Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best Marksman Rifles and Marksman Rifles List

This is a list of all Marksman Rifles in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn more about the stats of each Marksman Rifle and how to unlock them!

Best Marksman Rifles

  1. MCW 6.8: Most Accurate Marksman Rifle
  2. DM 56: Highest Ammo Capacity among Marksman Rifles
  3. MTZ Interceptor: Well-Balanced Stats; Great for Building Around with Attachments

MCW 6.8

Modern Warfare 3 - MCW 6.8

MCW 6.8 is the best Marksman Rifles due to its superb accuracy. When it comes to marksman rifles, accuracy is king and this weapon can surely hit an opponent from several feet away.

Once attached with a scope, it will further increase the accuracy to near perfection, making it the deadliest Marksman Rifle in MW3.

MCW 6.8 Best Loadout and Build


Modern Warfare 3 - DM56

The DM56 prides itself with having the highest ammo count in a single clip (20 Rounds), which makes it easier for players to pick off multiple enemies running around the battlefield.

Not only that, but the DM56's recoil isn't that hard to control, so you'll definitely be able to spam those bullets without experiencing that much gun kick.

DM56 Best Loadout and Build

MTZ Interceptor

Modern Warfare 3 - MTZ Interceptor

For players looking for a well-rounded Marksman Rifle, the MTZ Interceptor is our best pick as the stats are overall balanced, however, it doesn't really shine in any category.

Perhaps for those looking for a base Marksman Rifle to build attachments around on, the MTZ Interceptor is a great choice due to how grounded its default statline is.

MTZ Interceptor Best Loadout and Build

List of All Marksman Rifles

MW3 Marksman Rifles

Weapon Gun Info
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - MCW 6.8MCW 6.8 Base Round Capacity: 10
Reserve Ammo: 40
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 25.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - MTZ InterceptorMTZ Interceptor Base Round Capacity: 10
Reserve Ammo: 40
How to Unlock: Unlocked by default.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - KVD EnforcerKVD Enforcer Base Round Capacity: 10
Reserve Ammo: 40
How to Unlock: TBA
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - DM56DM56 Base Round Capacity: 20
Reserve Ammo: 60
How to Unlock: TBA
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Kar98kKar98k Base Round Capacity: 5
Reserve Ammo: 25
How to Unlock: Unlocked by completing Sector 5 of the Season 4 Battle Pass

There are 4 confirmed MW3 Marksman Rifles.

MW2 Marksman Rifles

Weapon Gun Info
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - EBR-14EBR-14 Base Round Capacity: 10
Reserve Ammo: 20
How to Unlock: Unlocked by default.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - SP-R 208SP-R 208 Base Round Capacity: 5
Reserve Ammo: 10
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 7.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Lockwood Mk2Lockwood Mk2 Base Round Capacity: 6
Reserve Ammo: 12
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 28.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - LM-SLM-S Base Round Capacity: 10
Reserve Ammo: 20
How to Unlock: Unlocked by leveling the Lachmann-762 to Level 17.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - TAQ-MTAQ-M Base Round Capacity: 10
Reserve Ammo: 30
How to Unlock: Unlocked by leveling the TAQ-56 to Level 20.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Tempus TorrentTempus Torrent Base Round Capacity: 20
Reserve Ammo: 60
How to Unlock: Get 25 double kills using a Marksman Rifle.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - CrossbowCrossbow Base Round Capacity: 1
Reserve Ammo: 11
How to Unlock: Complete all 7 challenges in the Path of the Ronin Event during Season 2.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - SA-B 50SA-B 50 Base Round Capacity: 10
Reserve Ammo: 20
How to Unlock: Unlocked by leveling the SP-R 208 to Level 13.

There are 8 confirmed MW2 Marksman Rifles that can be carried forward to Modern Warfare 3.

Carry Forward Explained

How to Use Marksman Rifles

Best Used at Mid-Range

Marksman Rifles are best used in mid-range firefights due to their ability to one-shot kill opponents at that range. Although they're still viable to use at long-range, they can't kill an enemy with a single shot at greater distances, unlike Sniper Rifles.

Equip a Magazine Attachment

Each Marksman Rifle comes with a low-ammo capacity by default, so try unlocking high-tier magazine attachments to boost the amount of ammo that they can carry in a single clip.

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1 Anonymousabout 1 year

This 'best marksman rifles' was clearly written by an AI. "Can hit things several feet away" I can spit that far.


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