Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Dokkaebi Fortress Location and Rewards

MW3 Dokkaebi Fortress

The Dokkaebi Warlord is found on top of the skyscraper in D8 in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies (MW3). Learn the Dokkaebi Fortress' location, how to beat the Dokkaebi Warlord, and the Dokkaebi Warlord rewards.

Fortress Guides
Keres Fortress Dokkaebi Fortress Legacy Fortress

Dokkaebi Rewards

Mediator Weapon Blueprint and Random Gear

Dokkaebi Rewards

The Dokkaebi Warlord drops The Mediator, which is a Weapon Blueprint of the KVD Enforcer Semi-Auto Rifle. This is a set drop every time you defeat her.

Dokkaebi also drops a secondary gear items, such as Rucksacks, Gas Masks, and Armor Vests.

All Zombie Weapon Locations

Dokkaebi Fortress Location

On Top of Skyscraper in D8

The Dokkaebi Fortress is located at the top of the skyscraper in Zaravan City in cell D8 in Urzikstan.

Like the Legacy Fortress, you'll need a Dokkaebi Fortress Keycard to access it. You can get the Dokkaebi Fortress Keycard from safes in Mercenary Strongholds. The Dokkaebi Fortress Keycard can not be exfiled but it can carry over to new matches via Tombstone Soda.

How to Get Stronghold Keycards Fast

Need to take the elevator to ascend building

The only way to get to the top of the building is via the elevator on the ground floor. Previously, you could get to the top of the building via the ascenders on the cranes beside the skyscraper, but those have been boarded up as of Season 1 Reloaded.

Zombies Interactive Map

Warlord Rotation Now Active

Because there are multiple Warlords on the map, there is a rotation of what Fortresses are active in a given game. When all Warlord Fortresses are active, then it'll depend on RNG on which Warlord Fortress will appear when you log into a game.

When a new Warlord is added, that Fortress is the only Warlord Location active for about a week before it then becomes a randomized pool of which Warlord spawns in your game.

How to Find Dokkaebi

Dokkaebi Fortress Walkthrough

# Dokkaebi Fortress Walkthrough
Take the Elevator on the ground floor

Use the elevator on the ground floor to make your way up the skyscraper. Simply call on the elevator and interact with the buttons inside to go up.
Use the Keycard to unlock the Fortress

Use the Dokkaebi Fortress Keycard to unlock the fortress and start the raid. You will encounter several Bomb Drones, which are consistently spawning around the fortress, as soon as you walk inside, so be careful!
Go right and clear the area

There will be several soldiers and a Sentry Gun guarding the first area. Make sure to take them all out before going to the next area as you will be returning to this area once you start the Boss Fight against Dokkaebi.
Enter the room and go down through the stairs

Look for a small room at the corner to get to the next area. You will face more enemies below and be sure to eliminate them to reduce the threat in the area.
Cross the bridge and go up

Go to the opposite side where you go down the stairs and follow the path until you see the bridge. It will be guarded by soldiers with Riot Shields and a Sentry Gun, so be sure to bring some explosives to get past them easily.

Wonder Weapons like the Ray Gun or the Wunderwaffe DG-2 are great weapons to use against them!
6 Modern Warfare 3 - Passing through bridge
Follow the path to see Dokkaebi

You should be able to see Dokkaebi after coming up and passing through a few doors. She won't fight you there and instead use the drones to fly east to near the entrance of the bridge. Expect soldiers to continuously spawn all over the area after facing Dokkaebi on this part!
Follow Dokkaebi

You can get to Dokkaebi fast by jumping off the window slightly northeast. You can spot her easily as she has Bomb Drones surrounding her. She will escape again for the last time and end up in the first area you cleared.

If you're lucky, she might glitch out and won't be able to leave, giving you a chance to hit her freely!
Defeat Dokkaebi

Fight and defeat Dokkaebi in the last area to clear the fortress and get your rewards!

How to Defeat Dokkaebi

Take Out All Enemies as You Go

Modern Warfare 3 - Clearing the First Area
Eliminate all enemies and threats, such as Soldiers, Bomb Drones, and Sentry Guns, in the area to ensure you have an easier time getting to and fighting Dokkaebi. They won't spawn back until you reach and see Dokkaebi for the first time, so defeating them as you go would be the best choice.

Note that only the Bomb Drones and Soldiers will continuously spawn in the area after finding Dokkaebi, but not the Sentry Guns.

Follow Dokkaebi Two Times

Modern Warfare 3 - Dokkaebi First Encounter
Dokkaebi won't fight you and leave immediately as soon as you get to her location. Follow her twice until you end up on the first area in the fortress.

You can try shooting her but you won't deal as much damage, not unless you shoot and destroy the Bomb Drones swirling around her.

(Optional) Use Scorcher to Follow Dokkaebi

The fastest way to follow Dokkaebi is to use the Scorcher to also fly in the air. It is entirely optional, but it would make your hunt a lot faster!

How to Get and Exfil The Scorcher

Shoot the Bomb Drones Surrounding Dokkaebi

Modern Warfare 3 - Destroy Dokkaebi Bomb Drones
The Bomb Drones flying around Dokkaebi can deal significant damage against Dokkaebi and other enemies nearby. It's one of the efficient ways to defeat Dokkaebi if you don't have your weapons Pack-a-Punched or upgraded.

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Dokkaebi Fortress Location -


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