Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Enter Legacy Fortress

MW3 How to Enter Legacy Fortress
The Legacy Fortress can be opened with the Fortress Keycard in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Learn about Legacy Fortress key locations and the where to find the Legacy Fortress!

Fortress Guides
Keres Fortress Dokkaebi Fortress Legacy Fortress

Legacy Fortress Location

West of Popov Power

The Legacy Fortress was located northwest of Popov Power in a medium-threat zone. Entering this area is exceptionally challenging as it is heavily guarded by mercenaries, with helicopters patrolling the vicinity.

Additionally, to access the main building within the fortress, you need to have a Legacy Fortress Key. We recommend that players equip Pack-a-Punch 2 weapons and wear a 3-Plate Armor Vest,, as this area is difficult and features a formidable boss.

Zombies Interactive Map

Warlord Rotation Now Active

Because there are multiple Warlords on the map, there is a rotation of what Fortresses are active in a given game. When all Warlord Fortresses are active, then it'll depend on RNG on which Warlord Fortress will appear when you log into a game.

When a new Warlord is added, that Fortress is the only Warlord Location active for about a week before it then becomes a randomized pool of which Warlord spawns in your game.

How to Enter Legacy Fortress

Get a Stronghold Keycard

MW3 Buy Stronghold Keycards
To enter the Legacy Fortress, you first need to acquire a Stronghold Keycard. Obtain this item by either purchasing the Keycard from the Buy Station for 2,000 essence or by clearing a Mercenary Camp and taking the Keycard from the Loot Cache. This item is necessary to open and raid a Mercenary Stronghold, a requirement for entering the Legacy Fortress.

How to Get Stronghold Keycards Fast

Open the Mercenary Strongholds' Safe

MW3 Fortress Keycard
Players can acquire Fortress Keycards in any mercenary strongholds found throughout the map. The keycard will be inside the loot safe that players have to raid and defend for it to open. To get inside the Stronghold, you will first need a Stronghold Keycard—so lots of getting keycards in this mission.

Safe Locations: How to Loot Safes

Infested Strongholds Don't Count

Stronghold Type Map Icons
Strongholds.pngMercenary Strongholds Infested Stronghold.pngInfested Strongholds

Note that you have to clear a Mercenary Stronghold, not an Infested Stronghold. These have different markers on the map and have different clear objectives. The Infested Stronghold pits you against Zombies, while Mercenary Strongholds pits you against Mercenary grunts.

All Stronghold Locations

Clear the Fortress

Modern Warfare 3 - Clear the Fortress
Once you obtain the Legacy Fortress Key, head to the Legacy Fortress located northwest of Popov Power and begin clearing the mercenaries in the area. Proceed with caution, as there are numerous mercenaries and a couple of helicopters patrolling around. It is highly recommended to eliminate the mercenaries first. When the area is clear, focus on destroying the helicopter before opening the Fortress.

Legacy Fortress Rewards

Tactical Negotiator Shotgun

Modern Warfare 3 - Tactical Negotiator
After defeating Legacy, a reward rift will open up containing the Tactical Negotiator. This shotgun features a Haymaker base and special attachments not available at the Gunsmith. This weapon has a passive ability that can ignite enemies with every shot, similar to Napalm Burst.

All Zombie Weapon Locations

3-Plate Armor Vest

Modern Warfare 3 - 3 Plate Armor Vest
Along with the Tactical Negotiator Shotgun, you will also find a 3-Plate Armor Vest, which gives you the ability to wear up to three armor plates, increasing your defense.

How to Get 3-Plate Armor Vests

Legacy Fortress Tips

Entering the Legacy Fortress

Take Down the Helicopter

Modern Warfare 3 - Take Down the Helicopter
Before opening the Legacy Fortress door, ensure that you eliminate all helicopters in the area to guarantee a safe exit from the Fortress. At least two helicopters patrol the skies, and taking them down can be challenging, especially if your weapon is not strong enough.

Consider eliminating the mercenaries near the watchtower, as some of them usually carry a rocket launcher. It is recommended that you steal this weapon to use against the helicopter if you need a stronger weapon.

Do Not Charge Inside

Modern Warfare 3 - Do Not Charge Inside
A couple of mercenaries will spawn inside and outside the Fortress as soon as you open the door. Try clearing out every corner of the room as much as possible and take down all incoming enemies in the area.

Avoid the Traps

Modern Warfare 3 - Destroy the Trap
As you enter the Fortress, you will notice numerous traps hidden throughout the area. One that stands out is the soldier dummy, which instantly flashbangs you if you shoot it. Practice trigger discipline and only shoot moving targets as you clear out rooms.

Stay With Your Squad

MW3 Zombies - Joining a Squad
Consider inviting your squad members to join you before tackling the Legacy Fortress, as facing it alone can be challenging due to the number of mercenaries you will have to face.

Zombies Squad Size and Squads Explained

Use Utility Items

Modern Warfare 3 - Use Utility Items
It is highly recommended that you use Lethal, Tactical, and Killstreak items, as they can help you clear the area from a safe distance and defend flanks as you push through the Fortress.

Take Your Time Against the Warlord

Modern Warfare 3 - How to Kill the Warlord
As you reach the final room of the Fortress, you will encounter the Warlord named Legacy. Take your time and slowly chip away at his health instead of engaging him head-on. He won't leave the room, so you can simply bombard him with Tactical and Lethal Items.

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1 Anonymousabout 1 year

I believe the note that legacy fortress is unavailable is misleading. It is available around 50% of the times. One time Legacy spawns one time Dokkaebi.


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