Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

List of All Arms

Arm attachments are unique to the Crossbow, allowing you to modify its damage and handling in Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on for a full list of all Arm attachments in MW3 and learn how to equip Arms for the Crossbow, in-game.

List of All Arms

Attachment How to Unlock
Carbon Elite V3 ・Get the Crossbow to Level 12
Quill XE 100 lb ・Get the Crossbow to Level 15
SO Momenti ・Get the Crossbow to Level 9
Thunder 200 lb ・Get the Crossbow to Level 5

How to Equip Arms

Unlock the Crossbow in MW3

Arm attachments are unique to the Crossbow. Make sure to unlock this unique weapon first in order to access Arm attachments. If you have the Crossbow unlocked in MW2, it should carry forward to MW3. If you do not have MW2, there will be a related challenge to unlock it in the newer title.

Equip an Arm via the Gunsmith After Unlocking the Arm Slot

Before you can equip an Arm attachment for the Crossbow, you will first need to unlock its Arms Slot. To unlock this attachment slot, you will need to earn Weapon XP for your chosen gun by using it in MW3 multiplayer matches, Zombies, or Warzone.

Once you have both the Arm Slot and a compatible arm attachment unlocked for your Crossbow, you can customize your weapon and add the new crossbow arm via the Gunsmith.

What are Crossbow Arms?

Crossbow Attachment to Modify Damage and Handling

Unique to the Crossbow, this attachment allows you to modify this weapon to prioritize either damage and range or mobility and handling. Naturally, this is dictated by the multiplayer mode you favor when playing (small MW3 multiplayer matches vs. larger modes like Ground War and Warzone).

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Attachments

List of All Attachments

Attachment Types in MW3

Attachments By Type
Barrel Stock Ammunition Muzzle
Rear Grip Optic Underbarrel Magazine
Receiver Laser Comb Trigger Action
Guard Bolt Arm Rail
Carry Handle Lever Loader Wire
Conversion Kit


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