Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Countermeasures Mission Walkthrough

MW3 Zombies - Countermeasures Mission Walkthrough
Countermeasures is the second Act 4 mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to see the objectives, rewards, and a full walkthrough for Countermeasures!

Countermeasures Walkthrough

Countermeasures Objectives

Investigate the Anomaly
Go to the Dark Aether Rift located in Zone F4, which is around the northwestern part of the High Threat Zone. It should be marked on your Tac-Map with an exfil icon with a star.
Enter the Dark Aether
Interact with the Dark Aether Rift to enter the Dark Aether area and begin the mission. If you're in a squad, every member should vote "yes" via the Tac-Map to be able to enter the rift.

Once the required number of votes is reached, a 10-second countdown will ensue, and your whole squad will then be transported to the Dark Aether.
Investigate the Nearby Distress Signal
After arriving at the Dark Aether, proceed to the second floor of a nearby building, where a distress signal was sent by another squad.
Escort the ACV
Escort the ACV towards Fletcher's location together with the remaining Terminus agents. Similar to a normal Escort Contract, there would be zombies spawning in different directions, so make sure you're prepared to take them on.
Investigate the Source of the Interferance
An unknown signal will stop the ACV in the middle of escorting it. In a nearby carnival, you should be able to see and approach a pulsating light post. Getting close enough should spawn a unique Mimic that you can kill to stop the signal interference.
Rescue Fletcher
After getting the ACV back on, continue escorting it until you reach the Mall where Fletcher is. Here, you'll have to destroy 15 Infected Spores to be able to rescue Fletcher. Most of these spores are found near the staircases or hanging from the ceiling.

We recommend taking the Death Perception perk in order to be able to highlight nearby spore locations. It's also best to bring a Gas Mask in order to mitigate spore damage. If you don't have one equipped, you'll also find an abundance of them inside the Mall.
Escort Terminus to the Anomaly Site
After clearing the Mall, simply go back to the ACV and wait for Fletcher to arrive. You'll then proceed to escort the ACV to the Anomaly Site.
Activate the PND
Activate the PND located at the Anomaly site. This will trigger an Outlast Contract where you'll have to stay within the environment of the PND while killing approaching zombies.
Defeat Krawvir
After completing the Outlast Contract, Fletcher's true intentions are revealed. He betrays you and the squad by leaving everyone in the Dark Aether to fight Krawvir.

Krawvir in simple terms, is an empowered Mangler. You should be able to easily deal with him by moving around in a circle and shooting when you're at a distance. We also recommend using weapons with innately high explosive power or using Napalm Burst or Shatter Blast Ammo Mods to deal more damage.

Defeating Krawvir will spawn you a Reward Rift where you'll be able to obtain the Drum, which is a key item to unlocking the new Dark Aether area.
▶︎ What to Do With the Drum

Countermeasures Rewards

Bad Signal Rewards
MW3 Zombies - Monkey Business.pngMonkey Business 1000XP

List of All Charms

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All Zombies Acts 1 to 4 Missions

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Most Firepower Paint the Target
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Closing Time Spring Cleaning
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Bad Signal Countermeasures
Union Ascension (Story Mission)


3 Anonymousabout 1 year

Random thought, bp50 legendary, pack 3, just stomped that map. But be prepared, grab death percep.. so much easier to find wall pimples(infested)

2 Anonymousabout 1 year

Don't know how many meteorites, I'm assuming based off past zombies.


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