Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Frozen Tundra Mission Walkthrough

Frozen Tundra is a campaign mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on for a complete walkthrough of Frozen Tundra including tips for beating the mission and rewards.

Frozen Tundra Walkthrough and Objectives

Frozen Tundra Objectives

  1. Escort Shepherd to the Transport
  2. Escort Shepherd to Secondary Rally Point
  3. Eliminate the Enemy Snipers
  4. Regroup with Farah
  5. Fight Through the Shipyard

Frozen Tundra Mission Walkthrough

Detonate the C4 explosives as soon as the convoy arrives at the frozen ice lake.
Swim towards the vehicle where the prisoner is in and break open the windows to pull him out. You and the rest of Task Force 141 would be surprised to find out that prisoner is General Shepherd himself.
Proceed through the forest with the rest of your team and Shepherd while keeping out of sight from enemy soldiers patrolling the area. If a patrol comes near you and your squad, stay low and let them pass through.
Eliminate the sniper hiding behind the trees. Remember to stay behind cover and only peek out to take the shot once you've confirmed his location.
You'll come across a group of soldiers searching a vehicle and a few cloaked snipers up ahead. You can either take them out or quietly sneak past them by hugging the tree-line.
Fight your way through the Lumberyard. You can use the logs as cover if ever you find yourself low on health. You can also enter one of the buildings and snipe down enemies running out in the open.
Regroup with Farah and head down the shipyard. Use your thermal scope to locate enemies as the fog will become thicker here.
Meet up with Ghost and defend the exfil point from incoming hostiles while waiting for the chopper. There's an RPG inside a destroyed boat for you to use on enemy armored vehicles.

▶ Next Mission: Gora Dam

Frozen Tundra Rewards

Completion Reward

Mission Rewards
MW3 Frozen Tundra Reward Skull Raphsody Calling CardSkull Raphsody Calling Card

Campaign Rewards and Length


Bronze Trophy.png Snow Angel
G: 15
Execute the forest sniper in Frozen Tundra with a takedown

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

Frozen Tundra Mission Info

Mission Details

Frozen Tundra
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Frozen Tundra
Synopsis 141 ambushes Makarov's Convoy in the frozen tundra of Sibera.
Location Siberia, Russia
Date & Time 14 November 2023 0930
Playable Character John Price
Team TF-141, CIA, ULF

Frozen Tundra Previous and Next Mission

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Highrise Gora Dam

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Modern Warfare 3 Campaign

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# Mission Rewards
1 Operation 627 ・ Breather Calling Card
2 Precious Cargo ・ 30 Minutes XP Token
・ 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
3 Reactor ・ Corso Operator
4 Payload ・ Ghillie Guy Calling Card
5 Deep Cover ・ 30 Minutes XP Token
・ 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
6 Passenger No Rewards
7 Crash Site ・ Pathfinder Operator
8 Flashpoint ・ Toxic Drip Calling Card
9 Oligarch ・ 1 Hour XP Token
・ 1 Hour Weapon XP Token
10 Highrise ・ Doc Operator
11 Frozen Tundra ・ Skull Raphsody Calling Card
12 Gora Dam ・ 1 Hour XP Token
・ 1 Hour Weapon XP Token
13 Danger Close ・ Jabber Operator
14 Trojan Horse ・ Brogue Weapon Blueprint
・ Soapy Emblem

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