Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Daily Challenges Not Working Bug Explained

MW3 Daily Challenges Bug

The Dailly Challenge Progression bug has been fixed in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn more about the daily challenges not working bug, why daily challenges are not working, and news on upcoming fixes for the issue.

Is There a Fix for Daily Challenges Not Working?

Bug Has Been Fixed

This issue has already been addressed and fixed by the developers according to the MW3 Trello board. Players should be able to complete daily challenges now.

MW3 Trello

Has Been an Issue in Past Call of Duty Titles

Even though this is currently a huge progression blocker in MW3, a lot of COD veterans will be familiar with bugs and errors related to Daily Challenge completion since they've happened before.

After all, even MW2 - one of the more recent COD titles - has had issues that affected Daily Challenges when it first launched multiplayer back in 2022. Unfortunately, we can only wait until the devs manage to ship a hotfix for the bug in the near future.

Daily Challenges Not Working Explained

Why is Daily Challenge Progression Stuck?

Possibly Due to Armory Unlock Challenges

MW3 Daily Challenges Not Working

Players have been reporting that their Daily Challenges are stuck and not working nor progressing despite having completed the challenges in-game. In some instances, players have seemingly completed the objective in the Daily Challenge, only for the progress bar to remain at 0.

We've experienced this Daily Challenge bug and, based on our experience, find it likely that the bug is related to the new Armory Unlock feature introduced in MW3 since it ties together with Daily and Bonus Challenge completion.

Our Encounter with Daily Challenges Bug

We surmise that the Daily Challenges bug is caused by completing a few Daily Challenges before reaching Level 25 and unlocking Armory Unlocks. Below is what we experienced.

  1. Finished 2 Daily Challenges (in Zombies) before reaching Level 25 and unlocking the Armory Unlock challenges
  2. Afterward, finished the third and last Zombies Daily Challenge for that day
  3. After finishing all 3, the first 2 were reset to 0, but not the one we did after unlocking the Armory Unlock challenges (see: number 2 above)
  4. The Daily Challenges which were reset to 0 don’t get any points even if we redo the challenges.
  5. Bonus Challenges were not unlocked even after completing the Daily Challenges for the day and unlocking Armory Unlocks.

Armory Unlock Challenges

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