Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Pristine Mirror

The Pristine Mirror can be obtained by completing the obelisk found in Tile I8 during the Countermeasures Mission in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Learn how to get and what to do with the Pristine Mirror!

How to Get the Pristine Mirror

Complete Obelisk in Tile I8 During Countermeasures

You can obtain the Pristine Mirror by completing the challenge from the Obelisk found in Tile I8 during the Countermeasures Mission. The challenge would be to kill zombies in a small circle using 4 different Ammo Mods, namely the Napalm Burst, Cryo Freeze, Dead Wire, and Brain Rot.

Although it might sound simple enough, you'll be surrounded by a huge horde of zombies and will be fighting in a foggy area, which greatly limits your visibility.

Countermeasures Mission Walkthrough

Match Ammo Mods with the Shown Elements

Ammo Mod to Use Indication
Napalm Burst Ring and Obelisk is on fire
Cryo Freeze Ring is frozen by ice and Obelisk is emitting a blue aura
Dead Wire Ring and Obelisk is discharging lightning
Brain Rot Ring and Obelisk is producing a green smoke

Use the Ammo Mod that corresponds to the element shown in the obelisk and in the surrounding circle to complete the mission.

We highly recommend crafting and bringing Ammo Mods via schematics, as you'll only be provided with one of each Ammo Mod, which is suitable for a squad clear.

List of All Zombies Ammo Mods

What to Do With the Pristine Mirror

How to Use Pristine Mirror

Upgrade to Gold Rarity

MW3 Pristine Mirror

To be able to use the Pristine Mirror as a key, you must first upgrade them to Gold Rarity. Head to the Graveyard in I3, then interact with the tombstone with a mirror engraving on it, found in the northern section of the Graveyard. After offering the key there: the tower behind you will start radiating white energy and 4 Zombies will spawn.

Obtain Ammo Mods from graveyard tower

MW3 Zombies Pristine Mirror Ammo Mods

The 4 Zombies each have body effects that correspond to a different Ammo Mod and they can only be killed with a gun equipped with the respective Ammo Mod. Now, the tower behind you will drop 1 of each of the 4 ammo mods, so you can go up to it and claim the ammo mods there in order to defeat the Zombies. The last Zombie will drop the Gold Rarity Pristine Mirror.

Place on a Pedestal to Open the 2nd Dark Aether Rift

MW3 Zombies Pristine Mirror Rift Pedestal
After upgrading the Pristine Mirror into Gold Rarity, proceed to the 2nd Dark Aether Rift location. There, you'll find 4 pedestals that requires you to offer a key item on each of them.

The other keys you need are the Drum, Perforated Target, and Pristine Mirror.

Dark Aether Easter Egg Guide: How to Get All Keys

2nd Dark Aether Rift Location

MW3 Zombies 2nd Dark Aether Rift Location

The new Dark Aether Rift is found on tile G4 of the main Zombies Map, at the base of the cell tower in the Red Zone. Like the first Dark Aether Rift in Zombies Season 1, you'll need to obtain 4 keys to then put on the pedestals in front of the new Dark Aether Rift.

Unlike with the first Dark Aether Rift, the keys for the new Dark Aether Rift can all be found only within the Countermeasures Story Mission map.

Dark Aether Interactive Map

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Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

All Zombies Guides

Zombies Guides and Lists
Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
Zombies Weapons Crafting Schematics
Aetherium Challenges and Enemies
Zombies Perks Zombies Ammo Mods
Zombies Field Upgrades Zombies Gear
Contracts Zombies Power-Ups

Zombies Season 2 Guides

Zombies Season 2 Guides
Countermeasures Walkthrough What to Do With Drum
Tattered MMA Gloves Perforated Target
Pristine Mirror Keres Fortress
Containment Levels Mags of Holding


1 Anonymous11 months

When going for the pristine mirror. The ammo mods are provided for you, so save your inventory space. Also look at the ring circling the obelisk to know which one you need, looking at the obelisk can be unclear when telling what ammo mod to use.


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