Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Danger Close Mission Walkthrough

Danger Close is a campaign mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on for a complete walkthrough of Danger Close including tips for beating the mission and rewards.

Danger Close Walkthrough and Objectives

Danger Close Mission Walkthrough

Fire a missile at the SAM site near the Radio Tower to destroy it. You will have to manually guide the missile towards the target.

NOTE: For this mission, you'll be destroying six key targets with missiles, which may result in mission failure should you fail to destroy them within the timeframe given, so it's best to save up your missiles until needed as you can only have 1 loaded up at a time and it takes a while to reload them.
Once the ground team approaches the airstrip, ready up your missile as the second target will be a Jet preparing for take off. Take it out with a missile before it launches airborne, otherwise it will fire its own homing missiles at your plane and will result in mission failure.
As soon as Task Force-141 reports in that they've located the chemicals, a tank will appear at the radio tower. Eliminate the tank with a missile before it destroys the hangar containing the chemicals.
While defending the ground team as they neutralize the chemicals, a second tank will drive out of a hangar at the northern side of the airstrip. Again, fire a missile at it to destroy it.
After taking out the second tank, do not use up your missile as another Jet will be preparing for take off at the airstrip. Wipe it out immediately once it's preparing for launch as you'll have a harder time targeting it once it speeds through the runway.
The final target will be the hangar filled with the chemicals. After dealing with the chopper where Makarov is in, shoot the hangar with a missile to end the mission.

▶ Next Mission: Trojan Horse

Danger Close Rewards

Completion Reward

Mission Rewards
MW3 Danger Close Reward Jabber OperatorJabber Operator

Campaign Rewards and Length


Bronze Trophy.png Your Tax Dollars at Work
G: 15
Use a missile to take out a single enemy in Danger Close

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

Danger Close Mission Info

Mission Details

Danger Close
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Danger Close
Synopsis Price, Gaz, Farah and Alex search a Konni controlled airbase, with close air from a Shadow Company Gunship.
Location Urzikstan
Date & Time 16 November 2023 0600
Playable Character Shadow Company
Team Shadow Company, TF-141, ULF

Danger Close Previous and Next Mission

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Gora Dam Trojan Horse

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Modern Warfare 3 Campaign

Campaign Missions List

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# Mission Rewards
1 Operation 627 ・ Breather Calling Card
2 Precious Cargo ・ 30 Minutes XP Token
・ 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
3 Reactor ・ Corso Operator
4 Payload ・ Ghillie Guy Calling Card
5 Deep Cover ・ 30 Minutes XP Token
・ 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
6 Passenger No Rewards
7 Crash Site ・ Pathfinder Operator
8 Flashpoint ・ Toxic Drip Calling Card
9 Oligarch ・ 1 Hour XP Token
・ 1 Hour Weapon XP Token
10 Highrise ・ Doc Operator
11 Frozen Tundra ・ Skull Raphsody Calling Card
12 Gora Dam ・ 1 Hour XP Token
・ 1 Hour Weapon XP Token
13 Danger Close ・ Jabber Operator
14 Trojan Horse ・ Brogue Weapon Blueprint
・ Soapy Emblem

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