Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Perforated Target

The Perforated Target is obtained by getting headshot kills in the new story mission map of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Learn how to get the Perforated Target and what to do with the Perforated Target!

How to Get Perforated Target

Get Headshot Kills at E3 of Countermeasures Story Mission

COD Zombies - Perforated Target Location

The Perforated Target can be obtained from the obelisk found at E3 the map featured in the Countermeasures Story Mission. Activate the obelisk and a radius appear where you'll need to kill zombies with headshots in order to fill the obelisk up. After the obelisk is filled up with spirits, it will spawn a Reward Rift containing the Perforated Target.

Countermeasures Walkthrough

What to Do With Perforated Target

How to Use Pristine Mirror

Upgrade to Gold Rarity

MW3 Perforated Target

To be able to use the Perforated Target as a key, you must first upgrade them to Gold Rarity. Head to the Shooting Range at Tile H8 (south of Shahin Manor) and interact with the Shooting Target in the middle of the range in order to begin the ritual. 6 targets with a purple glow will then spawn. Shoot all 6 of them to make them glow red instead. Afterward a zombie will appear, kill the zombie to get the Gold Rarity Perforated Target.

2 Hidden Targets

West, behind the shooting range

East, by the training area

4 of the targets will spawn in the shooting range, but you might miss that 2 of them actually spawned outside the Shooting Range. The 2 hidden targets are pictured above.

Place on a Pedestal to Open the 2nd Dark Aether Rift

MW3 Zombies Perforated Target Rift Pedestal
After upgrading the Perforated Target into Gold Rarity, proceed to the 2nd Dark Aether Rift location. There, you'll find 4 pedestals that requires you to offer a key item on each of them.

The other keys you need are the Drum, Perforated Target, and Pristine Mirror.

Dark Aether Easter Egg Guide: How to Get All Keys

2nd Dark Aether Rift Location

MW3 Zombies 2nd Dark Aether Rift Location

Like the first Dark Aether Rift in Zombies Season 1, you'll need to obtain 4 keys to then put on the pedestals in front of the new Dark Aether Rift. The new Dark Aether Rift is found in tile G4 of the main Zombies Map, at the base of the cell tower in the Red Zone.

Unlike with the first Dark Aether Rift, the keys for the new Dark Aether Rift can all be found only within the Countermeasures Story Mission map.

Dark Aether Interactive Map

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