth Angled Grip JAK Purifier
JAK Limb Ripper XRK Bowbreaker Grip JAK Slash

DTIR 30-06 Stocks

Demo Nimble Stock Bruen Minuteman Stock Marksman-3 Stock
Rifleman 200 Stock

DTIR 30-06 Lasers

FSS OLE-V Laser STOVL DR Laser Box Corvus PEQ Beam-5
1MW Laser Box Corio LAZ-44 V3 DXS Flash 90
Luminate-44 Schlager PEQ Box IV SZ 1MW PEQ
FTac Grimline Laser SL Razorhawk Laser Light CS15 Scarlet Box Laser
Pro Sapphire Box Laser Verdant Hook Box Laser

DTIR 30-06 Magazines

40 Round Mag 30 Round Mag

DTIR 30-06 Ammunitions

.30-06 Frangible .30-06 Hollowpoint .30-06 Armor Piercing
.30-06 Overpressured +P .30-06 High Velocity .30-06 High Grain Rounds
.30-06 Low Grain Rounds .30-06 Mono

DTIR 30-06 Trigger Actions

DTIR 30-06 doesn't have Trigger Actions.

DTIR 30-06 Guards

DTIR 30-06 doesn't have Guards.

DTIR 30-06 Combs

DTIR 30-06 doesn't have Combs.

DTIR 30-06 Bolts

DTIR 30-06 doesn't have Bolts.

DTIR 30-06 Loaders

DTIR 30-06 doesn't have Loaders.

DTIR 30-06 Stats Overview

DTIR 30-06 Max Level and Class

DTIR 30-06
Class Battle Rifle Rounds 20
Max Level 20 Reserve 100
Fire Modes Full-Auto/Semi-Auto

DTIR 30-06 Stats

This section is under construction. Check back soon!

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Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - DTIR 30-06DTIR 30-06


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