Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Interceptor Walkthrough - How to Destroy Mercenary Convoy

Modern Warfare 3 - Mercenary Truck Convoy Banner
The Mercenary Convoy is a group of three moving cars in Zombies mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn how to find and destroy Mercenary Convoys and how to complete the Interceptory mission.

How to Find Mercenary Convoy

Look for Group of 3 Trucks on Main Roads

The Mercenary Truck Convoy spawns randomly along main roads. Look for a group of three car icons moving around the map in order to find the Mercenary Convoy.

If you see a lone, individual Armored Truck moving along the main road, that is not the Mercenary Truck Convoy. It has to be a group of three Armored Trucks.

You only need to destroy one for the Act 1 Intereptor mission. After destroying the mercenary vehicle, you'll find the Mercenary Stronghold Keycard nearby. Pick it up to complete the mission.

Mercenary Stronghold Keycard Appears On Tac Map

Modern Warfare 3 - Mercenary Truck Convoy Keycard Location
If you forgot to pick up the Mercenary Stronghold Keycard after destroying the truck, you will be able to see its exact location on the Tac Map.

Find a Vehicle to Look for the Convoy

Modern Warfare 3 - Mercenary Truck Convoy Find a Vehicle
Look for any vehicle that you can use to roam around the map while you look for the mercenary truck convoy. Vehicles are marked on the Tac-Map with light green icons shaped as the type of vehicle that's found at that location. This will save you a lot of time instead of moving around the map on foot.

How to Destroy Mercenary Convoy

Group Up With Your Squad

Modern Warfare 3 - Mercenary Truck Convoy Group Up With Your Squad
Since mercenaries are a lot more difficult to deal with compared to regular zombies, it is best that you group up with your squad before facing them.

Squad Finder Message Board

Look for Cover During the Fight

Modern Warfare 3 - Mercenary Truck Convoy Find Cover
Try to find cover instead of fighting Mercenaries head-on. Unlike regular zombies, these mercenaries use guns, and they can instantly kill you if you are not careful.

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Hostile Takeover Chaperone
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Exterminator Shepherd
Two Factor Authentication Firestarter
Ghosted Alternate Current
Most Firepower Paint the Target
Crash and Burn Storm the Castle
Closing Time Spring Cleaning
Holdout Defeat Zakhaev
Bad Signal Countermeasures
Union Ascension (Story Mission)


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