Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get All Classified Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 - How to Get Classified Schematics

Classified Schematics are items obtained from the Elder Dark Aether in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn how to get the Dog Bone, Aether Blade, Golden Armor Plate, Blood Burner Keys, and Mag of Holding, as well as how to use these classified schematics!

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Crafting Schematics Classified Schematics Schematic Exchange Board

List of All Classified Schematics

All Classified Schematics

Schematic Effect Cooldown
Disciple BottleDisciple Bottle Spawns a Friendly Disciple 48 Hours
Grenade BandolierGrenade Bandolier Resupply Lethal and Tactical equipment over time. 48 Hours
Dog Bone IconDog Bone Spawns a Friendly Hellhound 48 Hours
Golden Armor Plate IconGolden Armor Plate Repairs Armor Plates Over Time 48 Hours
Aether Blade Case IconAether Blade Case Throwable Knife with Infinite Ammo 48 Hours
Blood Burner Keys IconBlood Burner Keys Summons the Blood Burner, a Driveable Motorcycle 48 Hours
Mag of Holding IconMag of Holding Removes the Need to Reload 48 Hours
SergeantSergeant's Beret Disguise yourself as a Mercenary and summon an ally soldier. 48 Hours
Dead Wire Detonator Schematic IconDead Wire Detonators Adds Dead Wire Ammo Mod effect to all explosive weapons. 48 Hours
Golden Mask Filter Schematic IconGolden Mask Filter Self-regenerates Gas Masks 48 Hours
Stash Increase Increases stash size to 30. -

How to Get All Classified Schematics

You can obtain all Classified Schematics by completing Contracts in the Elder Dark Aether, which is a version of the Dark Aether that has been opened with an Elder Sigil.

  1. Use a Sigil to Enter the Dark Aether
  2. Obtain Elder Sigils from Dark Aether Contracts
  3. Use Elder Sigil to Enter Dark Aether
  4. Obtain Classified Schematics from Contracts

Enter the Dark Aether

To enter the Dark Aether Rift, you will need to activate it with four Keys then use a Sigil to open a portal to the Dark Aether. The island that houses this portal structure can be found to the south of the Red Zone in the regular Urzikstan map.

Note: You only need the four keys the first time you enter the Dark Aether.

How to Enter Dark Aether Rift

Obtain Elder Sigils from Dark Aether Contracts

Modern Warfare 3 - Elder Sigil

Once you've entered the Dark Aether, start completing Contracts to obtain Elder Sigils. The Contracts cannot be seen in the Tac-Map but have set locations around the area. Once you've obtained an Elder Sigil, Exfil from the Dark Aether to keep it for your next Zombies match.

All Dark Aether Contract Locations

Use Elder Sigil to Enter Dark Aether

Modern Warfare 3 - Used to Open Elder Dark Aether Rifts
Bring the Elder Sigil you obtained into the next Zombies match. You will once again need to collect four Keys to activate the Dark Aether Rift but this time use the Elder Sigil on the other side of the portal.

How to Get Elder Sigils

Obtain Classified Schematics from Dark Aether Contracts

Modern Warfare 3 - Golden Plate Armor in Reward Rift.png

Classified Schematics
Dog Bone Aether Blade Golden Armor Plate
Blood Burner Keys Mag of Holding Sergeant's Beret
Dead Wire Detonators Disciple Bottle Grenade Bandolier
Stash Increase - -

Finally, complete more Dark Aether Contracts in the Elder Dark Aether to get a chance to obtain Classified Schematics from reward rifts. These are not guaranteed drops.

Note: The Elder Dark Aether is a more difficult version of the Dark Aether with much stronger enemies, so make sure you've fully kitted out with Pack-A-Punch level 3 and Legendary rarity weapons.

How to Use Classified Schematics

Exfil With the Schematics

Dark Aether Exfil Portal

If you successfully Exfil with the Classified Schematics, they will be consumed instantly, allowing you to craft the items in the Schematic Crafting screen under the Classified tab.

Note: To Exfil from the Dark Aether, you must find an Exfil portal located under the central fortress or on the fortress' rooftop.

Dark Aether Exfil Locations

What are Classified Schematics?

Golden Armor Plate Repairs Over Time

Modern Warfare 3 - Golden Armor Plate View

Using the Golden Armor Plate in a Zombies match replaces your current Armor Carrier with Golden Armor Plates that automatically fill up and repair themselves over time.

