Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Campaign Rewards and Length

Modern Warfare 3 - Campaign Rewards and Length

The Campaign Rewards for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) are Operators, Calling Cards, and XP Tokens. See a complete list of all campaign rewards, including info on Veteran difficulty rewards, and find out how long it takes to beat the campaign!

Campaign Rewards and Unlocks

Operators, Calling Cards, Blueprints, and XP Tokens

Modern Warfare 3 has 14 Campaign Missions for you to complete. Each one, except Passenger, gives a unique reward on completion ranging from Operators, Calling Cards, and XP Tokens (for multiplayer). Once you complete the entire campaign, you will get a special Emblem as well as an exclusive Weapon Blueprint.

Campaign Mission Reward
Operation 627 Breather Calling CardBreather Calling Card
Precious Cargo 30-Mins XP Token
30-Mins Weapon XP Token
Reactor Modern Warfare 3 - CorsoCorso Operator
Payload Ghillie Guy Calling CardGhillie Guy Calling Card
Deep Cover 30-Mins XP Token
30-Mins Weapon XP Token
Crash Site Modern Warfare 3 - PathfinderPathfinder Operator
Flashpoint Toxic Drip Calling CardToxic Drip Calling Card
Oligarch 1-Hour XP Token
1-Hour Weapon XP Token
Highrise Modern Warfare 3 - Doc iconDoc Operator
Frozen Tundra Skull Rhapsody Calling CardSkull Rhapsody Calling Card
Gora Dam 1-Hour XP Token
1-Hour Weapon XP Token
Danger Close Modern Warfare 3 - Jabber iconJabber Operator
Trojan Horse Brogue Weapon BlueprintBrogue Weapon Blueprint
Soapy EmblemSoapy Emblem

Note: Rewards are not exclusive to Early Access. The rewards will be credited to your account as long as you complete the MW3 campaign. Additionally, rewards will be usable across Multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone.

Campaign-Related Achievements

Gold Trophy.png Never Bury Your Enemies Alive
G: 90
Complete the Campaign
Campaign Missions List and Walkthrough

Completing the Campaign on any difficulty will unlock the Never Bury Your Enemies Alive achievement for your account. Players will also be able to unlock multiple campaign-related achievements by fulfilling optional conditions during each of the missions.

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

Finishing on Veteran Grants the 141 Ready Achievement

Modern Warfare 3 - No Specific Reward for Beating Campaign on Veteran or Realism

Gold Trophy.png 141 Ready
G: 90
Complete the campaign on Veteran

Beating the Modern Warfare 3 campaign on Veteran difficulty will reward you with a special achievement called 141 Ready. While it doesn't offer any in-game benefits, it does give you bragging rights for completing the campaign on one of the hardest difficulties available.

Realism Difficulty is Not in MW3

In Modern Warfare 2, the Realism difficulty = was unlocked by completing the entire campaign once. The option for this difficulty is not available in Modern Warfare 3 even after you complete the Campaign, making Veteran the hardest difficulty in the game.

How Long is the MW3 Campaign?

Campaign Length Between 3 to 10 Hours Based on Difficulty

Modern Warfare 3 - Campaign Length

Time to Beat by Difficulty
Recruit 3 Hours
Regular 4 Hours
Hardened 6 Hours
Veteran 10 Hours
Open Combat Mission Completion +3 Hours
(All 6 Open Combat Missions)

If playing on Recruit or Regular Difficulty, you can expect to finish the MW3 Campaign in around 3 to 4 Hours. Naturally, this is you making a beeline for mission objectives without completing the side content featured in the Open Combat Missions.

When playing on Veteran, expect to die a lot. Since you'll be memorizing enemy movements between each death, campaign completion on this difficulty clocks in at around 10 Hours. Hardened will be a bit more forgiving at 6 hours for completion.

If you're gunning to get the Achievements related to Open Combat Mission Completion, then you'll be adding a good ~30 minutes to each of the 6 Open Combat Missions in the campaign.

Campaign Missions List: How Many Missions?

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 Campaign

Campaign Missions List

All MW3 Mission Walkthroughs

# Mission Rewards
1 Operation 627 ・ Breather Calling Card
2 Precious Cargo ・ 30 Minutes XP Token
・ 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
3 Reactor ・ Corso Operator
4 Payload ・ Ghillie Guy Calling Card
5 Deep Cover ・ 30 Minutes XP Token
・ 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
6 Passenger No Rewards
7 Crash Site ・ Pathfinder Operator
8 Flashpoint ・ Toxic Drip Calling Card
9 Oligarch ・ 1 Hour XP Token
・ 1 Hour Weapon XP Token
10 Highrise ・ Doc Operator
11 Frozen Tundra ・ Skull Raphsody Calling Card
12 Gora Dam ・ 1 Hour XP Token
・ 1 Hour Weapon XP Token
13 Danger Close ・ Jabber Operator
14 Trojan Horse ・ Brogue Weapon Blueprint
・ Soapy Emblem

Other Campaign Guides

Other Campaign Guides
Campaign Rewards and Length Best Guns for Campaign
Campaign Difficulty Campaign Co-Op
Post Credit Scene and Ending Explained Who Holds Power in This Gulag?


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