Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

November 17 Update Patch Notes

Modern Warfare 3 - November 17 Update

This is a full list of patch notes for the November 17 update of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn about the November 17 update, including info on several bug fixes, balance changes, as well as notable Zombies mode exploit fixes.

November 17 Update Highlights

Zombies Exfil XP Farming Nerfed

MW3 Zombies - Using Exfils to Spawn Zombies

Unfortunately, all XP and Weapon XP farming occurring in Exfil zones have been nerfed. Sledgehammer Games has slapped a hefty 2-minute cooldown timer for all Exfil points while also significantly reducing the number of zombies that can spawn once you do call the helicopter in.

Zombies Turret Exploit Patched

The Turret Exploit that allows you to duplicate and place down multiple Turrets in order to farm XP has now been patched out. As of the November 17 update, this Zombies exploit used to farm XP in tandem with the Exfil zone horde spawns is no longer in the game.

List of XP Glitches and Exploits

November 17 Update Patch Notes

UIX New Features UIX Bug Fixes Movement Changes Weapon Progression
Challenge Progression Armory Unlocks Maps Killstreak Fixes
Gameplay Enemies Stability General Progression
Battle Pass Progression FR 5.56 Camo Challenges Completionist Camos

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UIX New Features

  • Added the ability to preview Weapon Camos and Aftermarket Parts earned via Weekly Challenges.
  • Weekly Challenges will now display the associated base Weapon for Aftermarket Part rewards.

UIX Bug Fixes

  • Addressed an issue that allowed Players to select Modes that are not supported in Private Matches.
  • Players will no longer be stuck in an “Activating Token” state after consuming an XP Token.
  • Addressed an exploit that allowed Players to equip Aftermarket Parts without meeting the minimum requirements.

Movement Changes

  • Decreased Tac Sprint refresh delay after sliding by 75%.
  • Decreased Tac Sprint refresh time to match the Infantry Vest/Running Sneakers.
  • Decreased sprint delay after sliding by 53%.

Weapon Progression

  • Corrected Attachment unlock requirements for several MWII Weapons.

Challenge Progression

  • Corrected unlock challenge tracking conditions for BBQ (Operator).
  • Addressed an issue that prevented the progression of the Priceless Camo challenge for the DM58 (Marksman Rifle).

Armory Unlocks

  • Wins will now progress Armory Unlocks without first completing Daily Challenges. UI modifications for this change will come in a future update.


  • Estate: Increased brightness in low-light areas to improve Player visibility.
  • Underpass: Adjusted a spawn point in the Parking Lot to prevent Players from dying upon respawn.

Killstreak Fixes

  • Remote Turret: Addressed an exploit that allowed Players to become invisible.

Note: Sledgehammer Games is still currently looking into reports regarding Remote Turret exploits. Check out the official Trello Board for updates on when it will be re-enabled in Multiplayer.



  • Addressed an issue that allowed Players who are eligible for a Story Mission to be automatically queued into one if a different squad completes a Story Mission exfil.
  • Addressed an exfil timing issue that allowed Players to fall from the exfil helicopter at the edge of the map when departing from the Sub Pen.
  • The cooldown for exfil activations has been increased to two minutes.
  • Closed an exploit that permitted duplication of a Player’s weapon.
  • Closed an exploit that permitted duplication of scorestreaks.


  • Mega Abomination: Addressed an issue that could prevent the Mega Abomination from ignoring Players in the High Difficulty zone.


  • Addressed an issue that prevented Players from entering the Modern Warfare Zombies menu due to “Timed out waiting for instance inventory.”
  • Reduced the number of Zombies that spawn at exfil locations to improve stability.
  • Various stability and map fixes.

General Progression

  • Addressed an issue where weapon names were replaced with placeholder text when completing a camo unlock challenge in the AAR.

Battle Pass Progression

  • Addressed an issue that prevented Players from earning Battle Pass XP in Modern Warfare Zombies.

FR 5.56 Camo Challenges

  • FR 5.56: Addressed an issue where the Digital Wildwood camo completion criteria was incorrect.

New Completion Criteria: In Zombies, get 300 Critical Kills with the FR 5.56.

Completionist Camos

  • Golden Enigma (MW3) and Golden Ivory (MW2) Update: Released a fix that allows Players to complete the Golden Enigma and Golden Ivory Completionist Camos with non-blueprint weapons.

Note: Golden Enigma and Golden Ivory challenges are not yet fully resolved. On Trello, the issue is currently categorized as something being actively monitored by the developers with a future fix already scheduled.

Second Preseason Patch Release Date

Second Preseason Patch Released on November 17, 2023

The second preseason patch has dropped for Modern Warfare 3's Multiplayer, Campaign, Zombies modes, and COD HQ on November 17, 2023.

It brings several bug fixes, balance changes, as well as stability and performance improvements. Most notable in the long list of changes are the nerfs to XP farming in Zombies mode via exploits and glitches.

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