Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

All Hardpoint Rotations (March 2024 Update)

Modern Warfare 2 - Hardpoint

Hardpoint is a multiplayer game mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023) where two teams fight to capture Hardpoint zones across the map. Read on for a list of Hardpoint rotation and spawn locations, as well as best strategies and loadouts for Hardpoint.

All Hardpoint Rotation Locations

Maps of Hardpoint Rotations

Estate Favela
Highrise Rust
Skidrow Afghan
Derail Greece
Invasion Karachi
Meat Quarry
Rio Rundown
Scrapyard Shipment
Sub Base Terminal
Underpass Wasteland
Das Haus -

Above are the Hardpoint rotation locations for all maps in Multiplayer mode.

These rotations are numbered 1-5 as they appear in sequence during a Hardpoint match.

All Hardpoint Spawn Locations

Maps of Hardpoint Spawns

Estate Favela
Highrise Rust
Skidrow Das Haus

Above are the Hardpoint spawn locations for teams in Estate, Favela, Highrise, Rust, and Skidrow. Know exactly where the enemy team spawns so you can predict where they will be next.

Hardpoint Best Strategies

Prone While Capturing Hardpoint

A general tip for capturing Hardpoint is to go prone inside the zone to become harder to detect and hide amongst the dead bodies on the ground. It's a simple but neat trick to hold your ground and score more points!

Head to the Next Hardpoint Quickly

Go to the next Hardpoint once the prompt appears on the screen. It will help you set up some defenses and find a good spot to secure the Hardpoint! Furthermore, knowing each hardpoint spawn location is significant, as it helps you capture one right as it comes out.

Move Around the Hardpoint

If your teammates are already inside the Hardpoint, consider leaving and moving around the area to take out enemies and prevent them from advancing through the Hardpoint.

Equipping gear with movement bonuses like the Tactical Pads and Lightweight Boots can help you run around the area quickly!

Make Use of Tactical and Lethal Equipment

Since holding Hardpoint zones can be very dangerous and tricky due to your mobility options being limited, you need to use your defensive equipment wisely while capturing a zone. Scatter Mines, A.C.S. field equipment, and Remote Turrets will help give an advantage while you're out there exposed.

Hardpoint Best Loadout

Hardpoint Defender Loadout

Primary Secondary
MCW Renetti
Tactical Field Vest
Scatter Mine x2 A.C.S. Engineer Vest
Quick-Grip Gloves Lightweight Boots Tac Mask EOD Padding
Kill Streaks
UAV Guardian-SC Remote Turret

Equip MCW and Renetti for a Powerful Combo

The MCW and Renetti are one of the strongest gun combos in the game, and will fare well with both beginners and long-time players.

Use Scatter Mine to Protect Hardpoint

Scatter Mine is a good defensive measure when holding a Hardpoint. It can damage enemies that come in contact with it while trying to enter the Hardpoint zone.

Deloy A.C.S. on the Hardpoint

The ACS equipment is good for gaining points on the hardpoint. You can place it on the Hardpoint while you head out and take out some enemies trying to fight for it!

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