Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best Contracts to Complete

How to Complete Contracts
Contracts are the blue marker field objectives you can do during Zombies mode of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn where to find contracts, how to complete them, and what are the rewards.

Best Contracts to Complete

Fastest Contracts to Complete ・ Eliminate the Bounty
・ Aether Extractors
・ Spore Control
Easiest Contract to Complete ・ Deliver Cargo
Best Contracts for Farming XP ・ Escort
・ Spore Control

Fastest Contracts to Complete

Modern Warfare 3 - Raid Weapon Stash
The fastest contracts to complete are the Eliminate the Bounty, Aether Extractors, and Spore Control contracts since these contracts are not time bound. You can rush the objectives and complete these contracts well within a minute.

Eliminate the Bounty is the simplest one, as you only need to kill a specific target in order to complete it. Aether Extractors, on the other hand, can be a bit tough since you'll be dealing with mercenaries.

The easiest one out of the three would be Spore Control, as you can avoid all zombies and simply focus on destroying the spores.

Easiest Contract to Complete

Modern Warfare 3 - Escort ACV
The easiest contract to complete is the Deliver Cargo contract because you can complete it without fighting at all. Simply use a Decoy Grenade to get into the garage and drive away in the LTV without confronting the zombies and mercenaries found in the area.

Best Contracts for Farming XP

MW3 Zombies - Spore Control Contract
The best contracts for XP farming would be Escort and Spore Control, as these contracts can spawn the most zombies. You can use these contracts to gain more essence or level up your weapons faster.

The Escort contract is pretty straight-forward since you only need to follow the ACV, and hordes of zombies will automatically spawn. For the Spore Control, however, you need to plant the inhibitors and hold off destroying the spores to spawn zombies until the inhibitors stop sending pulses.

List of All Contracts

Contract Overview
Aether ExtractorsAether Extractors Objectives: • Locate Aether Extractor LZ
• Disable the Aether Extractors
Enemies: • Mercenaries
Defend Ground StationDefend Ground Station Objectives: • Collect data from seismic refractors
• Activate Server to Start Upload
• Protect the Server from Mercs.
Enemies: • Mercenaries
Deliver CargoDeliver Cargo Objectives: • Deliver the cargo to the HLZ.
Enemies: • Mercenaries
Eliminate the BountyEliminate the Bounty Objectives: • Locate the Elite Zombie and eliminate it.
Enemies: • Elite Zombies
EscortEscort Objectives: • Escort the ACV.
Enemies: • Normal Zombies
Special Zombies
OutlastOutlast Objectives: • Activate the PND
• Remain in the environment.
Enemies: • Normal Zombies
Raid Weapon StashRaid Weapon Stash Objectives: • Locate the stash
• Secure the stash.
Enemies: • Normal Zombies
Special Zombies
Spore ControlSpore Control Objectives: • Locate the Inhibitor devices
• Use Inhibitors to help destroy Spores
Enemies: • Normal Zombies

How to Complete Contracts

Finish the Objective

Modern Warfare 3 - Contract Objectives
You can complete contracts by completing the objectives pinned on your map. These are the blue phone icons that you can see on your map. The type of objective in each contract depends on the icon inside the phone upon accepting the contract. It may vary from escorting a vehicle to eliminating a bunch of zombies or securing an area.

Find Contracts at Blue Phone Markers on Tac Map

Modern Warfare 3 - Contract Locations
The blue phone icons scattered across the map represent different contracts that you can accept. You simply need to interact with them and use the phone to start a new contract. Once you start a contract, you need to either finish it or fail it before you can start another one.

Zombies Interactive Map

Contract Rewards

Cans, Mods, Essence, and Aether Tools

Modern Warfare 3 - Contract Reward
It gives you random rewards that can help you get stronger. You can get Cans that provide bonus effects, or Aether Tools, Essence, and Mods that you can use to upgrade your weapon to tackle higher difficulties.

How to Farm Essence

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