Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Complete Defend Ground Station Contract

Defend Ground Station is a contract available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies Mode. Read on to learn about how to complete Defend Ground Station, the enemies you will encounter in Defend Ground Station, and Defend Ground Station rewards.

How to Complete Defend Ground Station

Defend Ground Station Contract Guide

Defend Ground Station Objectives

Defend Ground Station Objectives
1 Collect data from seismic refractors.
2 Activate Server to Start Upload.
3 Protect the Server from Mercs.

Don't Leave the Server Console

MW3 Zombies - Defending Server Console

Mercenaries in this contract will drop from different areas and they can destroy the console extremely fast so, it's recommended to always stay near the Server console to prevent mercenaries from getting close to it.

Prioritize Dealing with the Shielded Mercenary

MW3 Zombies - Shooting Shielded Mercenary
You can deal with Shielded Mercenaries by throwing a Thermite or Semtex on their shields. This will make them lower their guard, so you can easily deal with them.

You also have the option to shoot their feet while they are walking. This will also make them drop their cover and be open for attacks.

Defend Ground Station Enemies Encountered

All Defend Ground Station Enemies

Enemies Threat Zones
Mercenaries Low and Medium Threat

Zombies Challenges and Enemy Types

Defend Ground Station Rewards

Common Defend Ground Station Rewards

Rewards Threat Zone
Uncommon Aether Tool Low Threat
Rare Aether Tool Medium Threat
Raw Aetherium Crystal

Note that the rewards you can obtain from Defend Ground Station are not limited to the ones listed above. These rewards are simply the most common ones that can be acquired, as per our testing.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

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All Zombies Contracts

All Zombies Contracts
Outlast Aether Extractors
Eliminate the Bounty Deliver Cargo
Raid Weapon Stash Escort
Defend Ground Station Spore Control


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