The amount of armor plates you have is still dependent on the current Armor Vest you're equipped with. Obtain a 3-Plate Armor Vest to get the full use of the Golden Plate Armor.

How to Get Golden Armor Plate Schematic

Aether Blade is a Throwable Knife with Infinite Ammo

Modern Warfare 3 - Aether Blade

The Aether Blade is a type of Lethal Equipment that you can throw as a projectile weapon and never runs out of ammo. After hitting an enemy, the Aether Blade finds another nearby enemy to hit before returning to you.

How to Get Aether Blade Schematic

Dog Bone Summons a Hell Hound Ally

Modern Warfare 3 - Dog Bone

Using the Dog Bone in a Zombies match will summon the strongest Hell Hound in the game that will follow you and attack nearby enemies.

How to Get Dog Bone Schematic

Blood Burner Keys Spawns a Motorcycle

Modern Warfare 3 - Blood Burner Key

Consuming the Blood Burner Keys will spawn the Blood Burner, a driveable motorcycle that can be used both on land and water. Unlike other vehicles, the Blood Burner cannot be destroyed and does not run out of gas.

How to Get Blood Burner Key Schematic

Mag of Holding Removes Need to Reload

Modern Warfare 3 - Bypass Reloading

The Mag of Holding bypasses the need to reload, letting you shoot your weapon continuously until you run out of reserved ammo.

How to Get Mags of Holding Schematics

Sergeant's Beret Disguises You as a Mercenary

The Sergeant's Beret lets you disguise yourself as a Mercenary, therefore hostile mercenaries will not shoot you on sight. It also summons an ally soldier to fight alongside you.

How to Get Sergeant's Beret Schematic

Dead Wire Detonators Adds Electricity Effect to Explosive Weapons

The Dead Wire Detonators adds the Dead Wire Ammo Mod effect to all explosive weapons, including Lethals and Launchers. Detonating these explosive armaments on your enemies electrocutes them.

How to Get Dead Wire Detonators Schematic

Golden Mask Filter Allows Gas Masks to Self-Regenerate

The Golden Mask Filter allows your equipped gas mask to self-regenerate its consumed charges over time. This removes the issue of having to constantly repair gas masks at ammo caches after doing in-game activities where a gas mask is required like cleansing Infested Strongholds.

How to Get Golden Mask Filter

Disciple Bottle Summons a Disciple Ally

The Disciple Bottle allows you to summon one friendly Disciple to help you in combat. Disciples will attack zombies at a range while in the air and will be useful attracting zombies away from a player.

How to Get Discple Bottle

Grenade Bandolier Refreshes Lethal and Tactical Equipment

The Grenade Bandolier enables you to restock your Lethal and Tactical equipment over time while out in the field. This is useful for preventing you from running out of valuable throwables such as Decoy Grenades.

How to Get Grenade Bandolier

Stash Increase Turns Stash Size from 20 to 30

Stash Increase will add 10 more stash slots to your existing 20-slot stash capacity, enabling you to store more acquired and crafted items for later deployments.

How to Get Stash Increase

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode

Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

All Zombies Guides

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Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
Zombies Weapons Crafting Schematics
Aetherium Challenges and Enemies
Zombies Perks Zombies Ammo Mods
Zombies Field Upgrades Zombies Gear
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Schematics Guides

Classified Schematics
Mag of Holding IconMag of Holding Blood Burner Keys IconBlood Burner Keys
Golden Armor Plate IconGolden Armor Plate Modern Warfare 3 - Dog Bone IconDog Bone
Aether Blade Case IconAether Blade Case SergeantSergeant's Beret
Dead Wire Detonator Schematic IconDead Wire Detonators Golden Mask Filter IconGolden Mask Filter
Disciple BottleDisciple Bottle Grenade BandolierGrenade Bandolier
Stash Increase -


2 Anonymous10 months

Hey what's up, you have any luck? Someone has been helping me and after going into the aether rifts multiple times, I still haven't gotten any classified schematics, and I'm still looking for pack 3 crystal and legendary so I can craft them. My game has crashed more than anything lately and I haven't gotten anything good out of reward rifts. Now, a friend has been able to get most of the classifieds to craft but I haven't gotten any. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what.

1 Anonymous12 months

Am trying to get all of the classified schematic. I just got the game and I would like to play to get these classified schematic. Who playing this on PS4 or ps5. Psn names


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