Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Ray Gun Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 - Ray Gun Schematics Banner

Ray Gun schematics are obtained via Contracts in the High Threat Zone in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn where you can get Ray Gun schematics and if you can exfil with the Ray Gun!

How to Get Ray Gun Schematics

Complete Contracts in the High Threat Zone

MW3 Ray Gun Schematics
You can obtain the Ray Gun Schematic by completing Contracts in the High Threat Zone and opening the Reward Rift at the end.

The Ray Gun Plans are not guaranteed to drop, and there is only a small chance for it to spawn. In our experience, we obtained the Ray Gun Plans through the Eliminate the Bounty High Threat Zone contract, specifically.

Zombies Interactive Map

Exfil With the Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 - Ray Gun
If you successfully Exfil with the Ray Gun Schematics, it will be consumed instantly, granting you access to the Ray Gun in the Schematic Crafting screen under the Wonder Weapons tab. This enables you to craft a Ray Gun Weapon Case, which you can use to spawn a Ray Gun in the game.

How to Get All Crafting Schematics

Schematic Crafting Cooldown

Modern Warfare 3 - Schematics Cooldown
Crafting a Ray Gun Weapon Case has a 48-hour cooldown. Unlike insured weapons, you cannot reduce the cooldown time of Schematic Crafting, and you have to wait for the full duration before being able to craft it again.

Insured Slots and Contraband Explained

Can You Exfil with the Ray Gun?

Acquire Ray Gun Weapon Case

MW3 Zombies - Wonder Weapon Case

The only way to exfil the Ray Gun is if you acquire a Ray Gun Weapon Case. Once the Weapon Case is opened, you cannot put the Ray Gun back inside and you will have to either drop it or use it in your current run.

Weapon Cases can be obtained inside Reward Rifts in the Mid and High Treat Zones.

How to Get and Exfil Wonder Weapons

Ray Gun Will Be Converted Without Weapon Case

Modern Warfare 3 - Exfiltrating An Equipped Wonder Weapon
Exfiltrating an equipped Ray Gun will automatically convert it to 400 Bonus XP. The game prevents you from having contraband Wonder Weapons, as the rarity of all Contraband Weapons automatically becomes Common.

How to Exfil

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