Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get and Exfil Wonder Weapons

Modern Warfare 3 - Wunderwaffen Banner
Wonder Weapons can be exfiled if they are still inside Weapon Cases in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Learn how to get Wonder Weapon schematics, how to exfil Wonder Weapons, and where to find Wonder Weapons!

List of All Wonder Weapons

4 Total Wonder Weapons

Wonder Weapon How to Get
Ray Gun ・Mystery Box
・High Threat Zone contract
・Legacy Fortress Warlord
・Crafting Schematics
Wunderwaffe DG-2 ・Mystery Box
・High Threat Zone contract
・Legacy Fortress Warlord
・Crafting Schematics
The Scorcher ・Mystery Box
・High Threat Zone contract
・Legacy Fortress Warlord
(Starting Season 1)

Gamble Using Mystery Boxes

Modern Warfare 3 - Mystery Box Map Location
Wonder Weapons can be obtained by using Mystery Boxes, each costing 950 Essence. You can locate these Mystery Boxes easily on the Tac Map. However, their locations may vary in each match as they are randomly selected from a pool of Mystery Box spots scattered across the map.

All Mystery Box Weapons and Locations

Reward Rifts for Completing Contracts

Modern Warfare 3 - Contract Complete
Completing Contracts and opening Reward Rifts in the High Threat Zone (Red Zone) can sometimes reward you with a Weapon Case containing Wonder Weapons.

How to Complete Contracts

Dropped by Warlord - Legacy

MW3 Wonder Weapon Legacy Fortress

Wonder Weapons are possible drops found in the Reward Rift after defeating the Warlord in the Legacy Fortress. Although difficult and can only be done once per match, this method technically has a better drop rate than random Mystery Boxes.

How to Enter Legacy Fortress

Craft Using Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 - Schematics Cooldown
Another way to get a Wonder Weapon is simply by crafting a Wonder Weapon Case in the Schematic Crafting screen and using it after deployment. This will automatically spawn a Wonder Weapon that you can immediately use.

Can You Exfil with Wonder Weapons?

Only Wonder Weapons Inside Weapon Cases

Modern Warfare 3 - Exfil With the Schematics
The only way to exfil a Wonder Weapon is if it remains inside the Weapon Case. Once a Weapon Case is opened, you cannot put the weapon back inside, and you will have to either drop it or use it in your current run. Obtain these Weapon Cases by completing contracts and opening Reward Rifts in the High Threat Zones (Red Zone).

Red Zone Loot and Tips to Survive

Exfiltrating An Equipped Wonder Weapon

Modern Warfare 3 - Exfiltrating An Equipped Wonder Weapon
Exfiltrating an equipped Wonder Weapon will automatically convert it to 400 Bonus XP. The game prevents you from having contraband Wonder Weapons, as the rarity of all Contraband Weapons automatically becomes Common.

How to Exfil

How to Get Wonder Weapons Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 Wonder Weapon Schematics

You can obtain the Ray Gun schematics via completing High Threat Zone (Red Zone) contracts and the Wunderwaffe DG-2 schematics via completing the Act 3 Tier 4 mission Holdout. Meanwhile, the Scorcher has no schematics.

How to Get All Crafting Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode

Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

All Zombies Guides

Zombies Guides and Lists
Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
Zombies Weapons Crafting Schematics
Aetherium Challenges and Enemies
Zombies Perks Zombies Ammo Mods
Zombies Field Upgrades Zombies Gear
Contracts Zombies Power-Ups

All Zombies Guns and Weapons

All Zombies Guns and Weapon Guides
Best Guns Refund Weapon Upgrades
Weapon Rarity Pack-a-Punch
Reduce Weapon Cooldown Insured Slots and Contraband
Wonder Weapons Ray Gun
Wunderwaffe DG-2 The Scorcher
V-R11 Rarity vs Pack-a-Punch
Wonder Weapon Rarity Glitch -


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