Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best Melee Weapons and Melee Weapons List

This is a list of all Melee Weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn more about the stats of each Melee Weapon and how to unlock them!

Best Melee Weapons

  1. Karambit: Best Melee Weapon for Fast Mobility and Stealthy Plays
  2. Dual Kodachis: Best Melee Weapon for Taking on Multiple Enemies


Modern Warfare 3 - Karambit

The Karambit is the best Melee weapon due to its fast mobility and you can run around and sneak up on unsuspecting enemies. A single swing can be fatal to your target, causing them to die immediately.

You may want to pick this knife if you're also planning to get the Covert Sneakers as this will completely silence your own footsteps in order to make some stealthy plays.

Karambit Best Loadout and Build

Dual Kodachis

Modern Warfare 3 - Dual Kodachis

The Dual Kodachis lets you wield two katanas and you can swing a lot faster than most melee weapons, allowing you to run up to several enemies and catch them off guard by just spamming away multiple strikes at them.

Dual Kodachis Best Loadout and Build

List of All Melee Weapons

MW3 Melee Weapons

Weapon How to Unlock
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Gutter KnifeGutter Knife TBD
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - KarambitKarambit TBD
Soulrender TBD
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - GladiatorGladiator Unlocked by reaching and completing the C15 Sector of the Season 3 Battle Pass
Sledgehammer TBD
Spear TBD

MW2 Melee Weapons

Weapon How to Unlock
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Riot ShieldRiot Shield Unlocked at Level 37.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Combat KnifeCombat Knife Unlocked at Level 17.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Dual KodachisDual Kodachis Free Weapon that can be unlocked by reaching the B13 Sector of the Season 2 Battle Pass.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Dual KamasDual Kamas Get 100 Kills using melee weapons
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - TonfaTonfa TBD
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - PickaxePickaxe Get 15 Operator Kills with Melee Weapons

There are 6 confirmed MW2 Melee Weapons that can be carried forward to Modern Warfare 3.

Carry Forward Explained

How to Use Melee Weapons

Best Paired with a Riot Shield

Melee weapons are best paired with a Riot Shield equipped in the primary weapon slot to provide you with protection as you are most likely going to be vulnerable since you'll only be able to deal damage upclose.

Switching to your melee weapon will also put the riot shield at your back to protect you from enemies firing at you from the rear.

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

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All Guns and Weapon Guides

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Best Guns Tier List All New MW3 Guns
All Returning Guns in MW3 Recommended Weapons for Challenges

All Guns and Weapons by Type

Guns and Weapons by Type
Assault Rifles Battle Rifles
Submachine Guns Shotguns
Light Machine Guns Marksman Rifles
Sniper Rifles Handguns
Melee Weapons Launchers


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