Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get V-R11 Wonder Weapon Schematic

Modern Warfare 3 - How to Get VR-11 Wonder Weapon

The V-R11 is a Wonder Weapon that turns enemies into allies in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Find out how to get the V-R11 and V-R11 schematic, as well as how to use the V-R11.

How to Get V-R11 Schematic

Possible Reward from Contracts in Elder Dark Aether

Modern Warfare 3 - V-R11 Weapon Case Schematic

The V-R11 Schematic can be obtained as a possible reward from completing contracts inside the Elder Dark Aether, which is accessed via placing an Elder Sigil in the Dark Aether Rift found in Tile G4 of Urzikstan.

Upon completion of a contract, you might get a chance to get an item from the reward rift called V-R11 Plans, which is the schematic itself. You will have to successfully exfil with it in order to unlock it as a craftable item.

Dark Aether Interactive Map

How to Get V-R11

Loot from Aether Caches

Modern Warfare 3 V-R11 weapon case

The V-R11 can be looted from Aether Caches found all over the map. You'll have a better chance at finding them in high threat zones.

Red Zone Loot and Tips to Survive

Defeat Gorm'gant

Modern Warfare 3 - Defeat Gorm

The V-R11 also has a chance to drop when you defeat Gorm'gant. Gorm'gant is the boss at the end of the Act 4 mission, which is repeatable! Take note that this is one of the more difficult encounters in the game so be prepared when taking it on.

How to Beat Gorm'gant

How to Use V-R11

Turn Enemies Into Allies

Use the V-R11 to convert zombies and mercenaries into allies momentarily. They will then help you take down nearby enemies.

Converted enemies have their own health bar and will die after a short duration.

Only Deals Damage to Elite Zombies

MW3 Zombies - Deal Damage to Elite Enemies

The V-R11 cannot convert Elite Zombies and HVTs. Using the V-R11 against them will only inflict a small amount of damage to its health.

With its small magazine size, you're better off using the V-R11 against smaller enemies and your best weapons against Elite Zombies.

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Wonder Weapon Rarity Glitch -


1 Anonymousabout 1 year

You forgot to write about VR11s abilities of either repairing and refueling a damaged car or an empty gas tank and the possibility of even save a friendly player from being downed by enemies. Just shoot at your ally and he will immediately become invisible for zombies. So you can save the lives of your allies. Just shoot at a car (no matter if it's from the cargo contract or just standing around, as long as it is not completely blown up, the VR11 will repair it). A nice gun to have.


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