Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Team Deathmatch Tips and Best Loadouts

Modern Warfare 3 - Team Deathmatch

Team Deathmatch is a multiplayer game mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023) where two teams fight until the last one standing. Read on for a list of Team Deathmatch spawn locations, as well as best strategies and loadouts for Team Deathmatch.

All Team Deathmatch Spawn Locations

Maps of Team Deathmatch Spawns

Estate Favela
Highrise Rust
Skidrow -

Above are the Team Deathmatch spawn locations for teams in Estate, Favela, Highrise, Rust, and Skidrow. Know exactly where the enemy team spawns so you can predict where they will be next.

Team Deathmatch Best Strategies

Stick with your Squad

Stick close to your squad so you can overwhelm enemies with numbers. You will also be able to revive your squadmates easier if you're within proximity.

Communicate with Squad

If you're able to give each other info on where enemies are, you will be able to cover for each other much easier and flank enemies successfully. Always know where your squad is, the fastest ways to get to them, and the locations of enemies if your squad is under fire.

Choose the Best Weapons

Choose a solid gun and build your loadout from there. The MCW is a solid choice, and the MTZ-556 is also great for beginners. For close quarters combat, the Striker is a great choice. Using all the items and gear you have at your disposal can greatly help in matches.
Best Guns Tier List

Don't Stay Out in the Open

Always try to stick behind cover. Staying out in the open will make you an easy target, so move around carefully and know all the spots that can get you sniped easily.

Hide in Piles of Bodies

If there’s a spot where there’s a pile of bodies, use it as a cover. While you're prone, other players will have a difficult time detecting you and giving you more chances of ambushing them.

Gain the High Ground

Gain tactical advantage by having the high ground. Make sure you find a nice, secluded high point to get a view of the area and take out every enemy you see.

Team Deathmatch Best Loadouts

MCW & MTZ-556 Gunner Loadout

1st Primary Weapon MCW
2nd Primary Weapon MTZ-556
Tactical Equipment Flash Grenade
Lethal Equipment Thermobaric Grenade
Field Equipment Comm Scrambler
Vest Gunner Vest
Gloves Commando Gloves
Gear Bone Conduction Headset

Hit Fast and Hard with MCW and MTZ-556

MCW is quick and can hit really hard during death-match. Great for close-to-mid shootout. With the proper level and attachments, MCW can sustain small recoil and can hold 40 rounds.

On the other hand, the MTZ-556 is a good back-up for the MCW when you're in a firefight with an empty mag. With the Gunner Vest, players can use both assault rifles as a 2 hit-combo for a quick and front approach.

Reload While Sprinting

For the Team Deathmatch, quick reflexes are a must. With the Commando Gloves, players can reload their weapon during sprint which is a huge advantage for retaliation and recovery for more kills.

Use Grenades to Disorient Enemies

The Flash Grenade is a great tactical equipment to use to surprise or disorient other players. Use this around corners and throw it into rooms that might have enemies. Use the Thermobaric Grenade in tight spaces or long hallways to limit enemies' movement by leaving a burning effect in the area.

Limit Enemies' Killstreak Power

Most players are focused on the map to separate their teammates from their enemy and basically familiarizing yourself with the layout of the area. With the Comm Scrambler, the opposing team will have trouble using their Killstreak and won’t be able to identify their surroundings.

Stay Silent and Deadly

If you’re one of the players who gets jumped by the enemy by surprise, the Bone Conduction Headset can be a huge help. Silencing all footsteps from your allies and focusing on the footsteps of the enemy will help you be more aware of your surroundings and also launch surprise attacks.

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