Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Precious Cargo Mission Walkthrough - All Weapon and Item Locations

Precious Cargo is a campaign mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on for a Precious Cargo map, to learn all 21 weapon and item locations, and for a complete walkthrough for the Precious Cargo mission and Floater achievement.

All Precious Cargo Weapon and Item Locations

Precious Cargo Map and All 21 Item Locations

All Precious Cargo Weapon and Item Locations
  1. Recon Drone (Field Equipment) - Inside a container, underneath a yellow crane.
  2. MTZ-556 (Assault Rifle) - Inside a container, east of the starting point.
  3. Silenced WSP Swarm (SMG) - Inside a container, east of the starting point.
  4. Heartbeat Sensor (Field Equipment) - Inside a container to the southwest.
  5. Silenced Expedite 12 (Shotgun) - Inside a container that's stacked on top of another container.
  6. RGL-80 (Grenade Launcher) - Inside a room on the second floor of the ship's control bridge.
  7. KVD Enforcer (Sniper Rifle) - Inside a room on the second floor of the ship's control bridge.
  8. Explosive Victus XMR (Sniper Rifle) - Along a catwalk, on top of a tower.
  9. Munitions Box (Field Equipment) - In a garage of the southeastern building
  10. Silenced ISO Hemlock (Assault Rifle) - Inside a small office building on the easternmost part of the map.
  11. Pulemyot 762 (LMG) - Inside a room at the third floor of the southeastern building.
  12. 556 Icarus (LMG) - Inside a workshop building, south of the map.
  13. Bas-B (Battle Rifle) - On top of the containers.
  14. GS Magna (Handgun) - Beside some small crates, surrounded by containers.
  15. Hybrid-STB-556 (Assault Rifle) - Inside an office room of the building at the center of the map.
  16. Incendiary Bryson 800 (Shotgun) - Inside a room to the left of the ship's control bridge.
  17. PILA (Launcher) - On the roof of the small office building on the southern area of the map.
  18. Silenced Rival-9 (SMG) - On top of the containers. Climb up on top of the yellow crane, then drop down to get here.
  19. RPK (LMG) - Inside a room at the third floor of the southeastern building.
  20. Signal 50 (Sniper Rifle) - Along a catwalk, on top of the yellow crane to the northeast.
  21. Snapshot Pulse (Field Equipment) - Inside a workshop building, south of the map.

All Plate Carrier Upgrade Locations

Signal 50 Location

Signal 50 Map Location
World View Location

The Signal 50 is located on top of the yellow crane on the northeast area of the map, just south of the ship. Use one of the ladders of the crane to climb up there and open the supply box along the catwalk to obtain the sniper rifle.

Signal 50 Best Loadout and Build

Precious Cargo Walkthrough and Objectives

Precious Cargo Objectives

  1. Access Shadow Company Arms Shipment
  2. Acquire GPS Trackers from the Ships
  3. Retrieve Manifest from Harbor Tower Building
  4. Plant GPS Trackers on Missile Containers.

Precious Cargo Mission Walkthrough

1. Access Shadow Company Arms Shipment

1 The Arms Shipment is located in a container to the east of the mission's starting point. This will be marked on your Tac-Map, so head over there and open the container doors.
2 Inside you'll find two supply crates containing an MTZ-556 assault rifle and a Silenced WSP Swarm SMG, as well as a parachute and several armor plates.

Be sure to take everything to arm yourself with weapons for self-defence.

2. Acquire GPS Trackers from the Ships

1 Go to the ship on the northern area of the map. Grab the Ascender located on top of the crates near the rope beside the ship.
2 Use the Ascender on the ropes to board the ship and go to the ship's control deck located to your right.
3 Keep following the hallway until you reach the control room and then grab the GPS Trackers on the desk.

3. Retrieve Manifest from Harbor Tower Building

1 Head to the 3rd Floor of the building on the southeast corner. You'll find the manifest sitting on a desk in the executive's office room.

4. Plant GPS Trackers on Missile Containers

1 Use the ladders to get on top of both the yellow cranes. Once on top, approach the missile container marked by your objective marker and plant the GPS Tracker when prompted.

Precious Cargo Rewards

Completion Reward

Mission Rewards
MW3 Precious Cargo Reward 30 Minutes XP Token30 Minutes XP Token MW3 Precious Cargo Reward 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token30 Minutes Weapon XP Token

Campaign Rewards and Length


Bronze Trophy.png Dialed In
G: 15
Customize your loadout in every Open Combat Mission
Bronze Trophy.png Floater
G: 15
Parachute off a Gantry Crane onto the roof of the Harbormaster's Building in Precious Cargo

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

How to Get Precious Cargo Floater Achievement

How to Parachute off a Gantry Crane

Follow the steps below in order to parachute off a Gantry Crane onto the Harbormaster's Building.

The Harbormaster's Building is located near the southeast corner of the map. Go to this Gantry Crane west of it—specifically by the stand that we are facing in the picture..
At the bottom of the Gantry Crane, there's an Ascender rope by some blue crates. Use it to Ascend to the top of the Gantry Crane quickly. (If you haven't obtained the Ascender yet, it's found near the Ascender rope by the ship at the north part of the map.)
Cross to the other side of the Gantry Crane, then sprint towards the Harbormaster Building from here. Jump off the crane and press the jump button again to deploy the parachute. Aim for the ledge of the Harbormaster's Building, so that you can mantle yourself on top of it. Doing so will get you the Floater Achievement.

Precious Cargo Mission Info

Mission Details

Precious Cargo
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Precious Cargo
Synopsis Farah and the ULF prepare to to receive a secret arms shipment at a port in Urzikstan.
Location North Port - Urzikstan
Date & Time 10 November 2023 0600
Playable Character Farah Karim
Team Ulf, Shadow

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Operation 627 Reactor

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# Mission Rewards
1 Operation 627 ・ Breather Calling Card
2 Precious Cargo ・ 30 Minutes XP Token
・ 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
3 Reactor ・ Corso Operator
4 Payload ・ Ghillie Guy Calling Card
5 Deep Cover ・ 30 Minutes XP Token
・ 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
6 Passenger No Rewards
7 Crash Site ・ Pathfinder Operator
8 Flashpoint ・ Toxic Drip Calling Card
9 Oligarch ・ 1 Hour XP Token
・ 1 Hour Weapon XP Token
10 Highrise ・ Doc Operator
11 Frozen Tundra ・ Skull Raphsody Calling Card
12 Gora Dam ・ 1 Hour XP Token
・ 1 Hour Weapon XP Token
13 Danger Close ・ Jabber Operator
14 Trojan Horse ・ Brogue Weapon Blueprint
・ Soapy Emblem

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1 Anonymousover 1 year

Thank you so much precious cargo level was giving me headache. Could not of done the last one on the ship below without you.


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